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I turn 20 IN 3 hours, but I want to leave some parting advice of things I’ve learnt through my teenage years.

As the title says I’m turning 20 years old. I have learned a lot being a teenager, it’s the prime of our lives, it’s where we finish secondary school, get our first part-time job, choose a university, or leave school and get a full-time job. Personally, I have learnt a lot, most of it is from my own experiences but I wish someone else had told me earlier on before I found out for myself. I wouldn’t say I’m leaving this sub forever; I’ll give myself the “old” tag and give advice where I think I could be of help. I would still like to write the bulk of what I’ve learned here to help you. 1. I see a lot of posts about mental health and suicide and you need to know it’s okay not to be okay. Help is out there I love helping people I enjoy it, so please message me if you need help. I to have felt depressed at times, one major thing about me is that I care too much about what people think about me, if someone has a problem I want to know why. If you’re like this too learn to let things roll of your back and ignore them. 2. Stop worrying about relationships at 13 to 16 years old, at the time of writing this I haven’t had a girlfriend yet nor anything even close, nothing lasted more than a night 2 days at the most. We will all find someone at some point. I have thought about losing my virginity to a prostitute, it might fun, and I shouldn’t regret it, but I probably would. 3. Do well in school, one of my biggest regrets is being too busy trying to be the funny popular guy trying to be everyone’s friend, I failed at both having a huge circle of friends and failed school as well. 4. Your school grades don’t define who you are. There are plenty of options for you to take and still do what you want to do but doing as well as you can in school will make doing what you want easier. 5. Get a part time job once you are old enough. Even if it a volunteer job it will give you much needed work experience that will help you eventually get a paid job. Also looks good on a university application. Try and avoid customer service for your first! 6. Save up your money. I understand once you start working you might be tempted to spend your money on new games or PC upgrades I know I was, and that’s ok, it’s nice to treat ourselves every so often, however even putting just £50 aside each month into a savings account will help massively for when you wish to buy a car, pay for university or pay for when you decide to go on holiday with friends after you finish school and help you get a property for when you wish to move out. 7. If you know what to do you could invest your money in stocks, I wish I’d known to do that sooner, if you can invest £100 each month into shares over a few months or years your portfolio will grow and hopefully if you bought the right shares could make some sweet profit. 8. Carrying on from number 3. Use this time while you’re still at home to travel, I live in the UK so after we did A levels (I did engineering Btec) after saving up for about 2 years my friends and I were able to go interrailing (backpacking as the Americans call it!) through Europe for 4 weeks. But only do this with friends that you know you can have fun with. The people I went with didn’t enjoy going out to clubs and getting drunk as much as I do, so I wish I had gone with people I could do that with. 9. if it, it’s too good to be true it usually is 10. your Parents don’t always know best, if you want to follow a career path and your parents don’t agree do it, you will regret it. Thankfully I have parents that support me in whatever I do, but I know people that do. 11. Don’t hang around people who aren’t your friends. Fake people are the worst people, people like this will uses you, manipulate you and lie to you. 12. It is ok to have no friends, there is a difference between being alone and being lonely. Eventually you will find a small social crowds with whom you will do everything with. 13. As Chris Gardner once said Plan B and C are rubbish, stick to your plan A and you will succeed. 14. People don’t always change; some do I am completely different now than 2 years ago. But some people I was at school with are the same, they are the same dickhead who likes to be funny by putting others down, people like that are stuck in their own little world to scared to realize that they have been left behind due to still being immature. 15. As I said in 11 and 4 if you don’t have fun you will regret it, I promise you, one of the friends I went with told me he regrets not smoking weed in Amsterdam or getting drunk on £1 beers in Budapest and wants to go again to have the experience he didn’t. Life is fun enjoy it while you can. 16. You will probably have that night where you go to a party or a night out in town where you’ll drink too much and get beyond the point of wasted, at the time you’ll feel like shit and regret it but after time for me it was a year it becomes something you and your friends laugh at especially when they tell you all the things you can’t remember. 17. “In game theory, it serves you to be two-faced. Be everyone's friend 'til the moment you're not. Make them love you so much that when they're up against you, their own loyalty will act against their own self-interests”. That's game theory. This was taken from one of my favourite TV series prison break. And I think it perfectly describes social interaction between teenagers and young adults. People will use you and you will use people even when that wasn’t your intention. I’ve been used by people id call my closest friends some did it intentionally some not. 18. Find a hobby there is no such thing as an odd or weird hobby, it allows you to find a common interest with people allowing you to make new friends and meet people, when I turned 18 my hobby was cigars, I’d go to various cigar lounges around London and meet people obviously they were older but the best thing about a cigar is the great conversation that comes with it. That’s just my opinion. 19. You will most likely regret the things you didn’t do not the things you did. Don’t dwell on the past and your previous mistakes focus on the present and the future. If there is someone you fancy, ask them out what’s the worst that will happen? They might say yes worst case they say no. but at least you tried. 20. At a nightclub or festival where your surrounded by people you don’t know, never except a drink from anyone if it wasn’t poured out Infront of you. First time I went clubbing I excepted a drink of champagne from someone I didn’t know in one of London’s busiest clubs I was lucky that it was fine. 21. Never shake someone’s hand sitting down and always grip firmly and make eye contact. 22. In a negation never make the first offer. 23. Take the time to talk to a homeless person, they sometimes have the most interesting stories and lessons to teach. Everyone falls on hard times, someone I spoke to was a veteran and ended up losing his home. 24. Friends come and go 25. Never stop in the pursuit of happiness 26. Loneliness isn’t forever. The most popular person may also feel alone. 27. It might not be a good life, but it’s your life so live it. 28. You can never please everyone, live for yourself and not others I know this is a long post but below I’ve left a summary of all the things I’ve done and experienced being a teenager (2012 – 2021) 11-12: Started secondary school where I made new friends and experienced a whole new environment including no more packed lunches. 12-13: Another year of secondary school, made it into the higher level classes for science and IT, at this point I started to experience bullying for the first time from the same person I was friends with the year before, I also entered my schools coding competition where we competed against the neighbouring school in who could create the best game on scratch. During this year I re-kindled a past friendship with someone from primary school whom I drifted apart from. We remain close to this day. (He won the coding competition with a moon landing game). Joined my school’s car mechanics club too. 13-14 3rd year of school, the bullying started getting worse. Applied for the bronze Duke of Edinburgh award ( for the non-brits here it’s an award scheme where the participant has to take part in volunteering, something physical a skill and finally a hiking expedition) no you don’t get to meet prince philip until you complete the gold award too. Picked my GCSE options. Had my first real crush (this was a fiasco in itself) as well as had my first kiss with someone else (another awful experience). 14-15 Aight cool year 10, time to start my GCSE studies and think about the future. The bullying reached its peak I lost it tried to fight him failed sort of, I got a few punched in before teachers came and pulled us apart, spent the rest of that day and the whole next day internal exclusion room, him too. (was oddly fun ngl), might I add that even the headteacher was aware of the bullying and didn’t care neither did the pastoral manager who when I told her about the first time told me to go away and grow up. Completed my Silver Duke of Edinburgh award. I never completed the last level (gold). 15-16 Woo last year of high school time to sit the exams that so many people think will ruin their lives if they fail. Yes the best you do will allow you to go on and do better things like a good university or doing the A levels you want, but it won’t stop you getting the career you want, you will just need to take a different path to get there like I did. Towards the summer I was getting ready to go on Israel tour my first time away from home for more than a week and to a new country without my family. For those of you that don’t know what Israel tour is, it is when you go to the state of Israel for 3 weeks maybe more depending on the tour organiser and see various sites such as the western wall, dead sea, Masada, ride camels in the desert, live on an army base for a few days as part of a small boot camp type thing (my favourite part) and much, much more. On this though I sadly realised that some people can’t be trusted and will stab you in the back, my “friend” liked the same person I did and instead of saying something to me he just spoke shit about me to her. 16-17 Secondary school, been there done that got the fucking t shirt. After not doing as well as I expected to in my GCSE exams, I had to change my plan slightly. I wanted to go into forensic science to do this I wanted to study level 3 Btec in applied science, but because I had failed 2 of my exams (the important ones) I had to do a level 2 course instead (same subject but lower level) during this year being in a new environment from the last I bought and smoked weed for the first time as well as getting my first hangover. During this year I was able to re sit my exams I passed 1 but still failed the other. I realised that the subject I was doing was no longer my passion. I got my first part time job as a receptionist so I could build my first gaming PC. My other close mate: after helping him meet his first girlfriend which by this point was at the 8- or 9-months mark, the 2 of them wanted to help me find someone. After fancying the same girl for the last 3 years at this point they introduced me to someone else, we were all away on a summer camp together so after being introduced we got talking for the next 4 whole days became really close only for on the last night before the big party for her friend to talk shit about me to her (seems to be a pattern here). A week later I had my second snog (kiss, make out, get with) with someone else (whatever u want to call it), this one was decent this happened to me on the NCS award (national citizen service) it’s like the Duke of Edinburgh award. 17-18 As I said before science was no longer what I wanted to do, so I changed to engineering at a new college (community college for the Americans). As I still didn’t have a C grade or above in my remaining GCSE exam, I had to do another level 2 course to pass. I got a new job as a waitekitchen assistant. started talking to another girl who in many ways she was a female version of me, we agreed on everything and got on well had so much in common it was unreal. My mate sadly broke up with his girlfriend so he was on the market too looking for someone else, I suggested to him that for his 18th he should throw a massive party, he agreed. I saw it as the perfect opportunity to make a move on the girl I was talking too; so, I invited her as my plus one. I got to his house early to help setup the house, she arrived about an hour later. I made a poor miss judgment that night and drunk about half a bottle of Russian standard vodka (no mixers). Being my drunk self I stumbled over to her and we began talking, then guess who comes over to us the same girl who cock blocked me previously and she does the god damn same, I have to admit me being as drunk as I was at That point definitely didn’t help. As you could I lost my shit at the person who yet again ruined something for me I went off on one in front of the whole goddamn party by this point the full force of my drinking hit me, I was unrollable cursing at the bitch who for the second time ruined something I had with someone. By this point the girl I invited left early, and my parents were called to pick me up. FYI the party stared at 8 I was home by 9 30 passed out. The girl I invited never spoke to me again I tried to apologise she didn’t really want much to do with me (understandable). My 18th I went clubbing for the first time and experienced a casino for the first time (played blackjack with £25 walked out with £120(I don’t encourage gambling, only play with what you can afford to lose)). The night club itself was something I didn’t enjoy all too much, main reason being there was only a few of us and the club was full of much older crowd than us, drinks where a fortune too, it was fun I enjoyed being out in the capital with my close mates at that time. It’s all about finding clubs that offer student nights where the crowd will be younger. Summertime, before the majority from my year head to university they all host a second school prom a reunion. This night again I learnt that people can and will be 2 faced if it serves them better. A girl who my mate had been helping me get talking to decided that the night before prom at a separate party he would make out with her himself (I was fine with that; I wasn’t at that party). I got invited to pre-drinks at this girls house the minute I walked in something felt off, it wasn’t until later I knew why; I found out my mate had made out with her the night before, unexpectedly he apologised to me (he didn’t need to, however I told him it was fine and move on) I was still hoping to get with her. 20 minutes later Infront of me the same mate of mine and the same girl were making out again (now I was pissed, first you apologise and then 20 minutes later do it Infront of me and everyone making me look like a mug). And again he apologises I played the bigger man held myself back from sparking him in the face and said that once is a mistake, 2 times is a slap in the face) this mate of mine was coming traveling with me 3 days later we didn’t speak until then. I went interrailing (traveling) through Europe with 4 mates that summer. 18-19 What was supposed to be my first year at university turned out to be another year at community college. This was also the start of where things got bad for me, by this point all my friends have had some sexual experience except me. My social crowd at this point is dwindling slowly at the time I didn’t notice I was just being left out more, (looking back, with some of my friends I was a background friend). I was finally on level 3 Btec engineering and have finally passed my last exam that I needed (took 4 attempts but if at first you don’t succeed try, try again). 19-20 (Present) Ok things are bad, I’ve realised that only 2 of my close mates are my only friends ( I walk a lonely road, the only one that I have ever known, don’t know where it goes but its home to me, I walk alone). I knew for a while since the previous summer that most of the people I trust and call my friends don’t care about me. I only ever spoke to them If I was lucky enough to be invited out on the rare occasion (I would usually have to be the one to make the effort). I wanted to rid of the people who don’t care about me, I never thought for a second 2 of my other close mates (separate from the ones I mentioned in 19-20, they will always be my close mates) would be the ones to go first. One of these mates was someone who I had so many memorise with, we went clubbing together, wingmen for each other, I allowed him to get off with someone at my house while I was asleep in the same room (didn’t know until the morning); and now since the start of the coronavirus pandemic we haven’t spoken or seen one another and is telling people it’s my fault. (he and many others know that if I have done something to upset someone I will always be happy to fix it, I hate beefing with people) I realised he didn’t care for me no more, the memories we had together meant so much to me and nothing to him, he’s part of a new social crowd most of them I know and have also tried to get close with but I was never able to. I know I did something wrong to make all these people pull away from me I just don’t know what, I run so many possible reasons through my head but none make sense or seem big enough to make to a huge social crowd no longer want me around (popularity baffles me, it’s one thing I’ve never been nor able to understand). Now in my FINAL year of college and looking at either looking at going to university to study either Aerospace or Electronics engineering, getting an apprenticeship or I may join the army or the royal air force. I kind of wish I studied law. All I really want for my self is a job I’m proud of, something that when someone asks what I do for a living I can tell them and not be embarrassed or ashamed and not have to lie or exaggerate about it. However, before coronavirus hit the UK badly, I started a new part time job in retail pays very well for what it is, and I get nice bonuses I still managed to keep it through the lockdown. Been predicted high grades for my course more than enough for my university choices and the apprenticeships schemes I want. As I said at the beginning, this isn’t goodbye. I’ll still be here offering advice where I see fit giving my wisdom to those who need it. Also, if any of you need to talk or any advice drop me a message on here and I’ll try my best to help. “life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all”
Edit: i hope this doesn't get lost in new
submitted by randomhuman_23 to teenagers [link] [comments]

(SELLING) Lots of codes for MA + Vudu + GooglePlay + iTunes. Lots of Collection Sets added. New list of iTunes added - 4K Disney + 4K Marvel + 4K Pixar. Plus more, see entire list.

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All codes verified seconds before sending your way
Side notes:
Special -
i4K Alfred Hitchcock 4-Movie - Vertigo + The Birds + Rear Window + Psycho - iTunes $20
DISNEY+ 6-MONTH SUBSCRIPTION - $25 *This is for new accounts only. If you wanna test the waters and give Disney+ a chance, this is great. More than x1 available.
Toy Story 1-4 - GooglePlay $18
Tremors 6-Movie Collection - MA $45 (x3 sets available but only one is priced at $45) * $5 more to add Part 7
FORTNITE Xbox One code - I have been approved in the past to sell these and have sold multiple bundles of this. I have another bundle available. This will be verified on Microsoft/Xbox right before sending to you.
Dark Vertex Skin + 500 V-Bucks - $100 — Exclusive Skin for Xbox One
Collection Sets + TV Shows
007 Daniel Craig 3-Movie - Casino Royale + Quantum of Solace + Skyfall - Vudu $15
Alfred Hitchcock 4-Movie - Vertigo + Birds + Rear Window + Psycho - MA $15
4K Alfred Hitchcock 4-Movie - MA $20
i4K Alfred Hitchcock 4-Movie - Vertigo + Birds + Rear Window + Psycho - iTunes $20
Annabelle 3-Movie - MA $22
4K Apocalypse Now 3-Movie - Final Cut + 1979 Original + Redux - 4K Vudu or i4K $15
Ash vs Evil Dead - Complete Series - Vudu $20
Batman Complete Animated Series + x2 Bonus Movies - Vudu $40
Big Little Lies - S1 - GooglePlay $8
Bug’s Bunny 80th Anniversary Complete Collection * Lot’s available but check Vudu, currently on sale for $39.99
Daddy’s Home 1 + 2 - Vudu $10
i4K Daddy’s Home 1 + 2 - iTunes $12
i4K Despicable Me 1-3 - iTunes $15
Divergent 3-Movie - Vudu $15
Eddie Murphy 4-Movie - MA or Vudu $15 (possibly SD)
Entourage - Complete Series - GooglePlay $25
4K Fast and the Furious 8-Movie - MA $45
Fifty Shades of Grey 3-Movie - MA $15
Game of Thrones - Season 1-7 - GooglePlay $40
Game of Thrones - Complete Series - iTunes $55 - Note: I have many available and you could get 1 code or 8 codes.
Game of Thrones - Complete Series - Vudu $55 - 1 code or 8 codes
Hannibal - Complete Series - Vudu $20
Hobbit Trilogy - Extended Set ONLY - HD MA $25
4K Hobbit Trilogy - Theatrical and Extended - 4K MA $45
Hotel Transylvania 3-Movie - SD MA $12
i4K Iron Man Trilogy - iTunes $35
Jack Reacher 1 + 2 - Vudu $9
i4K Jack Ryan 5-Movie - Hunt for Red Oct + Patriot Games + Clear and Present Danger + Sum of All Fears + Shadow Recruit - iTunes $35
Jurassic Park 5-Movie - MA $25
4K Jurassic Park 5-Movie - MA $40
i4K Kingsman 1 + 2 - iTunes $14
Leprechaun 8-Movie - Vudu $20
4K Lord of the Rings - Theatrical + Extended - 4K MA $
Mama Mia! 2-Movie - MA $7
Maze Runner Trilogy - MA $20
The Mummy Trilogy - MA $10
The Mummy Ultimate 4-Movie Collection - Mummy 1-3 + Scorpion King - MA $15
Outlander - S1 V1 + S1 V2 + S2 + S3 - Vudu $50
i4K Pet Sematary 1989 + 2019 - iTunes $14
i4K Planet of the Apes 3-Movie - Rise + Dawn + War - iTunes $20
Rambo 5-Movie - Vudu $20
4K Rambo 5-Movie - Vudu $25
Rick and Morty S3 - Vudu $9
i4K Santa Clause Trilogy - iTunes $12
Saw Collection - Vudu $12
Scorpion King Collection - PART 1 + 3 + 4 + 5 - MA $16 — $5 each if purchase separately
Secret Life of Pets 1 + 2 - MA $12
The Smurfs 3-Movie - 1 + 2 + Lost Village - MA $17
The Sopranos - Complete Series - GooglePlay $30
Spider-Man 3-Movie (sam raimi) - Spider-Man 1-3 + Ex 2 + Editor’s Cut 3 - MA $20
Spider-Man 4-Movie - Homecoming + Into The Spider-Verse + Far From Home + Venom - MA $25
Star Trek 10-Movie Universe Collection - All x10 original films - Vudu $50
i4K Star Trek Kelvin Timeline Trilogy - iTunes $20
Star Wars Complete SAGA Collection - All x9 films + Rogue One + Solo - GooglePlay $55
Supernatural Season 10 - Vudu $8 (possibly SD)
Supernatural Season 11 - V
Supernatural Season 12 - V $10
Supernatural Season 13 - V $12
Toy Story 1-4 - GooglePlay $18
i4K Toy Story 1-4 - iTunes $35
Transformers 6-Movie - 1-5 + Bumblebee - Vudu $15
i4K Transformers 6-Movie - 1-5 + Bumblebee - iTunes $35
Tremors 7-Movie - Complete sci-fi creature comedy collection - MA $50
True Blood - Complete Series - GooglePlay $35
True Blood - Complete Series - iTunes $40
Twilight Complete Saga Collection - Vudu $25
Universal Monsters 6-Movie - MA $25
Vice Principals - Complete Series - iTunes $25
4K Aquaman $8
4K Birds of Prey $8
4K Charlie’s Angels $8
4K Deadpool 2 - SDC $8
4K Despicable Me 3 $5
4K Goonies $8
4K Jumanji - Welcome to the Jungle $8
4K LEGO Movie $7
4K Mad Max - Fury Road $8
4K Midway $8
4K Meg, The $9
4K Men In Black International $9
4K Mortal Kombat Legends - Scorpion’s Revenge $9
4K Pacific Rim $9
4K Parasite $9
4K Rampage $10
4K Scoob! $8
4K Venom $9
HDX Vudu — $6 each or marked price
2 Guns
Annihilation $4
August Osage County $4
Book Club $3
Call of the Wild
Crawl $5
Dallas Buyers Club $4
Death Of Me - 2020
Deepwater Horizon $5
Despicable Me 2 $3
Despicable Me 3 $3
Divergent 1 $5
Divergent 2 - Insurgent $5
Dora and the Lost City of Gold
Ex Machina $7
Expendables 2 $3
Fighter, The
Ghost in the Shell - 2017 $5
G.I. Joe Retaliation $5
Girl on the Train - $5
Gods of Egypt
Gone Baby Gone
Grace Unplugged $5
Hercules - rock
Hugo $5
Hunger Games 1 $3
Hunger Games 2 - Catching Fire $3
Hunger Games - Mockingjay 1 $3
I Am Wraith $5
Last Witch Hunter
Legend of Hercules - 2014 $5
Magnificent Seven
MI4 - Ghost Protocol $3
MI5 - Rogue Nation $3
MI6 - Fallout $3
Mr. and Mrs. Smith
Mummy - tom cruise - $4
My Little Pony - Movie
Oblivion $5
Pitch Perfect $5
Playing With Fire $5
Red 2 $4
Serenity - 2005 $5
Single Moms Club $5
Split $5
Star Trek Beyond $4
Star Trek Into Darkness $4
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - 2014 $4
Terminator 5 - Genisys $5
Terminator 6 - Dark Fate $5
Transformers 3 - Dark of the Moon $3
Transformers 4 - Age Of Extinction $3
Transformers 5 - Last Knight $3
Transformers 6 - Bumblebee $4
Twilight Breaking Dawn 2 $3
Unbroken - 2014
Uncle Drew
Vivarium $7
Warm Bodies $5
Winchester $7
World War Z
XXX Return of Xander Cage
HD MA — $7 each or marked price
1917 $6
5th Wave $6
A Dog’s Way Home
A Good Day To Die Hard - Extended $5
American Sniper $5
Argo $4
Artist, The $6
A Star Is Born
Blockers - 2018
Book of Life
The Call $5
Crazy Rich Asians $5
Deadpool 1 $5
Deadpool 2 - SDC $5
Doom Annihilation - $8
Drive - 2011 $6
Fast Five $3
Fast and Furious 6 $3
Fate of the Furious 8 $3
Final Destination 5 $5
Furious 7 $3
Gallows $5
Game Night
Get Smart
Godzilla - 2014
Good Boys
Gravity $5
Green Lantern + Emerald Knights $8
Grudge Match $5
Hangover 2 $5
Hidden Figures
Hobbit 1 - Theatrical $6
Hobbit 1 - Ex $9
Hobbit 2 - Theatrical $6
Hobbit 2 - Ex $9
Hobbit 3 - Ex $9
Horrible Bosses $5
House with a Clock in its Walls $6
Huntsman - Winter’s War - Ex $5
Isle of Dogs $6
Jack and the Giant Slayer
Jackie - 2016
Jumanji - Welcome to the Jungle
Jurassic Park 3 $5
Jurassic World $4
Just Mercy
Justice League Doom
Justice League Throne of Atlantis
Justice League vs Teen Titans $8
Kidnap $6
King Kong - from Ultimate Edition set
King of Staten Island
Kong Skull Island
LEGO Batman Movie $6
LEGO Movie - Second Part $10
Les Miserables
Little Stranger
Live. Die. Repeat. / Edge of Tomorrow
Longest Ride $5
Lucky One
Man Of Steel
Max $5
Mr. and Mrs. Smith
Murder on the Orient Express
Other Side of the Door $9
Parasite $6
Pacific Rim 2 - Uprising
Pitch Perfect 3 $6
Queen and Slim $8
Ready Player One
Rio 2
Rise of the Guardians
Searching $9
Slender Man
Smurfs - Lost Village $5
Sorry To Bother You $8
Skyscraper $6
Superman Unbound
Storks $6
Taken 2 $5
Ted 1 $5
Teen Titans Go! To The Movies
Teen Titans Judas Contract
Terminator 4 - Salvation
Tremors 6 - A Cold Day In Hell
Truth or Dare?
Turning $11
Us $6
Warcraft $5
Wrath of the Titans
HD iTunes — $6 or less
2 Guns $6
Aliens - part 2 $6
Bad Grandpa $5
Cult Of Chucky $5
Dallas Buyers Club $4
Death of Me - 2020
Dreamgirls $5
Fast Five $3
Fifty Shades Of Grey - Unrated $4
Fifty Shades Darker - Unrated $4
Fighter $5
Flight $5
Home Alone 2 - Lost In New York $5
Hugo $5
I Feel Pretty $5
Killer Elite $5
Mama $5
My Little Pony - Movie $5
Noah - 2014 $5
Pain and Gain $6
Second Act $5
Sisters - Unrated $5
SpongeBob Movie - Sponge Out Of Water $6
Ted 1 $5
Unbroken - 2014 $6
Vivarium $6
Winchester $5
World War Z $6
i4K titles - 4K iTunes titles are $6 or less
47 Ronin $6
007 Quantum of Solace $5
2 Fast 2 Furious $5
Addams Family - 2019
Alvin and the Chipmunks - Road Chip $6
Annihilation $5
A Quiet Place $5
Arrival $6
Book Club $3
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes $6
Deadpool 1 $6
Deepwater Horizon $5
Despicable Me 3 $5
Dora and the Lost City of Gold $6
Ender’s Game $6
Expendables 2 $5
Fast and Furious 6 $5
Fate of the Furious 8 $4
Fences $6
Furious 7 $5
Ghost in the Shell - 2017 $6
G.I. Joe Retaliation $6
Girl on the Train $5
Hercules - rock $6
Hidden Figures $6
Hitman’s Bodyguard $6
Home Alone 1 $6
Hunger Games 1 $5
Hunger Games Mockingjay 1 $5
Instant Family $5
Interstellar $6
Jackie - 2016 $5
Jack Reacher 1 $5
Jexi $6
John Wick 1 $6
John Wick 2 $6
Let’s Be Cops $5
Longest Ride $5
MI4 - Ghost Protocol $5
MI5 - Rogue Nation $5
MI6 - Fallout $5
Mountain Between Us $6
Night at the Museum 3 - SOTT $5
Oblivion $6
Overlord $6
Pet Sematary - 1989 $6
Pitch Perfect $5
Playing With Fire $5
Rambo - Last Blood $6
Revenant $6
Robin Hood - 2018 $6
Secret Life of Pets 1 $6
Serenity - 2005 $6
Sherlock Gnomes $5
Sicario 1 $6
Sing $5
Sonic the Hedgehog $6
Split $6
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - 2014 $5
Terminator 2 - Judgement Day $6
Terminator 5 - Genisys $5
Terminator 6 - Dark Fate $5
Transformers 3 - Dark of the Moon $4
Transformers 4 - Age Of Extinction $4
Transformers 5 - Last Knight $4
Transformers 6 - Bumblebee $5
Twilight Breaking Dawn 2 $3
Uglydolls $6
Uncle Drew $6
War for the Planet of the Apes $6
Warm Bodies $6
Wonder Park $5
X-Men Apocalypse $6
X-Men Days of Future Past $6
X-Men Logan $6
XXX Return of Xander Cage $5
4K iTunes - Redeem directly in your iTunes account (HD titles are marked with ***)
101 Dalmatians - 1961 *** $6
Aladdin - 2019 $6
Aladdin - Animated *** $7 (possibly 4K)
Ant-Man $7
Ant-Man and the Wasp $7
Avengers 2 - Age of Ultron $7
Avengers 3 - Infinity War $5
Avengers 4 - Endgame $5
A Wrinkle in Time $5
Bambi 2 *** $7
Beauty and the Beast - 2017 $7
Beauty and the Beast - Animated $7
Big Hero 6 $6
Captain America - Civil War $8
Captain Marvel $5
Cars 2 $7
Cars 3 $7
Cinderella - 1950 *** $7
Cinderella - 2015 $7
Coco $5
DisneyNature - Born In China *** $6
Doctor Strange $7
Finding Dory $5
Finding Nemo $7
Fox and the Hound 2 *** $7
Frozen $5
Frozen 2 $6
Good Dinosaur $6
Guardians of the Galaxy V1 $7
Guardians of the Galaxy V2 $5
Hercules - 1997 *** $7
Incredibles 1 $7
Incredibles 2 $5
Into the Woods *** $6
Iron Man 3 $7
Jungle Book - 2016 $6
Jungle Book 2 *** $8
Lady and the Tramp 1 *** $7
Lady and the Tramp 2 *** $7
Lilo and Stitch 2 - Stitch Has A Glitch *** $8
Lion King - 2019 $6
Lion King - Animated $7
Little Mermaid 1 $7
Lone Ranger *** $7
Maleficent 1 $7
Moana $7
Monsters, Inc. $8
Monsters University $8
Mulan 2 *** $7
Peter Pan - 1953 *** $8
Peter Pan 2 - Return To Neverland *** $8
Pete’s Dragon - 2016 *** $8
Pirates of the Caribbean - Dead Men Tell No Tales $6
Planes *** $7
Planes 2 - Fire and Rescue *** $7
Queen of Katwe *** $6
Ralph Breaks The Internet $6
Robin Hood - 1958 *** $6
Rogue One - A Star Wars Story $4
Sleeping Beauty - 1959 *** $6
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs *** $7
Solo - A Star Wars Story $7
Star Wars 7 - Force Awakens $5
Star Wars 8 - Last Jedi $5
Thor 2 - Dark World $7
Thor 3 - Ragnarok $7
Three Musketeers - Mickey + Donald + Goofy *** $7
Toy Story 1 $7
Toy Story 3 $7
Wall-E $8
GooglePlay HD — Redeem directly in GooglePlay — $5 each or marked price
Aladdin - 1992
Aladdin - 2019
Aladdin 2 $7
Aladdin 3 $7
Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
Ant-Man $6
Ant-Man and the Wasp
Aristocats $8
Avengers 1
Avengers 2 - Age Of Ultron
Avengers 3 - Infinity War $4
Avengers 4 - Endgame $4
A Wrinkle In Time
Bambi 2
Beauty and the Beast - Animated
Beauty and the Beast - 2017
Black Panther $4
Bolt $8
Call of the Wild
Captain America - Civil War
Captain America - First Avenger
Captain Marvel $4
Cars 1
Cars 2
Cars 3
Christopher Robin
Cinderella - 2015
Disney Nature - Born In China
Doctor Strange
Dumbo - 2019
Dumbo - Animated $8
Finding Dory $3
Finding Nemo $7
Fox and the Hound 1
Fox and the Hound 2
Frozen 1
Frozen 2
Good Dinosaur
Guardians of the Galaxy V1
Guardians of the Galaxy V2 $3
Hercules - 1997 $8
Hocus Pocus
Incredibles 2
Inside Out
Iron Man 3
Jungle Book - 2016
Lady and the Tramp 1
Lilo and Stitch 1 $8
Lilo and Stitch 2 $8
Lion King - 2019
Lion King - Animated $8
Little Mermaid 2
Little Mermaid 3
Maleficent 1
Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh $8
Mary Poppins
Mary Poppins Returns
Mickey’s Christmas Carol
Million Dollar Arm
Monsters University $7
Mulan 1
Mulan 2
Nightmare Before Christmas
Nutcracker and the Four Realms $4
Onward $6
Peter Pan 1 $7
Pete’s Dragon - 2016
Pirates of the Caribbean - Dead Men Tell No Tales
Planes 1
Pocahontas 1 $7
Pocahontas 2 $7
Princess and the Frog $6
Ralph Breaks the Internet
Robin Hood - Animated $7
Rogue One - A Star Wars Story $3
Santa Clause Trilogy $10
Sleeping Beauty $7
Spies in Disguise $8
Sword in the Stone $7
Tangled $7
Thor 2 - Dark World
Thor 3 - Ragnarok
Toy Story 1
Toy Story 2
Toy Story 3
Toy Story 4
Up $7
Wall-E $8
Winnie the Pooh - A Very Merry Christmas $6
Wreck-It Ralph $7
SD titles — $3 each or marked price — iTunes titles do not have quality shown on slip, assume SD
Adventures of Tintin - iTunes
All Star Superman - iTunes
Alpha - MA
Angry Birds Movie 2 - MA
Appaloosa - iTunes
Arthur Christmas - MA
Call Me By Your Name - MA
Chappie - MA
Cowboys and Aliens - iTunes
Bad Boys For Life
Brave - iTunes
Due Date - iTunes
Equalizer 2 - MA
Fast and the Furious 1 - iTunes $3
2 Fast 2 Furious - iTunes $3
Fast and the Furious 3 - Tokyo Drift $3
Fury - MA
Gran Torino - iTunes
Hall Pass - iTunes
Hangover 1 - iTunes
Heaven Is For Real - MA
Hotel Transylvania 2 - MA
Interview - MA
Jake and the Never Land Pirates - Peter Pan Returns!
Jonah Hex - iTunes
Miss Bala - MA
Paul - iTunes
Perfect Guy - MA
Rambo - 2008 - iTunes
Roman J. Israel, Esq - MA
Sausage Party - MA
Season of the Witch - iTunes
Sicario 2 - Day of the Soldado - MA
Slender Man - MA
Star Trek 1 - iTunes
Taken 1 - iTunes
Up - iTunes
Other stuff
2 Guns - CA iTunes $4
Bate’s Motel - Season 1-3 - $35 - this is for Vudu UK accounts only
Book Of Life - CA GP $4
Call of the Wild - MA $5
Equilibrium - GP $9
Guardians of the Galaxy V1 (6FV4) - $6 MA
Hunger Games - Mockingjay 2 - GP $3
The Thing - 2011 - CA GP $4
X-Men Origins Wolverine - CA GP $4
submitted by Mafnas22 to DigitalCodeSELL [link] [comments]

From the Blue Dragon to the Hands of Yartar - SKT - Session 16 - Previously our heroes found Zephyros' tower crashed in the wilderness and a bunch of stone creatures were attempting to burn all his notes; among them was a Large Dragon also made of stone but also possessed a regular Dragon's lightning breath. After crumbling all their enemies to rubble the party gathers up as much of their late Cloud Giant friend's notes as they could and put a full day's travel between them and the tower in case any other statue-like minions showed up to finish the job. .
The cast of DnD Comrades.
Paxton spends a good part of the evening using a Language-Comprehension spell to pour over Zephyros' journal and other loose pages. He finds pages of recipes, philosophical musings, and several pages relevant to their previous experience together, along with where he went after he dropped them off in Triboar.
After some deliberation, the group decided the notes don't provide enough new information for them to step away from their quest to find the Giant-Slaying weapon presumably left behind in Yartar by the missing Harthol Zymorven so they continue on, but mean to seek out more answers about this 'Eye of the All-Father' at a later time.
Around midday Paxton's Owl familiar communicates to him, "Don't look up, but there appears to be a dragon circling high above us."
Paxton quietly lets his comrades know of the situation. He casts Mage Armor on himself and Sir Oswald casts Armor of Agathys on himself. Their casting of spells seems to have alerted the dragon of their awareness of them as it begins to dive. Paxton then casts Invisibility on himself.
There's a nearby tor jutting out of the bog nearby that Paxton suggests they all run towards, but they only make it a little ways off the road before realizing that Sir Oswald is staying in place, trying to draw the Dragon's ire to himself.
In a flash of cobalt blue, the Dragon both forcefully and gracefully lands on a nearby boulder still some 60' from them. With its bulk nearly the size of a large covered wagon, it puffs out the yellow plates of its underbelly and cocks its head as it stares down its snout and horn towards the group. In a deep, steady voice it speaks, "Greetings little travelers. Are you lost? From where have you come? To where do you travel?"
Not wanting to divulge too much information Creedun only mentions they're traveling to Yartar and they didn't mean to trespass on the Dragon's territory.
"I'm only here to talk, let's drop the spells and magic in the name of diplomacy; I know there's a 5th member of your group skulking around somewhere. Now, normally I'd demand some tribute for such a trespass," the Young Blue Dragon continues, "but today I'm interested only in information. Just last night I passed the strangest thing - what looked like a tower... that had fallen from the sky... just off the road? You wouldn't have happened to have noticed that too would have, traveling past there towards Yartar as you say."
Creedun asks the Dragon if they can just be on their way and that they mean no harm or disrespect. Sir Oswald musters as much Charisma as he can (which is quite a lot) and says they'd be willing to trade information for information). He asks the Blue Dragon what he found in the tower, what he thought of it, and why he wants to know more?
"I found a dead Giant in the tower, I found it rather odd, and it is my business to know what happens in my territory." The Dragon adds with a thin veil of forced patience, "I'm normally not so generous but you amuse me human; I've now answered 3 of your questions and you none of mine. What do you know of the tower?"
Otto chimes in saying the Cloud Giant Zephyros had been their friend once and he believes he'd been trying to get a message through to them.
The Dragon grins a cruel smile, "As I suspected. I will add you to the collection of the Queen of Statues - the Gathering Storm!" as it pumps its mighty wings to take flight.
Roll Initiative!
Creedun conjures two Giant Eagles which Grapple the Dragon before it takes off.
This is obviously a cunning foe as it completely ignores the beasts and unleashes a torrent of deadly lightning into the Dwarven Bard, shocking him so badly that it's impossible to maintain concentration. As the Eagles poof into nothingness, the Dragon flies up 40' above the ground and begins circling the group.
Otto is struggling to hit the dragon at this range with his Hand Crossbow and uses his new martial training to stow his shield and attack with his Shortbow at the same time.
Paxton appears next to Sir Oswald, and laying a hand on him casts a spell allowing the heavily armored Knight to fly!
Sir Oswald streaks towards the Dragon and positions himself above it, striking mightily into the Dragon's back twice.
Ransom makes a Spiritual Weapon appear next to Dragon to slash at him, while Creedun resummons his Giant Eagles, though this time the Dragon fends off their grapple.
The Blue Dragon mauls Sir Oswald several times then tries to fly away, knowing that even if the Eagle can keep up, the Knight can't. He's betting that his scales can fend off their attacks and is partly correct, both eagles fail to land even a scratch. Sir Oswald with a lucky swing strikes a critical weak spot behind the Dragon's shoulder and adds a charged-up Smite into the fleeing Dragon
Paxton takes advantage of the Dragon having left the cluster of his allies and centers a Fireball on the Dragon. As the dragon flies out of the bursting flame it is singed and starting to look quite hurt.
The resummoned Giant Eagles catch up and both successfully grapple the Dragon as the 3 of them tumble to the ground, WHAM! Still thrashing on the ground the Dragon bites and claws the injured Eagles, causing both of them to poof from existence.
The Dragon takes an expert shot from Otto's Short Bow and not only looks very hurt, but for the first time shows actual fear itself. It moves to retreat, but instead of flying away it begins to burrow into the soft boggy soil. The group only sees it burrow in 10' and then loose sight of it in the dark tunnel.
Paxton throws a fireball right at the opening of the tunnel, hoping the edges of the flaming blast will catch the Dragon. He hears no sound as to whether it hit or missed.
Even running at top speed Otto isn't quick enough to reach the hole before the Dragon can burrow further in and the tunnel turns at such an angle the Gnome can't blind-fire in. Then he remembers that he has one more "Ka-boomer" left from the merchant cart they encountered south of Calling Horns. He lights the fuse and tosses it into the tunnel. 4 seconds later KABOOM!!! followed by a screeching roar of pain.
Sir Oswald flies down into the tunnel with no hesitation in hopes to finish off the Dragon but emerges a couple seconds later saying, "It's dead." The Kaboomer had blown open the side of its face as smoke poured up and viscera dripped down from its eye.
The group tries harvesting some scales and teeth, but damages their trophies in the process. Sir Oswald opens the Dragon's belly to find a couple human skulls and bones, along with a partially digested dagger. He also insists on spending more time to try to acquire the Dragon's snout horn. Paxton puts his Secure Hut spell over the tunnel while he works because spending several hours exposed in the wilderness doesn't seem like a safe plan.
The rest of the day and a half journey to Yartar is uneventful and everyone arrives fully rested.
They find a contingency of guards inspecting everyone who arrives to the city's outer gate. They make their way inside and get food recommendations from a cheery local man.
They're directed to the man's favorite joint - a "dive" dinner on the edge of the "bad part of town - called Karletta's Table.
There they find a one story flat-roofed building hemmed in by larger buildings that appear to have 3rd-story additions built atop older structures. Karletta's Table has crates stacked up outside that several young street kids are using to play and climb on, some have even climbed up onto the roof and are playing up there, another youngster in dirty clothes runs out from behind the diner with a fist-full of bread.
The group walks through the swinging saloon-style doors and gets their bearings in the dim light inside. Most of the booths have privacy walls, but they see a few folk who look down on their luck, a few more working class people, and a couple women arm-wrestling.
Behind the bar is a window looking into the kitchen where clanging pots and pans and sizzling can be heard. A half-elf with dark blue dyed hair cropped short on one side, wearing leather armor with an apron over it comes into view yelling at some staff around the corner, "You don't have that ready yet? By the gods, what am I paying you for, eh?" She notices the party standing in the dinning area and immediately switches her demeaner to a sweet and welcoming smile. "Hey sorry nobody was there to welcome you, feel free to seat yourselves! Someone will be with you in a moment :) " She returns into the part of the kitchen out of view and continues commanding the kitchen staff in an authoritative tone.
Creedun suggests they sit where he can watch the women arm-wrestle and after a few rounds he approaches them with Otto and asks if he can challenge one of them for a round of drinks. There's some brief chit-chat and the women seem fond of taunting Creedun and Otto, mostly in good fun. They tell the adventurers that they work the docks in the fishing industry. Otto mentions that he's a fisher as well and that's how he lost his eye.
One of the women cranks her shoulder a bit as though it's stiff and says to the other, "What do you think Sally? You wanna take 'im?"
Sally, "Are you gunna need some books to sit on, guy?" alluding to the Dwarf's stoutness. "How 'bout instead a drinks though we wrestle for the story of your friend's lost eye. I win against short an stout 'ere - you tell us your tale, little guy?" Otto agrees.
After a particularly close match Sally pins Creedun and Otto launches into a captivating tale from his youth when their boats' nets caught a Kraken, and how he had to climb into the nets to free the beast. In the process he slipped and severed the end off one of the Kraken's tentacles, fell back into the boat and the knife "poked him in the eye."
There is a long pause. Eventually Sally says, "Pffffft, I call bullsh!t There's no way that was a Kraken. That's a mythical beast; even if one does exist there's been no claims of seeing one in a hundred years at least. Plus, it would have dragged your ship to the bottom before you had a chance to free it."
Otto insists he's not lying.
Sally adds, "look, I'm sure you were entangled with something big and tentacle-y, maybe a Giant Octopus, maybe a newborn Kraken, but if that were a real one you'd be a skeleton at the bottom of the ocean right now."
There's a little more benign chit-chat. Otto refers to the women as "madams" which they get a hoot out of. Then he uses his Thieves Cant to see if there's more to them than meets the eye and mentions being "a part of their guild" and "wondering if they could help him."
The women look at each other and Sally says, "Let's step outside for a chat little guy. Just us and and you; your friends can stay in here and order their meal." Otto assures his party that it'll be fine. Paxton keeps watch on the situation with his Owl Familiar waiting outside.
Sally calls to the kitchen, "Hey Karletta could we get some more bread" and they're given a basket of bread as they walk with Otto out a back door.
Outside Sally laughs and says he must be new in town and there's no way he's part of their guild. They ask what he wants and he mentions he's looking for someone. Sally scoffs, saying they don't point strangers to members of their guild. He explains - still in somewhat vague terms - he's looking for a Noble's son who's gone missing. He offers them 50gp if they can help. Sally leans to the other woman and whispers something.
Paxton, listening through his Owl's senses hears her ask her friend, "Do you think he's talking about Mel?"
Sally tells Otto to go back inside with his friends and they'll be back with their friend who can tell him more. Neither Otto nor Paxton (through his Familiar) can discern any fowl-play or malice so they wait.
In the meantime Karletta had come by to take the group's order and comments about how quiet Paxton is and asks why he's sitting upright with his eyes closed. Creedun tells her his friend is just really tired and asks for a bib to put on the wizard.
Otto comes back in just as Ransom is pinning Creedun in their own arm-wrestling match.
Paxton has his owl follow the two women. One sets the basket of bread down on a nearby crate but the owl follows them to a warehouse where they disappear inside for several minutes. When they reemerge they're accompanied by a young woman and an older halfling woman; they all head back towards the diner. Paxton tells his owl to check out the bread basket, but when he gets there there are barely even crumbs.
The four women reenter Karletta's Table. Without pause the Halfling woman jumps up onto the bench, eye-level with Ransom and the others "I hear you want to ask my friend Mel some questions. I'm just here to make sure it goes smoothly, okay?"
Mel pulls up a chair and sits at the end of the booth. Between asking questions to Mel and the Halfling, they learn:

Next time - All Aboard the Grand Dame!
submitted by Yesh_Vroo to dndstories [link] [comments]

(SELLING) Lots of codes for MA + Vudu + iTunes. Many 4K titles for iTunes + MA. Lots of Collection Sets. 4K Fast and the Furious + Alfred Hitchcock + i4K Iron Man + Hannibal + Star Wars Saga + more. 4K MA titles + HDX Vudu titles + 4K iTunes titles

All prices are firm. I’ve priced them at the lowest I will accept.
Venmo / CashApp / PP Friends Family
All codes verified seconds before sending your way
Side notes:
Special -
Bug’s Bunny 80th Anniversary Complete Collection $45 * Lot’s available but check Vudu, currently on sale for $39.99
Tremors 6-Movie Collection - MA $45 (x3 sets available but only one is priced at $45) * $5 more to add Part 7
Xbox One code - I have been approved in the past to sell these and have sold multiple bundles of this. I have another bundle available. This will be verified on Microsoft/Xbox right before sending to you.
Dark Vertex Skin + 500 V-Bucks - $100 — Exclusive Skin for Xbox One
Collection Sets + TV Shows
007 Daniel Craig 3-Movie - Casino Royale + Quantum Of Solace + Skyfall - Vudu $15
4K Alfred Hitchcock 4-Movie - Vertigo + The Birds + Rear Window + Psycho - MA $20
i4K Alfred Hitchcock 4-Movie - Vertigo + The Birds + Rear Window + Psycho - iTunes $20
Annabelle 3-Movie - MA $22
4K Apocalypse Now 3-Movie - Final Cut + 1979 Original + Redux - 4K Vudu or i4K $15
Ash vs Evil Dead - Complete Series - Vudu $20
Batman Complete Animated Series + x2 Bonus Movies - Vudu $40
Big Little Lies - S1 - GooglePlay $8
Bug’s Bunny 80th Anniversary Collection - Vudu $45
Daddy’s Home 1 + 2 - Vudu $10
i4K Daddy’s Home 1 + 2 - iTunes $12
i4K Despicable Me 1-3 - iTunes $15
Divergent 3-Movie - Vudu $15
Eddie Murphy 4-Movie - MA or Vudu $15 (possibly SD)
Entourage - Complete Series - GooglePlay $25
4K Fast and the Furious 8-Movie - MA $45
Fifty Shades Of Grey 3-Movie - MA $15
Game Of Thrones - Season 1-7 - GooglePlay $40
Game Of Thrones - Complete Series - iTunes $55 - Note: I have many available and you could get 1 code or 8 codes.
Game Of Thrones - Complete Series - Vudu $55 - 1 code or 8 codes
Hannibal - Complete Series - Vudu $20
4K Hobbit Trilogy, The - Theatrical + Extended - 4K MA $45
Hobbit Trilogy, The - Extended Set ONLY - HD MA $25
Hotel Transylvania 3-Movie - SD MA $12
i4K Iron Man Trilogy - iTunes $35
Jack Reacher 1 + 2 - Vudu $9
i4K Jack Ryan 5-Movie - Hunt For Red Oct + Patriot Games + Clear and Present Danger + Sum Of All Fears + Shadow Recruit - iTunes $35
Jurassic Park 5-Movie - MA $25
4K Jurassic Park 5-Movie - MA $40
i4K Kingsman 1 + 2 - iTunes $14
Leprechaun 8-Movie - Vudu $20
4K Lord of the Rings - Theatrical + Extended - 4K MA $45
Mama Mia! 2-Movie - MA $7
Maze Runner Trilogy - MA $20
The Mummy Trilogy - MA $10
Outlander - S1 V1 + S1 V2 + S2 + S3 - Vudu $50
i4K Pet Sematary 1989 + 2019 - iTunes $14
i4K Planet of the Apes 3-Movie - Rise + Dawn + War - iTunes $20
Rambo 5-Movie - Vudu $20
4K Rambo 5-Movie - Vudu $25
Rick and Morty S3 - Vudu $9
i4K Santa Clause Trilogy - iTunes $12
Saw Collection - Vudu $12
Scorpion King Collection - PART 1 + 3 + 4 + 5 - MA $20 — PART 2 is not available on digital
Secret Life Of Pets 1 + 2 - MA $12
The Smurfs 3-Movie - 1 + 2 + Lost Village - MA $17
The Sopranos - Complete Series - GooglePlay $30
Spider-Man 3-Movie (sam raimi) - Spider-Man 1-3 + Ex 2 + Editor’s Cut 3 - MA $20
Spider-Man 4-Movie - Homecoming + Into The Spider-Verse + Far From Home + Venom - MA $25
Star Trek 10-Movie Universe Collection - All x10 original films - Vudu $50
i4K Star Trek Kelvin Timeline Trilogy - iTunes $20
Star Wars Complete SAGA Collection - All x9 films + Rogue One + Solo - GooglePlay $55
Supernatural Season 10 - Vudu $8 (possibly SD)
Supernatural Season 11 - V
Supernatural Season 12 - V $10
Supernatural Season 13 - V $12
i4K Toy Story 1-4 - iTunes $35
Transformers 6-Movie - 1-5 + Bumblebee - Vudu $15
i4K Transformers 6-Movie - 1-5 + Bumblebee - iTunes $35
Tremors 7-Movie - Complete sci-fi creature comedy collection - MA $50
True Blood - Complete Series - GooglePlay $35
True Blood - Complete Series - iTunes $40
Twilight Complete Saga Collection - Vudu $25
Universal Monsters 6-Movie - MA $25
Vice Principals - Complete Series - iTunes $25
4K Birds Of Prey $8
4K Charlie’s Angels $9
4K Deadpool 2 - SDC $9
4K Despicable Me 3 $5
4K Ferdinand $9
4K Goonies, The $8
4K Jumanji - Welcome To The Jungle $9
4K LEGO Movie $7
4K Mad Max - Fury Road $8
4K Midway $8
4K Meg, The $9
4K Mortal Kombat Legends - Scorpion’s Revenge $9
4K Pacific Rim $9
4K Parasite $9
4K Rampage $10
4K Scoob! $8
4K Venom $9
HDX Vudu — $6 each or marked price
2 Guns
Annihilation $4
Book Club $3
Crawl $5
Death Of Me - 2020 $8
Deepwater Horizon $5
Despicable Me 2 $3
Despicable Me 3 $3
Divergent 1 $5
Divergent 2 - Insurgent $5
Dora and the Lost City of Gold
Ex Machina $7
Expendables 2 $3
Fighter, The
Ghost In The Shell - 2017 $5
G.I. Joe Retaliation $5
Girl On The Train, The - $5
Gods Of Egypt
Gone Baby Gone
Grace Unplugged $5
Hercules - rock
Hugo $5
Hunger Games 1 $3
Hunger Games 2 - Catching Fire $3
Hunger Games - Mockingjay 1 $3
I Am Wraith $5
Last Witch Hunter, The
Legend Of Hercules, The - 2014 $5
Magnificent Seven, The
MI4 - Ghost Protocol $3
MI5 - Rogue Nation $3
MI6 - Fallout $3
Mr. and Mrs. Smith
Mummy, The - tom cruise - $4
My Little Pony - Movie
Oblivion $5
Pitch Perfect $5
Playing With Fire $5
Red 2 $4
Serenity - 2005 $5
Single Moms Club $5
Split $5
Star Trek Beyond $4
Star Trek Into Darkness $4
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - 2014 $4
Terminator 5 - Genisys $5
Terminator 6 - Dark Fate $5
Transformers 3 - Dark of the Moon $3
Transformers 4 - Age Of Extinction $3
Transformers 5 - Last Knight $3
Transformers 6 - Bumblebee $4
Twilight Breaking Dawn 2 $3
Unbroken - 2014
Uncle Drew
Vivarium $7
Warm Bodies $5
Winchester $7
World War Z
XXX Return Of Xander Cage
HD MA — $7 each or marked price
5th Wave $6
A Dog’s Way Home
A Good Day To Die Hard - Extended $5
American Sniper $5
Argo $4
A Star Is Born
Blockers - 2018
Book Of Life
The Call $5
Crazy Rich Asians $5
Deadpool 1 $5
Deadpool 2 - SDC $5
Doom Annihilation - $8
Drive - 2011 $6
Fast Five $3
Fast and Furious 6 $3
Fate of the Furious 8 $3
Final Destination 5 $5
Furious 7 $3
Gallows $5
Game Night
Get Smart
Godzilla - 2014
Good Boys
Green Lantern + Emerald Knights $8
Grudge Match
Hangover 2 $5
Hidden Figures
Hobbit 1 - Theatrical $6
Hobbit 1 - Ex $9
Hobbit 2 - Theatrical $6
Hobbit 2 - Ex $9
Hobbit 3 - Ex $9
Horrible Bosses $5
House With A Clock In Its Walls $6
Huntsman - Winter’s War - Ex $5
Jack and the Giant Slayer
Jackie - 2016
Jumanji - Welcome To The Jungle
Jurassic Park 3 $5
Jurassic World $4
Just Mercy
Justice League Doom
Justice League Throne Of Atlantis
Justice League vs Teen Titans $8
Kidnap $6
King Kong - from Ultimate Edition set
Kong Skull Island
LEGO Batman Movie $6
LEGO Movie - Second Part $10
Les Miserables
Little Stranger, The
Live. Die. Repeat. / Edge Of Tomorrow
Longest Ride $5
Lucky One
Man Of Steel
Max $5
Mr. and Mrs. Smith
Murder on the Orient Express
Nun, The
Other Side of the Door, The $9
Pacific Rim 2 - Uprising
Pitch Perfect 3 $6
Queen and Slim $8
Ready Player One
Rio 2
Rise of the Guardians
Searching $9
Slender Man
Smurfs - Lost Village $5
Sorry To Bother You $8
Sound Of Music, The
Superman Unbound
Taken 2 $5
Teen Titans Go! To The Movies
Teen Titans Judas Contract
Terminator 4 - Salvation
Tremors 6 - A Cold Day In Hell
Truth or Dare?
Turning, The $11
Us $6
Warcraft $5
Wrath of the Titans
HD iTunes — $7 each or marked price
2 Guns
Aliens - part 2 $6
Bad Grandpa
Cult Of Chucky $5
Death Of Me - 2020 $8
Fast Five $3
Fifty Shades Of Grey - Unrated $4
Fifty Shades Darker - Unrated $4
Fighter, The
Flight $5
Home Alone 2 - Lost In New York
Hugo $5
I Feel Pretty $5
Killer Elite
Mama $5
My Little Pony - Movie $5
Noah - 2014 $5
Pain and Gain
Pulp Fiction $8
Second Act $5
Sisters - Unrated $5
Sound Of Music, The
SpongeBob Movie - Sponge Out Of Water
Unbroken - 2014
World War Z
i4K titles - 4K iTunes — $7 each or marked price
47 Ronin - $8
007 Quantum Of Solace $5
2 Fast 2 Furious $5
Addams Family - 2019
Alvin and the Chipmunks - Road Chip
Annihilation $5
A Quiet Place $5
Book Club $3
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes
Deadpool 1
Deepwater Horizon $5
Despicable Me 3 $5
Dora and the Lost City of Gold
Ender’s Game
Expendables 2 $5
Fast and Furious 6 $5
Fate of the Furious 8 $4
Furious 7 $5
Ghost In The Shell - 2017 $6
G.I. Joe Retaliation $6
Girl On The Train, The $5
Hercules - rock
Hidden Figures
Hitman’s Bodyguard $8
Home Alone 1
Hunger Games 1 $5
Hunger Games Mockingjay 1
Instant Family $5
Jackie - 2016
Jack Reacher 1 $5
John Wick 1 $6
John Wick 2 $6
Let’s Be Cops $5
Longest Ride $5
MI4 - Ghost Protocol $5
MI5 - Rogue Nation $5
MI6 - Fallout $5
Mountain Between Us $6
Night At The Museum 3 - SOTT $5
Oblivion $6
Overlord $6
Pet Sematary - 1989
Pitch Perfect $5
Playing With Fire $5
Rambo - Last Blood $8
Revenant, The
Robin Hood - 2018
Secret Life Of Pets 1 $6
Serenity - 2005
Sherlock Gnomes $5
Sicario 1 $6
Sing $5
Sonic The Hedgehog $8
Split $6
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - 2014 $5
Terminator 2 - Judgement Day $8
Terminator 5 - Genisys $5
Terminator 6 - Dark Fate $5
Transformers 3 - Dark of the Moon $4
Transformers 4 - Age Of Extinction $4
Transformers 5 - Last Knight $4
Transformers 6 - Bumblebee $5
Twilight Breaking Dawn 2 $3
Uglydolls $6
Uncle Drew $6
War for the Planet of the Apes
Warm Bodies $6
Wonder Park $5
X-Men Apocalypse $6
X-Men Days Of Future Past $6
X-Men Logan $6
XXX Return Of Xander Cage $5
GooglePlay HD — Redeem directly in GooglePlay — $5 each or marked price
Aladdin - 1992
Aladdin - 2019
Aladdin 2 $7
Aladdin 3 $7
Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
Ant-Man $6
Ant-Man and the Wasp
Aristocats $8
Avengers 1
Avengers 2 - Age Of Ultron
Avengers 3 - Infinity War $4
Avengers 4 - Endgame $4
A Wrinkle In Time
Bambi 2
Beauty and the Beast - Animated
Beauty and the Beast - 2017
Black Panther $4
Bolt $8
Call of the Wild
Captain America - Civil War
Captain America - First Avenger
Captain Marvel $4
Cars 1
Cars 2
Cars 3
Christopher Robin
Cinderella - 2015
Disney Nature - Born In China
Doctor Strange
Dumbo - 2019
Dumbo - Animated $8
Finding Dory $3
Finding Nemo $7
Fox and the Hound 1
Fox and the Hound 2
Frozen 1
Frozen 2
Good Dinosaur
Guardians of the Galaxy V1
Guardians of the Galaxy V2 $3
Hercules - 1997 $8
Hocus Pocus
Incredibles 2
Inside Out
Iron Man 3
Jungle Book - 2016
Lady and the Tramp 1
Lilo and Stitch 1 $8
Lilo and Stitch 2 $8
Lion King - 2019
Lion King - Animated $8
Little Mermaid 2
Little Mermaid 3
Maleficent 1
Many Adventures Of Winnie The Pooh $8
Mary Poppins
Mary Poppins Returns
Mickey’s Christmas Carol
Million Dollar Arm
Monsters University $7
Mulan 1
Mulan 2
Nightmare Before Christmas
Nutcracker and the Four Realms $4
Onward $6
Peter Pan 1 $7
Pete’s Dragon - 2016
Pirates of the Caribbean - Dead Men Tell No Tales
Planes 1
Pocahontas 1 $7
Pocahontas 2 $7
Princess and the Frog $6
Ralph Breaks The Internet
Robin Hood - Animated $7
Rogue One - A Star Wars Story $3
Santa Clause Trilogy $10
Sleeping Beauty $7
Spies In Disguise $8
Sword In The Stone $7
Tangled $7
Thor 2 - Dark World
Thor 3 - Ragnarok
Toy Story 1
Toy Story 2
Toy Story 3
Toy Story 4
Up $7
Wall-E $8
Winnie The Pooh - A Very Merry Christmas $6
Wreck-It Ralph $7
SD titles — $3.50 each or marked price — iTunes titles do not have quality shown on slip, assume SD
Adventures Of Tintin - iTunes
All Star Superman - iTunes
Alpha - MA
Angry Birds Movie 2 - MA
Appaloosa - iTunes
Arthur Christmas - MA
Call Me By Your Name - MA
Chappie - MA
Cowboys and Aliens - iTunes
Bad Boys For Life
Brave - iTunes
Due Date - iTunes
Equalizer 2 - MA
Fast and the Furious 1 - iTunes $3
2 Fast 2 Furious - iTunes $3
Fast and the Furious 3 - Tokyo Drift $3
Fury - MA
Gran Torino - iTunes
Hall Pass - iTunes
Hangover 1 - iTunes
Harold and Kumar 2 - Escape From Guantanamo Bay - iTunes
Heaven Is For Real - MA
Hotel Transylvania 2 - MA
Interview - MA
Jake and the Never Land Pirates - Peter Pan Returns!
Jonah Hex - iTunes
Paul - iTunes
Perfect Guy, The - MA
Rambo - 2008 - iTunes
Roman J. Israel, Esq - MA
Sausage Party - MA
Season of the Witch, The - iTunes
Sicario 2 - Day of the Soldado - MA
Slender Man - MA
Star Trek 1 - iTunes
Taken 1 - iTunes
Up - iTunes
Walk, The
Other stuff
2 Guns - CA iTunes $4
Bate’s Motel - Season 1-3 - $35 - this is for Vudu UK accounts only
Book Of Life - CA GP $4
Equilibrium - GP $9
Guardians of the Galaxy V1 (6FV4) - $6 MA
Hunger Games - Mockingjay 2 - GP $3
The Thing - 2011 - CA GP $4
X-Men Origins Wolverine - CA GP $4
submitted by Mafnas22 to DigitalCodeSELL [link] [comments]

From the Blue Dragon to the Hands of Yartar - Ch.3 (+1 level, Kraken's Gamble) - Session 16 - Previously our heroes found Zephyros' tower crashed in the wilderness and a bunch of stone creatures were attempting to burn all his notes; among them was a Large Dragon also made of stone but also possessed a regular Dragon's lightning breath. After crumbling all their enemies to rubble the party gathers up as much of their late Cloud Giant friend's notes as they could and put a full day's travel between them and the tower in case any other statue-like minions showed up to finish the job. .
The cast of DnD Comrades.
Paxton spends a good part of the evening using a Language-Comprehension spell to pour over Zephyros' journal and other loose pages. He finds pages of recipes, philosophical musings, and several pages relevant to their previous experience together, along with where he went after he dropped them off in Triboar.
After some deliberation, the group decided the notes don't provide enough new information for them to step away from their quest to find the Giant-Slaying weapon presumably left behind in Yartar by the missing Harthol Zymorven so they continue on, but mean to seek out more answers about this 'Eye of the All-Father' at a later time.
Around midday Paxton's Owl familiar communicates to him, "Don't look up, but there appears to be a dragon circling high above us."
Paxton quietly lets his comrades know of the situation. He casts Mage Armor on himself and Sir Oswald casts Armor of Agathys on himself. Their casting of spells seems to have alerted the dragon of their awareness of them as it begins to dive. Paxton then casts Invisibility on himself.
There's a nearby tor jutting out of the bog nearby that Paxton suggests they all run towards, but they only make it a little ways off the road before realizing that Sir Oswald is staying in place, trying to draw the Dragon's ire to himself.
In a flash of cobalt blue, the Dragon both forcefully and gracefully lands on a nearby boulder still some 60' from them. With its bulk nearly the size of a large covered wagon, it puffs out the yellow plates of its underbelly and cocks its head as it stares down its snout and horn towards the group. In a deep, steady voice it speaks, "Greetings little travelers. Are you lost? From where have you come? To where do you travel?"
Not wanting to divulge too much information Creedun only mentions they're traveling to Yartar and they didn't mean to trespass on the Dragon's territory.
"I'm only here to talk, let's drop the spells and magic in the name of diplomacy; I know there's a 5th member of your group skulking around somewhere. Now, normally I'd demand some tribute for such a trespass," the Young Blue Dragon continues, "but today I'm interested only in information. Just last night I passed the strangest thing - what looked like a tower... that had fallen from the sky... just off the road? You wouldn't have happened to have noticed that too would have, traveling past there towards Yartar as you say."
Creedun asks the Dragon if they can just be on their way and that they mean no harm or disrespect. Sir Oswald musters as much Charisma as he can (which is quite a lot) and says they'd be willing to trade information for information). He asks the Blue Dragon what he found in the tower, what he thought of it, and why he wants to know more?
"I found a dead Giant in the tower, I found it rather odd, and it is my business to know what happens in my territory." The Dragon adds with a thin veil of forced patience, "I'm normally not so generous but you amuse me human; I've now answered 3 of your questions and you none of mine. What do you know of the tower?"
Otto chimes in saying the Cloud Giant Zephyros had been their friend once and he believes he'd been trying to get a message through to them.
The Dragon grins a cruel smile, "As I suspected. I will add you to the collection of the Queen of Statues - the Gathering Storm!" as it pumps its mighty wings to take flight.
Roll Initiative!
Creedun conjures two Giant Eagles which Grapple the Dragon before it takes off.
This is obviously a cunning foe as it completely ignores the beasts and unleashes a torrent of deadly lightning into the Dwarven Bard, shocking him so badly that it's impossible to maintain concentration. As the Eagles poof into nothingness, the Dragon flies up 40' above the ground and begins circling the group.
Otto is struggling to hit the dragon at this range with his Hand Crossbow and uses his new martial training to stow his shield and attack with his Shortbow at the same time.
Paxton appears next to Sir Oswald, and laying a hand on him casts a spell allowing the heavily armored Knight to fly!
Sir Oswald streaks towards the Dragon and positions himself above it, striking mightily into the Dragon's back twice.
Ransom makes a Spiritual Weapon appear next to Dragon to slash at him, while Creedun resummons his Giant Eagles, though this time the Dragon fends off their grapple.
The Blue Dragon mauls Sir Oswald several times then tries to fly away, knowing that even if the Eagle can keep up, the Knight can't. He's betting that his scales can fend off their attacks and is partly correct, both eagles fail to land even a scratch. Sir Oswald with a lucky swing strikes a critical weak spot behind the Dragon's shoulder and adds a charged-up Smite into the fleeing Dragon
Paxton takes advantage of the Dragon having left the cluster of his allies and centers a Fireball on the Dragon. As the dragon flies out of the bursting flame it is singed and starting to look quite hurt.
The resummoned Giant Eagles catch up and both successfully grapple the Dragon as the 3 of them tumble to the ground, WHAM! Still thrashing on the ground the Dragon bites and claws the injured Eagles, causing both of them to poof from existence.
The Dragon takes an expert shot from Otto's Short Bow and not only looks very hurt, but for the first time shows actual fear itself. It moves to retreat, but instead of flying away it begins to burrow into the soft boggy soil. The group only sees it burrow in 10' and then loose sight of it in the dark tunnel.
Paxton throws a fireball right at the opening of the tunnel, hoping the edges of the flaming blast will catch the Dragon. He hears no sound as to whether it hit or missed.
Even running at top speed Otto isn't quick enough to reach the hole before the Dragon can burrow further in and the tunnel turns at such an angle the Gnome can't blind-fire in. Then he remembers that he has one more "Ka-boomer" left from the merchant cart they encountered south of Calling Horns. He lights the fuse and tosses it into the tunnel. 4 seconds later KABOOM!!! followed by a screeching roar of pain.
Sir Oswald flies down into the tunnel with no hesitation in hopes to finish off the Dragon but emerges a couple seconds later saying, "It's dead." The Kaboomer had blown open the side of its face as smoke poured up and viscera dripped down from its eye.
The group tries harvesting some scales and teeth, but damages their trophies in the process. Sir Oswald opens the Dragon's belly to find a couple human skulls and bones, along with a partially digested dagger. He also insists on spending more time to try to acquire the Dragon's snout horn. Paxton puts his Secure Hut spell over the tunnel while he works because spending several hours exposed in the wilderness doesn't seem like a safe plan.
The rest of the day and a half journey to Yartar is uneventful and everyone arrives fully rested.
They find a contingency of guards inspecting everyone who arrives to the city's outer gate. They make their way inside and get food recommendations from a cheery local man.
They're directed to the man's favorite joint - a "dive" dinner on the edge of the "bad part of town - called Karletta's Table.
There they find a one story flat-roofed building hemmed in by larger buildings that appear to have 3rd-story additions built atop older structures. Karletta's Table has crates stacked up outside that several young street kids are using to play and climb on, some have even climbed up onto the roof and are playing up there, another youngster in dirty clothes runs out from behind the diner with a fist-full of bread.
The group walks through the swinging saloon-style doors and gets their bearings in the dim light inside. Most of the booths have privacy walls, but they see a few folk who look down on their luck, a few more working class people, and a couple women arm-wrestling.
Behind the bar is a window looking into the kitchen where clanging pots and pans and sizzling can be heard. A half-elf with dark blue dyed hair cropped short on one side, wearing leather armor with an apron over it comes into view yelling at some staff around the corner, "You don't have that ready yet? By the gods, what am I paying you for, eh?" She notices the party standing in the dinning area and immediately switches her demeaner to a sweet and welcoming smile. "Hey sorry nobody was there to welcome you, feel free to seat yourselves! Someone will be with you in a moment :) " She returns into the part of the kitchen out of view and continues commanding the kitchen staff in an authoritative tone.
Creedun suggests they sit where he can watch the women arm-wrestle and after a few rounds he approaches them with Otto and asks if he can challenge one of them for a round of drinks. There's some brief chit-chat and the women seem fond of taunting Creedun and Otto, mostly in good fun. They tell the adventurers that they work the docks in the fishing industry. Otto mentions that he's a fisher as well and that's how he lost his eye.
One of the women cranks her shoulder a bit as though it's stiff and says to the other, "What do you think Sally? You wanna take 'im?"
Sally, "Are you gunna need some books to sit on, guy?" alluding to the Dwarf's stoutness. "How 'bout instead a drinks though we wrestle for the story of your friend's lost eye. I win against short an stout 'ere - you tell us your tale, little guy?" Otto agrees.
After a particularly close match Sally pins Creedun and Otto launches into a captivating tale from his youth when their boats' nets caught a Kraken, and how he had to climb into the nets to free the beast. In the process he slipped and severed the end off one of the Kraken's tentacles, fell back into the boat and the knife "poked him in the eye."
There is a long pause. Eventually Sally says, "Pffffft, I call bullsh!t There's no way that was a Kraken. That's a mythical beast; even if one does exist there's been no claims of seeing one in a hundred years at least. Plus, it would have dragged your ship to the bottom before you had a chance to free it."
Otto insists he's not lying.
Sally adds, "look, I'm sure you were entangled with something big and tentacle-y, maybe a Giant Octopus, maybe a newborn Kraken, but if that were a real one you'd be a skeleton at the bottom of the ocean right now."
There's a little more benign chit-chat. Otto refers to the women as "madams" which they get a hoot out of. Then he uses his Thieves Cant to see if there's more to them than meets the eye and mentions being "a part of their guild" and "wondering if they could help him."
The women look at each other and Sally says, "Let's step outside for a chat little guy. Just us and and you; your friends can stay in here and order their meal." Otto assures his party that it'll be fine. Paxton keeps watch on the situation with his Owl Familiar waiting outside.
Sally calls to the kitchen, "Hey Karletta could we get some more bread" and they're given a basket of bread as they walk with Otto out a back door.
Outside Sally laughs and says he must be new in town and there's no way he's part of their guild. They ask what he wants and he mentions he's looking for someone. Sally scoffs, saying they don't point strangers to members of their guild. He explains - still in somewhat vague terms - he's looking for a Noble's son who's gone missing. He offers them 50gp if they can help. Sally leans to the other woman and whispers something.
Paxton, listening through his Owl's senses hears her ask her friend, "Do you think he's talking about Mel?"
Sally tells Otto to go back inside with his friends and they'll be back with their friend who can tell him more. Neither Otto nor Paxton (through his Familiar) can discern any fowl-play or malice so they wait.
In the meantime Karletta had come by to take the group's order and comments about how quiet Paxton is and asks why he's sitting upright with his eyes closed. Creedun tells her his friend is just really tired and asks for a bib to put on the wizard.
Otto comes back in just as Ransom is pinning Creedun in their own arm-wrestling match.
Paxton has his owl follow the two women. One sets the basket of bread down on a nearby crate but the owl follows them to a warehouse where they disappear inside for several minutes. When they reemerge they're accompanied by a young woman and an older halfling woman; they all head back towards the diner. Paxton tells his owl to check out the bread basket, but when he gets there there are barely even crumbs.
The four women reenter Karletta's Table. Without pause the Halfling woman jumps up onto the bench, eye-level with Ransom and the others "I hear you want to ask my friend Mel some questions. I'm just here to make sure it goes smoothly, okay?"
Mel pulls up a chair and sits at the end of the booth. Between asking questions to Mel and the Halfling, they learn:

Next time - All Aboard the Grand Dame!
submitted by Yesh_Vroo to stormkingsthunder [link] [comments]

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[USA] [H] Nintendo - Games, Consoles, Collectibles; PlayStation - Games & Consoles; Xbox - Games & Accessories; Dreamcast - Games & Accessories; New swap items at the top of the list [W] Chrono Trigger (SNES - CIB or just everything but the game); Pulse Headset (PS5)

Bundles take priority. I'd love to get rid of this stuff.
New Stuff
Switch Lite - Gray. Comes with aftermarket charger & carrying case. No memory card or games. The right stick has a strange issue seen in the video here, I've ordered a new analog stick to replace it with but I believe this could be considered drift and Nintendo would replace it under warranty. Either way, happy to find a good solution. Edit I’ve replaced the right analog stick and it’s working like a charm now.
GameCube bundle - Of the few pickups I've been able to get in on during the last several months, this one is my favorite yet. Comes with a black GameCube with original box (the box is a little beat up), all OEM hookups, a black OEM controller, and the following games: Super Smash Bros. Melee (CIB), Mario Party 4 (CIB), Mario Kart Double Dash (disc & case - the case is the bonus disc holder but doesn't actually include the disc or any manuals/inserts), Timesplitters 2 (CIB), Avatar (CIB), Star Wars Rogue Leader: Rogue Squadron (CIB), Hunter: The Reckoning (loose) and The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (CIB, however the disc isn't reading in this console. I'm going to try a couple other ones and see if I can bring it back to life. It looks like it's in perfect shape, so I have no idea what the problem could be). Edit Twilight Princess worked in both Wii’s I tried it in as well as 3/4 of my personal gamecube consoles. While it seems like there’s an issue that makes it takes a stronger laser to read it, it works as shown here.
I also have a loose Pokemon Emerald. It's authentic, I've soldered in a new battery as well. The label isn't great, though. Pics here
I picked up a red GBA SP - AGS-001. Works just fine, scratched up a bit on the outside shell, comes with aftermarket wall charger. Also came with a bunch of loose GBA games: Zelda: A Link to the Past/4 Swords Adventures; Namco Museum; Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team; Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories; Spyro Orange: The Cortex Conspiracy; Sonic Advance 3; Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith. Same pickup I got a crimson & black DS Lite that needs a new inner top housing to keep it from flapping about. Still works great, but that's the common fatal problem with these consoles. I've ordered a new shell for it and am planning to re-house it, but if you're interested as-is, just let me know.
Nintendo Collectibles
Title Condition Notes
Paper Mario: The Origami King Origami Set Sealed They are these ones
Super Mario 3D All-Stars Poster Set New They are these ones
Super Mario Bros. 35th Anniversary Pin Set #1 Sealed They are these ones
Super Mario Zipper Case New It's this one
Nintendo Switch
Title Condition Notes
Console Switch Lite Used Gray console, very nice shape. Includes aftermarket charging brick and carrying case, as well as a spare screen protector. No memory card or games included. The right stick has a strange issue seen in the video here, I've ordered a new analog stick to replace it with but I believe this could be considered drift and Nintendo would replace it under warranty. Either way, happy to find a good solution. Edit I’ve replaced the right analog stick and it’s working like a charm now.
Atelier Ryza: Ever Darkness & The Secret Hideout Sealed Picked up an extra copy to keep sealed during the recent restocks. Figure if someone else will open & play it, might be a good token to trade.
Ys VIII Cart & Case Only Adventurer's Edition, however it doesn't have any of the inserts. Just the case and the cartridge.
Nintendo Wii/U
Title Condition Notes
Console WiiU Used Black 32GB console. Very nice shape. Includes the OEM power supply & sensor bar, gamepad (in excellent condition -- no stylus or original charging brick, but it will come with a USB-to-gamepad cable. It doesn't work nearly as well at charging the gamepad, I'd recommend picking up an OEM charging brick/cradle if you don't already have one).
Console Wii RVL-101 Used Black console. Later model that doesn't have GC controller ports or back compatibility. Comes with all OEM hookups. Tested & works great. I'm happy to softmod it too, if you'd like.
WiiMote Accessory 3 OEM Wiimotes - 2 white (one original, one with Motion+ built in), and one black (has Motion+ built in). The two white Wiimotes have wrist straps, and each seems to have at least some minor little puppy bite marks (?). One of the white ones has a silicone sleeve, and the non-M+ one has a black silicone sleeve with the M+ adapter. They're all tested and work great.
Birthday Party Bash Loose Tested, reads at least past the title screen. Can't say I've done any more birthday party bashing after that.
Just Dance 3 (Wii) CIB Nice shape
Just Dance 4 CIB Nice shape
Just Dance 2016 CIB Nice shape
Nintendo (3)DS
Title Condition Notes
Console Black DS Lite Used Nice overall condition, bottom screen has some scratches that I've tried to capture in the pictures. Comes with OEM charger. Pics
Console Black DS Lite Used Excellent overall condition. Tested & working. Doesn't have the GBA slot cover, but does include a stylus and aftermarket charger. Pending swap
Console Zelda Edition DS Lite Refurbished Nice overall condition, the top hinge was cracked so I had to replace the top housing, but everything else is original. I'll include the original top housing if you want it, too. Pics
Console Parts DS Lite FPNW This is a bag of leftovers from a couple of housing swaps. Bad top casings, cracked top LCD, broken power slider. Surprisingly, the other things all work great on one of them. Lots of decent parts to harvest. Battery, cartridge reader, metal hinge, bottom housing, bottom screen, etc. Pics. I also have the housing and buttons leftover from the other one I shell-swapped, it's black & blue. Ok condition overall.
Console Black DSi Used Nice condition, has CFW installed.
Action Replay Max DS Loose No cable included
ATV: Thunder Ridge Riders/Monster Trucks Mayhem CIB Dual-pack
Goosebumps: Horrorland CIB Nice condition
Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games Loose Tested & working
New Super Mario Bros CIB Nice condition Pics
Nintendogs: Best Friends Loose Tested & working
Orcs & Elves CIB Nice condition Pending swap
Scribblenauts Loose Tested & working
Spyro: The Eternal Night Loose Tested & working
Transformers: Autobots Loose Tested & working
Warioware D.I.Y. Loose Tested & working
Yoshi's Island DS Loose Poor condition but tested & working. Looks like a dog got to it at some point.
Nintendo Gamecube
Title Condition Notes
Console Black DOL-001 Used A little bit dirty but I'll see if I can clean it up some. It's the early model with the digital AV out. Tested & works great. Comes with OEM hookups & a black OEM controller. Also has the original box with precautions booklet, although the box is a bit beat up.
Accessory Action Replay Loose No disc or cable
Avatar: The Last Airbender CIB Nice condition, tested & working
Extreme-G 3 CIB Nice condition Pics
Hunter: The Reckoning Loose Tested & working
Legend of Zelda, The: Twilight Princess (FPNW) CIB The disc isn't reading in the console I just picked up. I'm going to try a couple other ones and see if I can bring it back to life. It looks like it's in perfect shape, so I have no idea what the problem could be Edit it works in the 2 Wii’s I tried it in as well as 3/4 of my personal gamecube consoles. It seems like it has an issue that makes it need a stronger laser to read, but it’s not a lost cause.
Mario Kart Double Dash Case & disc only Tested & working, the case is the bonus disc holder but doesn't actually include the disc or any manuals/inserts. Sold elsewhere
Mario Party 4 CIB Great shape, tested & working
Super Smash Bros. Melee CIB Tested & works great. Original case art, not best seller or other variant. Pending swap
Star Wars Rogue Leader: Rogue Squadron CIB Tested & working, nice shape.
Timesplitters 2 CIB Tested & working
Ty the Tasmanian Tiger Case & disc only Tested & working Pics Pending swap
Nintendo 64
Title Condition Notes
Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask Loose Case-swapped with a gray cartridge, the other was completely busted. I'll include it if you want it. Original label has been glued on to this one. Pics for reference are toward the end of this album. Pending swap
Title Condition Notes
Mario All Stars + Super Mario World Loose Top of label has a couple of peeled off parts, like someone took a fingernail to it at some point. Pics
Super Mario World Loose Tested & working
Game Boy
Title Condition Notes
Console GBA SP AGS-001 Loose Red, tested & works great. Includes aftermarket charger.
Castlevania Adventure, The Loose Some tearing on the label. I can get pictures if needed. Tested & working.
Finding Nemo Loose Tested & working
Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories Loose Tested & working
Legend of Zelda, The: A Link to the Past/4 Swords Adventures Loose Tested & working
Namco Museum Loose Tested & working
Pac Man Special Color Edition Includes cart, box, manual, and cardboard tray Great shape (Game Boy Color)
Pokémon Emerald CIB Hard trade. Includes poster. Only looking to swap this toward similarly valued items. Pics here
Pokémon Emerald Loose Soldered in a new battery so the clock-based events will work. Label isn't great, but is at least still intact. Pics here
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team Loose Tested & working
Pokémon Pinball Loose Missing battery cover
Pokemon Red Loose Good condition with some label wear. Battery holds a save.
Power Rangers: Dino Thunder Loose Tested & working
Power Rangers: Wild Force Loose Tested & working
Sonic Advance 3 Loose Tested & working
Spyro Orange: The Cortex Conspiracy Loose Tested & working
Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith Loose Tested & working
Super Mario Advance 2: Super Mario World Loose Tested & working
Super Mario Land Loose No label.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III: Radical Rescue Loose Nice shape. Tested & working.
Tetris Loose Nice shape. Tested & working.
Tom & Jerry: The Magic Ring Loose Tested & working
Tony Hawk: Pro Skater 2 Loose Tested & working
Game Boy Carrying Cases Accessory I have a bunch of these. If you're interested, I can grab pics.
Title Condition Notes
Bandai Golf: Challenge Pebble Beach Loose Tested & working
Big Bird's Hide & Speak Loose Tested & working
CONFLICT Loose Tested & working
Demon Sword Loose Tested & working
Fester's Quest Loose Tested & working
Ikari Warriors Loose Tested & working
Kid Kool Loose Tested & working
NARC Loose Tested & working
NES Play Action Football Loose Tested & working
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: The Arcade Game Loose Tested & working
Top Gun: Second Mission Loose Tested & working
WCW Wrestling Loose Tested & working
PlayStation PS4, PS3
Title Condition Notes
2 DualShock 3 controllers – Black and camo – PS3 Accessory Both OEM, both work great.
Killzone 3 Rifle Peripheral - PS3/4 Accessory Tested & working
PS Move Eye Camera - PS3 Accessory Tested & working
PS Move Controller - PS3/4 Accessory I have 1 of these available, no strap.
Just Dance 3 – PS3 CIB Tested & working
MLB The Show '16 – PS3 CIB Tested & working
Resident Evil 2 – PS4 NIB New in plastic
Rocksmith (no guitar included) – PS3 CIB Tested & working
The Outer Worlds – PS4 NIB New in plastic
Tiger Woods PGA Tour '12 – PS3 CIB Tested & working
Uncharted - Drake's Fortune – PS3 CIB Tested & working
Uncharted 2 – PS3 CIB Tested & working
Uncharted 3 – PS3 CIB Tested & working
Playstation Portable, Vita
Title Condition Notes
Console PSP 3000 Used Tested & working. Now it has a new battery as well as battery cover on the back. It also includes a Sony M2 Duo adapter, and a 4GB M2 card. The screen has some scuffs on the left side, not visible while playing but they're definitely there. Also includes an aftermarket charger.
3rd Birthday, The - PSP CIB Tested & working, very nice condition. Pending swap
Blazing Souls – PSP Loose Tested & working
Coded Arms – PSP CIB Nice condition
Darkstalkers Chronicle – PSP Loose Tested & working
Disgaea Infinite – PSP Loose Tested & working
God of War: Chains of Olympus – PSP Loose Tested & working
God of War: Ghost of Sparta - PSP CIB Tested & working, very nice condition.
Hard Rock Casino – PSP CIB Nice condition
Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep - PSP CIB Tested & working, very nice condition.
Madden '06 – PSP Loose Tested & working
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 – PSP CIB Tested & working
Midnight Club 3 – PSP CIB Nice condition
Little Big Planet - PSP CIB Tested & working, very nice condition.
Lord of Arcana - PSP UMD & Case only Tested & working, very nice condition.
Spectral Souls – PSP Loose Tested & working
Star Wars Battlefront 2 - PSP CIB Tested & working, very nice condition.
Valkyria Chronicles 2 - PSP CIB Tested & working, very nice condition. Pending swap
Wild Arms XF – PSP Loose Tested & working
Worms: Open Warfare – PSP CIB Nice condition
Persona 4 Golden - Vita Loose Tested & working
SEGA Dreamcast
Title Condition Notes
OEM White controller Accessory Tested & working
Intec Purple Controller Accessory Tested, works fine
Buzz Lightyear: Star Command Disc only Tested & working
Centipede Disc only Tested & working
Chicken Run CIB Great shape
Dave Mirra's Freestyle BMX CIB Great shape
Disney's Dinosaur CIB Cracked case edge
Jeremy McGrath Supercross Disc only Tested & working
NFL Blitz 2001 CIB Great shape
Quake III Arena CIB Great shape
Resident Evil: CODE Veronica Discs & aftermarket cases Tested & working
San Francisco Rush CIB Great shape
Sega Bass Fishing CIB Great shape (Sega All-Stars)
Sega Smash Pack: Volume 1 Disc & case, cracked front lid Tested & working
Sno-Cross Championship Racing CIB Great shape
Super Runabout: SF Edition CIB Great shape
Tomb Raider Chronicles CIB Great shape
Vigilante 8: Second Offense CIB Great shape
Virtua Fighter 3tb Disc & aftermarket case only Tested & working
WWE Royal Rumble CIB Great shape
Xbox One, 360, OG
Title Condition Price
OEM Wireless Controllers - 360 Accessory I have 4 spares, 3 black and 1 white, as well as a couple of charging cradles & rechargeable battery packs. Missing the actual battery covers, though.
Rock Candy Wired Controller - 360 Accessory Comes with the USB breakaway cable but it's kind of janky.
Microsoft Kinect - XBO Accessory Model 1520 for Xbox One
Speed Wheel - 360 Accessory Tested & working.
Gibson Xplorer - 360 Accessory Tested & working. Comes with stickers pre-installed and a shoulder strap.
Batman: Arkham Asylum (Game of the Year Edition) - 360 CIB Tested & working
Batman: Arkham City (Game of the Year Edition, 2 disc setup) - 360 Disc 1 only Tested & working
Burnout 3: Takedown - 360 CIB Tested & working
Call of Duty 3 - 360 CIB Tested & working
Chromehounds - 360 CIB Tested & working
Disney Pixar Cars - 360 CIB Tested & working
Elder Scrolls, The: Skyrim - 360 Disc only Tested & working
Elder Scrolls, The: Oblivion (Game of the Year Edition, 2 disc setup) - 360 Disc 1 only Tested & working
Fallout 3 (Game of the Year Edition) - 360 CIB Tested & working
Gears of War - 360 CIB Tested & working
Gears of War 3 - 360 CIB Tested & working
LEGO Batman/Pure Dual Pack - 360 CIB Tested & working
LEGO Batman (same dual pack as above, but doesn't include Pure) - 360 CIB Tested & working
Lost Planet: Extreme Condition - 360 CIB Tested & working
Madden 09 - OG CIB Tested & working
Madden 11 - 360 CIB Tested & working
Marvel Ultimate Alliance - 360 CIB Tested & working
Minecraft - 360 Disc only Tested & working
MotoGP - 360 CIB Tested & working
Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 - 360 CIB Tested & working
NBA Live 2005 - OG CIB Tested & working
NBA Live 06 - 360 CIB Tested & working
NCAA Football 09 - 360 CIB Tested & working
Skate 3 - 360 Disc Only Tested & working
Splinter Cell: Blacklist - 360 CIB Tested & working
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed - 360 CIB Tested & working
Transformers: Dark of the Moon - 360 CIB Tested & working
Triple Play 2002 - OG CIB Tested & working
Walking Dead, The: Survival Instinct - 360 Disc only Tested & working
Zoo Tycoon - 360 CIB Tested & working
Chrono Trigger (SNES) - I have my childhood cart already, but I'd be interesting in picking up the box & all the inserts if you have them
Pulse Headset (PS5)
Borderlands Legendary Collection (Switch)
Original hard case for PS Vita Slim - my kid broke the hinge on mine and the Amazon replacement is... not good.
Castlevania (GBA) - Looking for all 4 games: NES, Aria of Sorrow, Harmony of Dissonance, Circle of the Moon. Double pack would be great, too.
Mega Man Battle Network games: Network Transmission (NGC), MMBN 2 (GBA), Battle Chip Challenge (GBA), MMBN 4 : Blue Moon (GBA), MMBN 5: Team ProtoMan & Team Colonel(GBA) & Double Team DS (NDS), MMBN 6: Cybeast Gregar (GBA)
Dreamcast OEM Memory Card, Quality Games (Sonic Adventure 2, Skies of Arcadia, etc.)
Pokemon: SoulSilver (Bix box & cardboard tray only, already have the game & case. The Pokewalker & its' manual would be a plus, but not a requirement)
NES/SNES/N64/GameCube/Switch Offers Note: I currently have most first-party/major release Switch games. Feel free to still offer, though. No interest in Amiibo or Amiibo Cards.
submitted by ebudd08 to gameswap [link] [comments]

MegaSlot Casino - free spins, no deposit bonus, promotion

MegaSlot Casino - free spins, no deposit bonus, promotion

Megaslot Casino Free Spins and Welcome Bonus
Register your account with MegaSlot Casino and collect 30 free spins without deposit! On top of that, get a 100% welcome bonus and 100 free spins! Enjoy super-fast payments and 24/7 support service!
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MegaSlot Casino is home to a nice collection of games since 2020 and it operates under the umbrella of the well-established company N1 Interactive Ltd. The company is associated with a huge number of other online casinos that are ranked among the best ones on the market. MegaSlot Casino is a law-abiding gambling site that received a stamp of approval from the Maltese gambling regulator.
This online casino is a place where people from different nationalities can find some of the highest-quality games provided by top software suppliers such as Playtech, Yggdrasil, Evolution Gaming, NetEnt, Endorphina, Quickspin, and others. The casino operator partners with over a dozen casino content developers to steal the show and offer diversity in terms of titles and game genres.
MegaSlot has done an excellent job when it comes to the available payment methods. Players have the choice to select from the most popular banking solutions. Speaking of online payments, we cannot miss the chance to mention that the casino utilizes advanced technologies to protect its players’ data.
The casino operator also caters to its mobile players who are provided with the opportunity to either play all available casino games in an instant-play format or download a dedicated app that works like a charm on various modern portable devices. As a newcomer, you will be treated to a tasty Welcome Bonus that will boost your winning potential.
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Bonuses and Promotions

The promotions are what piques players’ attention when choosing an interactive casino where they can spend some quality time. Undoubtedly, all newcomers are interested in whether a certain casino offers a Welcome Bonus and what are its benefits. When it comes to MegaSlot, the virtual casino welcomes its new recruits with a 100% match bonus up to $100.
We must admit that this does not seem quite attractive having in mind that there are casinos that offer five-figure amounts. For that purpose, the operator also throws in some free spins, letting casino enthusiasts test the water and win some extra cash thanks to their own efforts. It is important to mention that the free spins are awarded in five installments of 20 spins over 5 days.
Assuming that this sounds to you like a nice deal and you would like to claim it, you should be informed that you need to use the promo code MEGA100 prior to making a minimum qualifying deposit of $20. What is more, the sign-up promotion comes with a wagering requirement of 40x. This means that you need to wager 40x the amount of the bonus. As for the profits accrued from the free spins, the playthrough is also 40x.
The duration of the sign-up promotion is 2 weeks. In addition to that, players should keep in mind that they should activate a new pack of free spins every day otherwise they will miss the pack. According to the casino’s bonus terms and conditions, the maximum amount a player can win from the bonus funds is capped at $10,000. As for the winnings generated from the free spins, the maximum withdrawal limit is $50.
The casino features a maximum bet limit of $1 while playing with an active sign-up bonus. In that way, the operator blocks bonus abusers. In case you go over this limit, your bet will not be accepted and you might even lose your profits. It is important to explain that this limit is valid for all first deposit bonuses.
Another important aspect to take into account is the game weighting. This means that not all games fully contribute towards satisfying the rollover. Bets on video slots count 100% towards the wagering requirements except for some titles which you can find on the website of the casino. Stakes on table games as well as video poker and classic slots have an inconspicuously low contribution rate of just 5%, while live dealer games are not included in the game weighting at all.
Once you clear the playthrough tied to the bonus funds and the winnings generated from the free spins, you will be able to withdraw your earnings. We would like to mention that players from Sweden are not allowed to take advantage of any of the promotions offered at MegaSlot Casino.
All other casino enthusiasts who are playing with an active bonus should know that they can request a withdrawal of their deposit prior to meeting the playthrough. In this case, the casino will forfeit the amount of the bonus and the winnings and pay out the remaining funds.
MegaSlot Casino caters also to its loyal fans providing them with the opportunity to get involved in a VIP Program that comes with worthwhile perks and exclusive offers. The casino’s VIP Program is comprised of 40 statuses and players need to collect comp points to climb up the ladder. The higher status you reach, the nicer bonuses you will be provided with.
We would advise our readers to carefully read the terms and conditions associated with each status as the exchange rate of the points varies between the levels. It is interesting to mention that casino aficionados who navigate their way through a higher level are awarded free spins that come with a 35x wagering requirement.
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Software Providers

Casino software providers are at the heart of the casinos’ collection of games as these are responsible for developing the games. This means that the software companies are the ones that decide what themes, graphics, bonuses, and rules a certain game will have.
For that purpose, it is essential to choose a virtual casino whose gaming library involves titles created by reputable brands. Even though there are hundreds of companies claiming to be the best, there are certain casino content developers that worked hard to honestly deserve this title.
As a reputable virtual casino that is dedicated to providing nothing less but the highest quality and great diversity, the operator joined hands with Playtech, Yggdrasil, Evolution Gaming, NetEnt, Endorphina, Quickspin, etc. These companies are recognized to be among the best on the market and their products quickly turn into fans’ favorites.
As companies that aim at constantly pushing the industry’s boundaries forward, the games they release are developed in a mobile-friendly way. In that way, casino buffs can revel in a rewarding gambling experience even on the go. The casino features an in-browser app as well as a dedicated casino application. No matter which option you will go for, you will certainly be amazed by the sleek design of the website and its brilliant performance even on smartphones and tablets.
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Our MegaSlot Casino analysis has shown that players are presented with a plethora of payment solutions that support both deposits and withdrawals. Before we continue discussing the available payment options, we would like to note that not all payment services are available to residents from specific countries. In the lines below you will find more details regarding this matter.
What players from international markets should know is that the international operating currency of the website is EUR, but this casino accepts payments also in the following currencies: USD, NOK, CAD, PLN, NZD, ZAR, and JPY.
When you are about to top up your gaming account, you should be informed that you have several options to do so, including Visa, Mastercard, Trustly, Skrill, Neteller, Zimpler, Klarna, Qiwi, Yandex, iDebit, Interac Online, Interac e-Transfer, Neosurf, ecoPayz, and Rapido. The minimum amount that you need to upload to your gaming account in order to start playing for real money is set at $10.
As for withdrawals, players can choose from the following options – Visa, Mastercard, Trustly, Skrill, Neteller, Quwu, Yandex, Bank Transfer, iDebit, Interac e-Transfer, Instadebit, ecoPayz, and Rapido. What is important to explain is the Visa and Mastercard are not available to players from elsewhere due to certain legal restrictions. For further information, be advised to visit the website of the casino.
When you decide it is time to finally pull out your winnings, you should know that you cannot withdraw less than $20, while the maximum limit on withdrawals depends on the preferred payment solution. However, players can withdraw no more than $5,000 per day, $10,000 per week, and $30,000 per month.
Depending on the payment solution you choose, payouts are cleared between 1 and 3 days. The available digital wallets process withdrawals in the fastest manner, but you will certainly not wait for too long in case you decide to use any of the other available methods. Casino enthusiasts who decide to pull out their profits via bank transfer should be informed that the minimum withdrawable limit is set at $500.
Players will be more than happy to learn that the casino does not impose charges on deposits and withdrawals. However, the payment service provider might tax you a small fee for the transactions which is your responsibility.
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Mobile Casino

Nowadays, it is extremely important for virtual casinos to offer flexibility, among all other things. Hence, MegaSlot Casino is designed in a mobile-friendly way. The design of the casino can be described as uncluttered and well-organized, so that casino enthusiasts can easily find what they are looking for even on the move.
Generally speaking, there are two ways to play at MegaSlot Casino via your handheld device, and more precisely to load the website of the casino through the browser your smartphone or tablet utilizes, or to download the dedicated app. The virtual casino brags about its apps that are specially designed for Android and iOS users. The apps work like a charm and the installation process is a child’s play.
However, the instant version of the casino is also a good alternative provided that you prefer to save some storage space on your mobile device. The main menu button is located in the upper left corner. Once you tap on it, a drop-down menu with links to the available slots, promotions, and payment methods will appear. It is important to mention that you will also find a link to the casino’s dedicated apps.
On the right upper corner, you will notice a button that will help you to change the language of the platform in case you are not a fluent English speaker. The choice is wide enough to find the language you are most familiar with. The games are organized into sections depending on their genre. The live chat button is to be found at the right bottom corner. The mobile version of the casino is also equipped with a search box and a navigation bar to further enhance the process of searching.
To find the casino’s terms and conditions section as well as other important links, you need to scroll down as these are located at the very bottom of the casino’s website. The instant-play format of this casino shares a lot of common features with its desktop counterpart.
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Casino Games

The first thing to catch our eye in MegaSlot Casino is the huge number of games it offers. As its name suggests, the majority of the casino’s gaming portfolio is occupied by top-shelf slots. Reel spinners will certainly not regret their choice in case they decide to sign up with this virtual casino. However, other genres such as live dealer games, progressive jackpots, video poker, and table games are also included in the casino’s catalog.
Owing to the casino’s partnership with more than a dozen software companies, MegaSlot Casino boasts over a total of 1,300 titles that are courtesy of brands such as Playtech, Yggdrasil, Evolution Gaming, NetEnt, Endorphina, Quickspin, and others. Most of the games except the live dealer games feature a demo mode, but you should still open an account at MegaSlot in order to load the games.


Slots are among players’ favorite casino games and that barely surprises anyone familiar with the great diversity these offer. From themes to features, every slot is unique and casino fans can enjoy a different gambling experience every time they play a different slot game. MegaSlot Casino offers a remarkable amount of slots that come with a cinematic quality of the graphics and rewarding cash prizes.
Deadwood, Sakura Fortune, Book of Fortune, Tombstone, Legacy of Dead, Golden Fish Tank, Dragon Kingdom, and the Dog House are just a small sample of the titles you will come across in this section. Even if 3-reel slots are more to your liking, you will certainly find the title that most appeals to you.

Table Games

When it comes to table games, we cannot say that MegaSlot Casino has a lot to offer. There is a tight number of some of the most emblematic casino table games, and more precisely roulette, blackjack, and poker. Roulette Royal, American Roulette, European Roulette, 21 Burn Blackjack, Lucky Blackjack, European Blackjack, Caribbean Stud Poker, Turbo Poker, and others are included in the casino’s selection of games.
The games included in this section feature flexible bet sizes, making wagering on table games more than available. Assuming that you are an avid table player, you might be a little disappointed with the casino’s selection of table games. On the bright side, reel spinners who enthuse over adding spice to the entire mix can try one of the table games’ variations and hope for Lady Luck smiling on them.

Video Poker

Even though MegaSlot Casino offers just a few titles of video poker, casino fans will find some of the game’s most popular variations such as Aces and Faces, American Poker V, Deuces Wild, Joker Wild, and several more. Players should be informed that they can find the available video poker games listed in the Table Games category. The reason why so many casino devotees still enthuse over this somehow old-dated game is that it requires not only luck, but also strategy. What is more, it has higher returns compared to slot games.

Jackpot Games

Players who are craving for life-changing cash prizes will certainly appreciate the nice selection of progressive jackpot games MegaSlot Casino offers. Some of the titles you might find interesting include Bounty of the Beanstalk, Rainbow Jackpots, the series Age of the Gods, Leprechaun’s Luck, A Night in Paris, Glam Life, Charms and Clovers, Jackpot Rango, and Reels of Wealth. You will certainly not be disappointed with the huge choice of titles included in the Jackpot Games Category.

Live Casino

In case you would like to enjoy an authentic casino atmosphere without leaving the comfort of your home, you should try the live dealer games included in the casino’s portfolio. Having in mind that the casino collaborates with one of the leading software companies specialized in developing live dealer games, and more precisely Evolution Gaming, we can safely state that the live dealer suite you will find at MegaSlot Casino will impress you.
NetEnt, Pragmatic Play, Playtech, and some more are the other software providers that are responsible for the casino’s unsurpassed selection of live dealer games. From classic variations of roulette, blackjack, and poker to the latest releases such as Evolution’s Lightning series and game shows, MegaSlot Casino has it all. This somehow compensates for the lack of table games.

Special Games

Players who are trying to find a way to spice up their gambling experience would be interested in learning that MegaSlot Casino offers some special games such as bingo and scratch cards. The titles you will come across include Scratch’Em, Happy Scratch, Frogs Scratch, Gold Coins, Rainforest Magic Bingo, Sweet Alchemy Bingo, etc. We must note that this virtual casino features a good-enough number of scratch games that come with interesting cash prizes. These fast-paced games will certainly get you rid of the monotony and provide you with an unforgettable gambling experience.
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Licensing and Regulations

Security is always one of the biggest concerns online players have. MegaSlot Casino understands why so many casino enthusiasts refrain from indulging in their favorite pastime and for that purpose, the operator is providing a high level of transparency. The casino operates under a license issued by the Malta Gaming Authority and the company that owns this gambling site has years of experience in this industry.
As a company that adheres to the law, players from certain jurisdictions such as France, the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Russia, Gibraltar, Jersey, the Czech Republic, and others are not allowed to create accounts at MegaSlot Casino. It is important to mention that NetEnt’s games are not available in some countries due to the software provider’s license.
The games offered at this virtual casino run on the random number generator algorithm (RNG) that is regularly tested by a third auditing agency. In that sense, the results of all games are based on pure chance.
To further cement its strong positions on the market, it seems that the casino is an advocate of responsible gambling. The casino employs various self-reliant strategies to help players at risk tackle the problem.
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Customer Support

MegaSlot Casino boasts 24/7 customer support. To make sure you are in safe hands when playing at this virtual casino, we tested the customer care department whilst writing this review. Based on our experience, the customer support agents from the live chat are more than competent to assist you. What is more, the representatives will provide you with an answer in a prompt manner.
You can get in touch with the customer support department by sending an email at and the representatives will get back to you within 24 hours, even though in most cases it takes just a few hours to have your questions answered. Unfortunately, casino enthusiasts are not provided with the opportunity to directly speak to a casino representative over the phone, but that disadvantage is compensated by the presence of a detailed FAQ page.
A quick link to the FAQ page is available at the bottom of the casino’s homepage. Prior to contacting the customer support department, you can check the information included on this page as you might find some extra details next to the answer to your question.
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MegaSlot Casino pays close attention to its gaming catalog that is comprised of high-quality products developed by top software companies. In addition to that, the casino’s main goal is to provide its players with a safe gambling environment where they can enjoy their favorite games without taking the risk to be deceived. For that purpose, all the important information regarding the casino’s licenses is placed at the bottom of its main page.
As a virtual casino that aims at pleasing players’ various preferences, the operator employs a plethora of payment solutions that are reliable and trustworthy. On top of that, players’ sensitive information is safeguarded by sophisticated encryption systems, so all payments are processed in a risk-free manner.
MegaSlot Casino will certainly become one of the top gambling sites in a flash thanks to its customer-oriented approach. As a disadvantage, we might note that the wagering requirements associated with the Welcome Bonus are a bit too high.
On the other hand, these apply only to the bonus funds, unlike many other online casinos where the total value of the bonus and the deposit is subject to the playthrough. To conclude this review, we would like to say that we consider this online casino an excellent choice for both seasoned and novice players.
submitted by freespinsbonus to u/freespinsbonus [link] [comments]

GSlot Casino - 200 free spins and 100% free bonus code

GSlot Casino - 200 free spins and 100% free bonus code

GSlot Casino Review & Promotions
Create your account at GSlot Casino as a new player and enjoy 200 free spins on Book of Dead! Next, get 100% up to 200 EUUSD on your first deposit. This exclusive welcome bonus is time limited! Hurry Up!!!
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Main Information

Gslot Casino was established in 2020 by N1 Interactive Limited. Powered by SoftSwiss, is is easy to navigate and offers a strong slot game selection of more than 5,000 titles, from big names such as Yggdrasil, Microgaming, and NetEnt.
Jackpot games and table games, such as multiple versions of roulette and blackjack are also offered and there is a good selection of live dealer games.
Gslot complies with Maltese and European laws and is a safe and secure website. Players can also set up a two-factor authentication (2FA) for extra security if they so choose.
There’s 24-hour customer support, and a VIP club with ten levels, where players are rewarded for playing time based on the amount but also the consistency of their deposits.


The Gslot welcome offer is a three-part deposit bonus available to new customers when they join Gslot, which is broken down as follows:
First deposit – minimum 20 EUR, use bonus code G100 to receive 100% match bonus up to 100 EUR + 100 free spins Second deposit - minimum 20 EUR, use bonus code G50 to receive 50% match bonus up to 100 EUR + 50 free spins Third deposit - minimum 25 EUR, use bonus code GS to receive 25 free spins on Ancient Egypt, with 25 more free spins for Ancient Egypt to be awarded on the next Egyptian Fortune day
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Games & Software

Gslot boasts more than 5,000 games from the biggest and best providers in the business. From Yggdrasil’s Vikings Go Berserk, and NetEnt’s Starburst, to Playtech’s hugely popular Age of the Gods series, there is something here for everyone.
There are sporting slots such as Yggdrasil’s Bicicleta and games based on TV shows such as BigTimeGaming’s Who Wants to Be a Millionaire Megaways. There are fantasy games from Novomatic and historical offerings such as Admiral Nelson from Amatic, as well as animal slots, classic fruit machines, pirates, superheroes and more. You can travel the world, from Asia to Ancient Egypt, all without leaving your seat. And that’s just the slots.
Gslot also offers a wealth of roulette and blackjack, and live dealer games that recreate the feel of a real casino. There are also a whole host of jackpot games for you to try, and you can search either by game type or by game provider. You can also type a word such as ‘Fairy’ into the top bar search box to find all games which include that keyword in their title.

Mobile Version

As a new online casino, Gslot has been created to be mobile responsive and doesn’t lose anything when you switch to the mobile version, displaying perfectly.
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Payments & Security

The currently accepted currencies are Euro "EUR", US Dollar "USD", New Zealand Dollar "NZD", Canadian Dollar "CAD", Norwegian Krone "NOK", Polish Zloty "PLN", South African Rand "ZAR", and Japanese yen "JPY". Restricted countries include Anguilla, Australia, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Lithuania, Estonia, France and its overseas territories (Guadeloupe, Martinique, French Guiana, Reunion, Mayotte, St Martin, French Polynesia, Wallis and Futuna, New Caledonia), Israel, Italy, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey, Ukraine, the United Kingdom, the United States of America, the Russian Federation, Gibraltar, and Jersey.
There is a large number of payment numbers available for payments and withdrawals, including; Visa Credit/Debit Cards, MasterCard, Neteller, Skrill, Neosurf, bank transfers, iDebit, Instadebit, ecoPayz and Interac e-transfer. You can also make payments through Rapid by Skrill, Paysafecard, and Giropay, although these options are not available for withdrawals.
The minimum for most of the payment and withdrawal methods is 20 with a maximum amount of 5,000. However, iDebit and Instadebit require a minimum of 30 CAD and the maximum is 7,500 CAD. All payment methods are secure and your details will not be shared with any third parties.
Unlimited withdrawal limits on some payment methods The maximum withdrawal amount processed to a player is 5,000 €/$ per day, 10,000 €/$ per week and 30,000 €/$ per month
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Gslot states it has a customer support team on hand 24/7 to answer your questions. If you have any issues, you can click on the support link which takes you to a contact form to fill out. There is also a feedback button where you can draw on the screen and send a screenshot, or send an instant message. Finally, if you want to complain, you can contact the site’s ADR provider via a separate form.


Gslot is the latest online casino from an established company in N1 Interactive Limited and there’s no reason it shouldn’t appeal to lots of players, just like its predecessors. Such a huge game selection is a big draw, particularly when its coupled with a generous welcome offer, regular promotions for existing members and a progressive VIP club which rewards its most loyal and prolific players. The design is simple but the site is well laid out and utilises characters from some of the featured games to give it a little extra style. With fast payments and withdrawals, and 24-hour customer support, Gslot looks to be onto a winner.
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