Pai Gow Video Poker - Play Online for Free by BetSoft

pai gow poker online casino games

pai gow poker online casino games - win

The Ethroll casino

Despite the name, Ethroll Casino is not strictly a poker game. The design was inspired by slot machine games and includes nine playing cards, two dice, and a regular sized poker chip. The reason the game can be called "Pai Gow" is because the two guys that designed it are named ethroll and ethered. If you like the sound of Pai Gow, you may have missed out on this very unique online poker game.
The website itself is fairly new, having been launched approximately one year ago. At that time it offered only seventy-four free gambling accounts, and by the sound of things, that number is growing rapidly. Many of the players that signed up for the free trial period made it a point to return and play with their hard-earned money, and today there are nearly two thousand members. If you want to play ethereal, you do not need to spend any money - just download the game and sign up.
Just like any other website, there are some guidelines and policies that need to be adhered to in order to get into the Ethroll Casino. They are pretty standard and basically boil down to a few basic points. First of all, there is generally a membership fee. There also might be some additional charges depending on the site. You will generally have to pay at least a month before you can play for free.
This gives the neophyte gamer an opportunity to try out the game for free and see how it works. This is a huge advantage, as it means you won't waste any money or get discouraged by the system itself. Many of the bigger sites offer a free seven-day trial period, which is a pretty amazing deal. Most people can test out the game for about thirty minutes and decide whether or not they want to play during that period. This makes a lot of sense, because you wouldn't want to waste your money playing a game that you aren't going to enjoy.
If you do want to play for free, you can do so right on the Ethroll Casino website. This is done by signing up as a new customer, and downloading software to your computer. From there, you can login and begin playing. However, this does mean that you're limited to a single account per day.
Overall, it seems that the Ethroll Casino is fairly clean-cut and doesn't have a whole lot of hidden fees or unpleasantness. They provide a great service for a great price, and I would recommend them to anyone looking to play online poker or slots. As long as you read their terms and conditions carefully, you shouldn't have any issues.
submitted by Dizzy_Expression_ to Ethroll777 [link] [comments]

IdNPoker Review - Computer Software Company That Promotes Poker Games

I've been a long time poker player, and id poker online gambling casinos is one of the things that attracted me to playing poker online. The site offers both tournament play and sit downs play. The website itself has hundreds of poker players from all over the world and allows you to meet and communicate with players while you play. If you are looking for a place to start learning how to play poker online, then I would highly recommend this website. It's very easy to learn how to play poker online, since all the instructions are given to you in the form of videos and written materials.
One of the best features of idNPoker online casino is its integration with PayPal, which provides you with a safe, secure way to make deposits and withdraw your winnings. This makes it easy for players to get their winnings. Most online casinos are now making deposits through PayPal, which provides them with a foolproof method of transferring funds from their accounts to yours. There are not many online gambling websites that have this type of secure, convenient, and reliable payment processing.
One of my favourite games at idNPoker is "Pai Gow". I first played this game when I joined the first ever online gambling site that allowed players to place bk8 online bets using real money. At first I was apprehensive about placing bk8 online bets, since I was new to online poker. However, after I placed my first bk8 bet, I instantly felt that I had learned something that day. I now place regular bk8 online bets at idNPoker. I'm happy that I learned so much about poker from this website.
When I came across an article in the Wall Street Journal about how some online casinos make use of customer support so that their players can find out any problem they may be experiencing, I was surprised to read that idNPoker makes use of over twenty customer support services. This made me feel good, because it means that their customers are in good hands. These customer support services were very helpful to me. I was able to get some tips and tricks about online poker gambling, as well as answer some questions that I may have had before.
Another good thing about idNPoker is that they have several promotions and special offers going on at any time. I am happy that I can take advantage of these offers because I always want to win money from poker games. These promotions are a great way for players to get discounts and free bonuses on their wagers. If you know of anyone who is a new player, I highly recommend that they try out a poker game at any one of the online poker websites. It's a very fun experience, and it can teach you a lot about poker.
Overall, I am very happy that I can play online poker games. I have never been so close to winning money while I'm playing poker games. I highly recommend that all players give this casino site a try. You will quickly find out that it is just as exciting as any other site out there. It truly is the site to go to if you want to improve your skills with poker games.
submitted by koyilaj to IdNPokerReviewStyle [link] [comments]

Melawan Lupa Sejarah Judi Online

Melawan Lupa Sejarah Judi Online

Melawan Lupa Kilas Balik Sejarah Judi Online (sumber :
Melawan Lupa Sejarah Judi Online tidak jauh dari awal mulanya terjadi judi offline sebelumnya yang telah lama berlangsung dari jaman prasejarah. Sejarah umat manusia terkait erat dengan sejarah perjudian, karena tampaknya tidak peduli seberapa jauh Anda pergi ke masa lalu, ada tanda-tanda bahwa di mana sekelompok orang berkumpul bersama, perjudian pasti telah terjadi. Sekarang kami tidak akan mencoba melacak setiap putaran dan mengubah evolusi perjudian di artikel ini, tetapi apa yang akan kami lakukan adalah memilih beberapa tanggal terpenting untuk bertindak sebagai tonggak dalam perjalanan menuju perjudian hari ini. pengalaman.
Sejarah Perjudian
Berjudi selama berabad-abad adalah sekilas yang menarik ke dalam cerita budaya dan peradaban. Membawa keberuntungan bagi rakyat biasa sambil tidak menghormati raja, adalah sifat kebetulan yang berubah-ubah dan harapan akan putaran yang menguntungkan yang telah memikat kita selama ribuan tahun. Kami melihat kembali sejarah perjudian.
Permainan Judi telah ada sepanjang sejarah yang tercatat. Itu juga salah satu hiburan favorit dunia. Ini adalah pengaruh besar budaya populer (pikirkan Casino Royale, Ocean's Eleven, The Color of Money, dan banyak lainnya), dan dengan sendirinya terus berubah seiring waktu. Bergabunglah dengan kami saat kami melakukan perjalanan yang menarik melalui sejarah perjudian.
6000 SM: Afrika & Timur Tengah
Tidak mungkin untuk mengetahui secara pasti kapan manusia pertama mempertaruhkan sesuatu untuk hasil dari suatu kejadian kebetulan. Papan dari dua atau tiga baris lubang paralel yang ditemukan di Timur dekat berasal dari era Neolitik (10.000 - 4.500 SM) tetapi kami tidak dapat mengatakan dengan pasti apakah ini benar-benar permainan papan atau bukan.
Jadi kita akan memulai Sejarah Perjudian kita dengan apa yang kita ketahui. Arkeolog di Mesir telah menemukan apa yang sekarang kita anggap sebagai dadu yang berasal dari sekitar 3000 SM. Adegan yang dilukis di dinding makam dan gulungan papirus kuno menunjukkan pemain di sisi berlawanan dari papan yang menikmati permainan rekreasi seperti Mehen, Senet, Twenty Squares, dan Hounds and Jackals. Tampaknya permainan ini menyebar ke seluruh Mesir dan Timur Dekat melalui perdagangan barang dan kampanye militer. Faktanya, empat game kuno populer ini ditampilkan di The Metropolitan Museum of Art di New York City jika Anda pernah berada di lingkungan tersebut.
Untuk memberi Anda gambaran tentang ini semua, kami akan menggunakan game Mehen sebagai contoh. Dimainkan pada Periode Predinastik Mesir dan Kerajaan Lama (itu 2649 - 2130 SM), papan tersebut menunjukkan seekor ular melingkar yang dibagi menjadi beberapa kotak. Ular itu melambangkan dewa yang melingkari dewa matahari Re untuk melindunginya selama perjalanannya sepanjang malam. Kita tahu ini karena permainan itu dilukis di makam Hesre di Saqqara (2700 SM) bersama dengan potongan permainan yang akan digunakan dengan papan Mehen (tiga singa, tiga singa betina, dan enam set enam kelereng). Kami juga memiliki ide bagus tentang bagaimana permainan itu dimainkan berkat dokumen keagamaan yang disebut Teks Piramida. Ini menunjukkan bahwa akhirat dapat dicapai jika Anda berhasil melewati papan permainan Mehen dan mencapai pusat spiral, secara simbolis bergabung dengan Re.
Selain Mehen, ada lusinan game peluang yang dimainkan di dunia kuno. Senet adalah yang paling terkenal dan sangat populer sekitar 664 - 332 SM. Lain adalah Mancala yang, luar biasa, masih dimainkan hingga hari ini di seluruh Afrika, Timur Tengah dan Asia. Faktanya, ada banyak varian dari game strategi (baca : Game Judi) dua pemain ini yang bertujuan untuk menangkap semua atau sebagian bidak lawan.
Permainan dimulai dengan penempatan sejumlah benih, yang ditentukan untuk permainan tertentu, di setiap lubang di papan. Pemain mengambil giliran dengan membuang semua benih dari lubang, “menabur” benih (menempatkan satu di setiap lubang berikut secara berurutan) dan menangkap berdasarkan keadaan papan. Tujuannya adalah menanam benih paling banyak di bank. Jika bermain dalam mode tangkap, setelah pemain mengakhiri giliran di lubang kosong di sisinya sendiri, dia menangkap bidak lawan secara langsung. Setelah ditangkap, pemain dapat meletakkan benih di banknya sendiri. Setelah menangkap, lawan kehilangan giliran.
Tercatat ada lebih dari 800 nama permainan mancala tradisional. Aspek-aspek tertentu dari permainan mengingatkan kita pada aktivitas pertanian dan pemain tidak memerlukan peralatan khusus untuk ambil bagian. Bukti Mancala telah ditemukan di begitu banyak peradaban kuno, dari daerah Aksumite abad ke-6 di Eritrea dan Ethiopia, hingga Spanyol Muslim abad ke-10 dan pemandian Romawi yang digali di kota Gedera, Israel, dan bukti yang ditemukan di Yordania yang berasal dari sekitar 6000 SM . Hal ini membuat beberapa sejarawan menyarankan bahwa game tersebut bisa jadi yang tertua di dunia, sejak awal peradaban itu sendiri.
2000 SM: India
India memiliki sejarah panjang permainan taruhan. Salah satu permainan, Mahabharata, berada di tengah-tengah mitos epik dalam teks-teks Hindu yang berasal dari tahun 2000 SM. Dalam ceritanya, permainan dadu menyebabkan Pandawa bersaudara kehilangan kerajaannya. Mereka dikirim ke pengasingan sementara istri mereka dianiaya oleh lawan mereka yang menang. Ini membuat marah Dewa Krishna yang menyelamatkan para istri dan cerita berakhir dengan pertempuran epik di mana Pandawa bersaudara menang. Ini adalah kesimpulan yang sangat memuaskan ketika pembaca menemukan bahwa saudara-saudara ditipu untuk memainkan permainan judi yang dicurangi sehingga saudara-saudara itu selalu ditakdirkan untuk kalah - sampai Krishna turun tangan. Ada bukti bahwa judi kadang-kadang digunakan di India untuk menyelesaikan perselisihan antara musuh.
2300 SM: Tiongkok
Meskipun hampir pasti bahwa beberapa bentuk taruhan telah terjadi sejak awal sejarah manusia, bukti konkret paling awal berasal dari Tiongkok Kuno di mana ubin digali yang tampaknya digunakan untuk permainan kebetulan yang belum sempurna. 'Buku Lagu' China mengacu pada "gambar kayu" yang menunjukkan bahwa ubin mungkin merupakan bagian dari permainan jenis lotere. Kami memiliki bukti dalam bentuk slip keno yang digunakan pada sekitar 200 SM sebagai semacam lotre untuk mendanai pekerjaan negara - mungkin termasuk pembangunan Tembok Besar China. Lotere terus digunakan untuk tujuan sipil sepanjang sejarah - Harvard dan Yale sama-sama didirikan dengan menggunakan dana lotere - dan terus berlanjut hingga hari ini.
500 SM: Yunani Kuno & Roma
Penyair Yunani, Sophocles, mengklaim bahwa dadu diciptakan oleh pahlawan mitologis selama pengepungan Troy, dan meskipun ini mungkin memiliki dasar yang agak meragukan, tulisan-tulisannya sekitar tahun 500 SM adalah penyebutan dadu pertama dalam sejarah Yunani. Kita tahu bahwa dadu ada jauh lebih awal dari ini, karena sepasang dadu telah ditemukan dari kuburan Mesir dari tahun 3000 SM, tetapi yang pasti adalah bahwa orang Yunani dan Romawi Kuno suka bertaruh pada segala hal, tampaknya pada setiap kesempatan. Faktanya semua bentuk perjudian - termasuk permainan dadu - dilarang di dalam kota kuno Roma dan hukuman dijatuhkan pada mereka yang tertangkap yang bernilai empat kali lipat taruhannya. Akibatnya, warga Romawi yang cerdik menemukan chip judi pertama, jadi jika mereka ditangkap oleh penjaga, mereka dapat mengklaim bermain hanya untuk chip dan bukan untuk uang sungguhan. (Perhatikan bahwa tipu muslihat ini tidak akan berhasil jika dicoba di kasino Vegas).
200 SM: Mesoamerika
Salah satu permainan tertua di Amerika, Patolli, adalah permainan strategi dan keberuntungan dengan komitmen pada perjudian yang akan membuat rambut Anda berdiri tegak! Varian permainan dimainkan di seluruh Mesoamerika (hari ini meliputi Meksiko tengah, Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nikaragua dan Kosta Rika utara). Ada bukti bahwa patolli dimainkan oleh Teotihuacanos (sekitar 200 SM - 650 M), Toltec (750 - 1000), Aztec (1168-1521), dan Maya (yang peradabannya ada dalam satu bentuk atau lainnya dari 2000 SM sampai penaklukan Spanyol di Amerika Selatan pada 1697 M).
Patolli adalah perlombaan atau permainan perang dan apa pun bisa dipertaruhkan - selimut, batu dan perhiasan berharga, makanan, tanaman dan bahkan rumah, anggota keluarga, dan kebebasan penjudi! Anda dapat memahami mengapa permainan patolli selalu dianggap serius dalam kasus 'pemenang mengambil semua' dan pemain mempersiapkan diri secara psikologis dengan memanggil dewa permainan atau perjudian - Macuilxochitl.
Setiap pemain biasanya bertaruh enam item yang dihitung dengan enam penanda yang digunakan setiap pemain untuk menyelesaikan sirkuit di sekitar papan. Gagal melakukan ini dan pemain harus kehilangan satu item. Seberapa jauh bidak-bidak itu bisa bergerak ditentukan dengan melempar lima biji kacang hitam yang diberi tanda pada satu sisi berlubang. Ada banyak kendala yang harus diatasi saat memindahkan enam penanda di sekitar papan bertanda 52 kotak. Misalnya, jika penanda mendarat di salah satu dari dua ruang segitiga gelap di dekat ujung setiap lengan X, pemain harus memberikan harta karun kepada lawan.
Setelah Penaklukan Spanyol di Meksiko, pendeta Spanyol melarang pitolli dan tangan penduduk setempat dibakar jika ketahuan sedang bermain.
800: Tiongkok
Kami kembali ke China untuk penemuan kartu remi. Sebagian besar sejarawan setuju bahwa setumpuk kartu remi modern saat ini yang digunakan di setiap kasino berbasis darat dan online saat ini, mulai hidup di China pada abad ke-9. Jenis permainan yang digunakan untuk kartu ini telah hilang, tetapi beberapa menyarankan bahwa mereka mungkin telah digunakan dalam permainan yang mirip dengan permainan kartu perdagangan anak-anak modern atau mungkin bentuk kertas dari kartu domino Cina.
1300: Italia & Prancis
Permainan kartu dua pemain Baccarat merupakan permainan tertua di dunia yang masih bisa dinikmati di klub judi saat ini, walaupun sangat berbeda dengan permainan yang pertama kali dimainkan di Italia dan Perancis. Kami masih belum tahu bagaimana game ini sampai ke Eropa. Satu teori adalah bahwa itu didasarkan pada permainan Cina Pai Gow (dimainkan dengan ubin, bukan kartu), yang dibawa ke Italia oleh Marco Polo ketika ia kembali pada 1290-an dari ekspedisinya. Sulit untuk mengatakannya karena catatan tertulis pertama tentang Baccarat ditulis pada tahun 1800-an.
Beberapa orang percaya bahwa permainan modern (baca : Judi Online) berasal dari permainan Macao yang populer saat itu atau diciptakan menggunakan kartu Tarot oleh orang Italia - yang bernama Felix Falguiere - kemudian diperkenalkan di Prancis oleh tentara yang kembali dari konflik Italia pada tahun 1490-an. Yang lain menautkan Baccarat hari ini ke game Vingt-et-un yang berasal dari Prancis.
Either way, itu milik dunia sekarang dan tetap menjadi permainan favorit sebagian besar berkat kemudahan bermain dan keunggulannya rendah (dan kami tidak lupa betapa kerennya James Bond membuatnya terlihat!).
1600: Spanyol dan Blackjack
Pada awal 1601, penulis Spanyol Don Quixote, Miguel de Cervantes, menyebutkan permainan veintiuna dalam bahasa Spanyol di salah satu bukunya. Mungkin saja ventiuna adalah nenek moyang blackjack modern, atau dia bisa saja merujuk pada trente-un, permainan populer pada tahun 1570. Bahkan mungkin itu adalah permainan quinze Prancis. Tampaknya dengan persediaan kertas yang sedikit, tingkat melek huruf yang rendah dan tidak adanya pulpen, para jenius yang menemukan versi paling awal dari permainan yang kita sukai, jarang ditulis dalam sejarah.
Jadi apa yang kita ketahui tentang blackjack? Permainan seperti yang kita kenal sekarang secara resmi dinamai oleh orang Amerika dan dikaitkan dengan promosi 'get'em through the door' di Nevada pada tahun 1930-an - dengan peluang 10: 1 dibayarkan jika seorang pemain menang dengan Jack of Clubs or Spades hitam bersama dengan Ace of Spades.
1638: Italia dan kelahiran kasino
Meskipun perjudian adalah aktivitas yang populer dan tersebar luas di Venesia pada tahun 1600-an, baru pada tahun 1638 para pemimpin kota mengubah sayap Palazzo Dandolo Venesia menjadi rumah judi milik pemerintah bernama Il Ridotto, yang berarti "kamar pribadi".
Il Ridotto terbuka untuk umum, tetapi taruhannya yang tinggi dan aturan berpakaian formal tidak mencakup semua orang selain bangsawan. Permainan termasuk biribi dan basetta. Dalam biribi, pemain akan bertaruh pada salah satu dari 70 kemungkinan hasil. "Bankir" bertanggung jawab untuk menarik nomor, dan mereka yang bertaruh pada nomor itu akan memenangkan pot permainan. Pemain yang menang hanya akan mengumpulkan 64 kali taruhan aslinya, memungkinkan rumah untuk membuat bayaran 10 persen pada permainan. Ini nantinya akan menjadi tepi rumah.
Permainan paling populer di Il Ridotto adalah basetta, yang menggabungkan unsur-unsur dari apa yang kita kenal sekarang sebagai blackjack, poker, dan gin rummy. Pemenang bisa mendapatkan 60 kali lipat taruhan mereka dalam pembayaran.
Klub ini akhirnya ditutup pada tahun 1774 oleh pembaru Venesia, Giorgio Pisani, dengan tujuan "untuk menjaga kesalehan, disiplin yang baik, dan perilaku yang moderat".
1796: Rumah Judi Paris
Para Pemain Judi memiliki rumah taruhan di Paris untuk berterima kasih atas roulette. Versi paling awal dari gim ini tampaknya merupakan hibrida dari roda gim yang ditemukan pada awal 1700-an dan gim biribi Italia yang populer. Permainan dalam bentuk modern pertama kali disebutkan dalam novel Prancis tahun 1801, La Roulette - Ou le Jour, dan diperkirakan dimainkan di Paris untuk pertama kalinya pada tahun 1796.
Kasino Little Wheel di Paris memiliki skema warna yang berbeda saat itu. Merah digunakan untuk nol tunggal dan hitam untuk nol ganda, tetapi di beberapa titik di tahun 1800-an, hijau diperkenalkan untuk menghindari kemungkinan kebingungan.
Sepanjang tahun 1800-an, game judi ini semakin populer dan menyebar ke seluruh Eropa setelah dibukanya Kasino Monte Carlo yang ikonik. Meskipun bentuk nol tunggal dari permainan ini dimainkan di Eropa dan sebagian besar dunia, orang Amerika tetap menggunakan roda nol ganda yang asli.
1829: Pertumbuhan global Poker
Di sini sekali lagi, kita harus berspekulasi tentang asal mula poker. Beberapa ahli percaya bahwa permainan tersebut dapat ditelusuri kembali 1.000 tahun ke jenis permainan kartu domino yang dimainkan oleh seorang kaisar di Tiongkok abad ke-10. Sekolah pemikiran lain memiliki poker yang berasal dari permainan kartu Persia abad ke-16 yang disebut "As Nas".
Yang kita tahu adalah bahwa permainan bernama Poque semakin populer di Prancis pada tahun 1600-an bersamaan dengan padanannya di Jerman, pochen. Kedua permainan perjudian didasarkan pada permainan primero Spanyol abad ke-16 - tiga kartu dibagikan kepada setiap pemain dan menggertak adalah bagian penting dari permainan.
Poque dibawa ke Amerika Utara oleh penjajah Prancis, dan pemukim berbahasa Inggris Anglicized Poque ke poker. Pada tahun 1834, banyak fitur modern dari permainan ini digunakan, termasuk lima kartu untuk setiap pemain dan setumpuk 52 kartu.
Segera, popularitas permainan di antara anggota kru di perahu sungai yang mengangkut barang ke atas dan ke bawah Sungai Mississippi menyebarkan permainan itu ke seluruh negeri. Kita tahu pasti, bahwa tentara di kedua sisi Perang Saudara Amerika bermain poker dan itu juga merupakan favorit perusahaan di bar Wild West di permukiman perbatasan pada tahun 1870-an dan 1880-an.
Itu adalah Menteri Amerika untuk Inggris Raya yang memperkenalkan permainan ke Eropa pada tahun 1871. Ratu Victoria mendengar dia menjelaskan permainan kepada anggota istananya dan meminta aturan. Secara umum diterima bahwa fenomena global poker benar-benar melonjak selama Perang Dunia I karena tentara Amerika mengambil kesempatan untuk bermain kapan pun mereka bisa.
Baik Anda menikmati permainan poker langsung atau versi meja yang lebih tradisional, Anda mungkin paling akrab dengan varian Texas Hold'em tahun 1970-an, tetapi ada sejumlah versi berbeda selama bertahun-tahun.
1891: One Armed Bandit Amerika
Mesin slot yang sangat populer saat ini mulai hidup sebagai mesin judi sederhana yang dibuat oleh Sittman dan Pitt dari Brooklyn, New York pada tahun 1891. Mesin ini menggunakan 50 dari 52 kartu setumpuk poker untuk menantang pemain membentuk tangan poker. Permainan ini membutuhkan biaya satu nikel untuk dimainkan dan meskipun semakin populer, tidak ada cara untuk menstandarkan pembayaran untuk semua kombinasi kemenangan yang beragam - ini berarti hadiah untuk menang bervariasi dari satu batang ke batang lainnya.
Kemudian, pada tahun 1895, seorang pria bernama Charles Fey menciptakan mesin tiga drum dengan menggunakan lima simbol. Ini membuatnya lebih mudah untuk menstandarkan pembayaran pada jumlah kombinasi. Mesin slot elektronik pertama baru lahir pada tahun 1963. Kemudian pada tahun 1976, mesin slot video ditemukan dengan layar berwarna 19 inci dan papan logika Sony, yang ternyata lebih dapat diandalkan daripada suku cadang mekanis, lebih murah untuk diproduksi dan tidak terlalu rentan terhadap penipuan. Ini tentu saja membuka jalan bagi slot digital di klub berbasis darat dan slot online yang merupakan tulang punggung sebagian besar operasi perjudian saat ini.
1960-an: Taruhan Olahraga Inggris
Inggris Raya memiliki sejarah panjang dalam taruhan olahraga, tetapi baru setelah Undang-Undang 1960 melegalkan taruhan di luar jalur, Inggris berkembang menjadi pasar yang sangat besar seperti saat ini dengan lebih dari 1.000 toko taruhan di London saja. Tidak diragukan lagi daya tariknya adalah menambahkan taruhan seseorang melalui taruhan pada hasil salah satu hiburan favorit kami, dan seringkali obsesif, - olahraga.
Pasar taruhan olahraga online saat ini di Inggris Raya bernilai sekitar £ 650 juta dengan populasi perjudian online 2,1 juta pelanggan dan terus bertambah.
Taruhan pada olahraga telah menjadi rekor sejak orang Yunani menemukan Olimpiade ribuan tahun yang lalu. Tidak diragukan lagi legalisasi tahun 1950-an atas hobi di Las Vegas dan pelonggaran undang-undang tahun 1960-an di Inggris menyebabkan penggunaan hobi tersebut. Tetapi baru setelah internet menjadi arus utama, taruhan online melonjak ke ketinggian baru. Anda dapat membaca lebih lanjut tentang sejarah taruhan olahraga di Inggris di blog ini.
1994: Perbatasan Baru untuk Perjudian
Sama seperti kita telah memindahkan begitu banyak aktivitas kita secara online, tidaklah mengherankan bahwa perjudian di dunia maya telah meledak sejak Internet tersedia di rumah kita. Faktanya, dalam lima tahun setelah online, industri taruhan diperkirakan bernilai £ 3,8 miliar. Saat ini, ini adalah industri multi-miliar pound dengan lebih dari seribu kasino online di seluruh dunia.
Sekarang tablet dan ponsel cerdas memungkinkan penjudi untuk bermain game online di mana pun mereka berada, dan kapan pun mereka suka, dan para ahli memperkirakan bahwa ini hanyalah awal dari tren peningkatan dalam perjudian seluler. Dengan pemikiran ini, situs perjudian terus berupaya untuk membuat pengalaman online semudah dan seautentik mungkin bagi pelanggan mereka, sehingga terbentuklah situs taruhan online.
Dengan teknologi baru yang menarik segera hadir di bidang Virtual dan Augmented Reality, tidak sulit untuk percaya bahwa tak lama kemudian, pengalaman online akan menawarkan semua realisme ruang judi, tanpa Anda harus meninggalkan kenyamanan rumah Anda. .
Bermain langsung di VIVA99 sebagai agen judi adalah pengalaman yang benar-benar unik. Penawaran kelas satunya memberi para pemain kesempatan untuk mengambil bagian dalam permainan kasino langsung favorit mereka tanpa perlu mengunduh untuk bermain - hanya pengalaman kasino sejati setiap saat.
2020: Perjudian Telah Beralih ke Seluler
Sejak New Jersey melegalkan perjudian online pada tahun 2011, minat orang-orang terhadapnya telah meningkat pesat. Amerika telah melihat langkah untuk melegalkannya negara bagian demi negara, serta mengalami peningkatan pesat dalam perjudian seluler. Di seluruh dunia, pengguna internet secara bertahap beralih dari desktop ke perangkat genggam mereka. Ini juga berlaku untuk penjudi online, ingin dapat menikmati permainan favorit mereka saat bepergian. Situs judi online teratas di luar sana telah mengenali pasar dan telah meningkatkan kualitasnya. Dengan gelombang tujuan perjudian online yang berfokus pada seluler yang mengesankan dan menggemparkan dunia, aman untuk mengatakan bahwa desktop tertinggal jauh demi alternatif yang lebih seluler.
Apa Selanjutnya, Masa Depan
Memprediksi masa depan perjudian sama sulitnya dengan mengungkap beberapa asal mula permainan judi yang kita kenal dengan baik hari ini. Sebagian besar fokus saat ini adalah di pasar game seluler, dengan kasino online berebut untuk membuat lebih banyak konten yang kompatibel dengan perangkat genggam terbaru. Teknologi realitas virtual baru saja mengambil langkah pertamanya sebagai proposisi komersial, dan Anda dapat yakin bahwa akan ada aplikasi perjudian di masa mendatang. Bagaimana Anda ingin duduk di sekitar meja poker virtual dengan sekelompok teman Anda dari seluruh dunia, berbagi sedikit tawa, mencoba untuk mengetahui apakah Anda dapat melihat tanda centang wajah; dan semua ini dari kenyamanan rumah Anda? Headset VR dapat mewujudkannya - mungkin tidak hari ini, tetapi tentunya hanya beberapa tahun ke depan jika teknologi terus berkembang pesat.
Dan setelah itu? Siapa yang tahu, tetapi jika menyangkut perjudian, semua hal mungkin terjadi.
SUMBER : Mengenang Sejarah Judi Online -
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Pai Gow House Edge

When you play pai-gow poker you want to try to reduce the house edge a bit more by playing with optimal pai-gow poker strategy. 배트맨토토 The house edge of around 2.3% (check with the online casino you’re playing at) is already quite good, but can be even better and work more to your advantage if take the tips presented below into account when you play online. In Pai Gow Poker players have the option to be the banker. You can’t choose this every time, the option goes around the table to each player. Although it’s not very popular, you can decrease the house edge if you choose to do it. The banker’s house edge is very low, sitting at lower than 1%, and the longer you stay in the game and choose to play the banker, you can lower your house edge considerably.
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Slotastic Casino - free spins, no deposit bonus code, promotion

Slotastic Casino - free spins, no deposit bonus code, promotion

Slotastic Casino Free Spins & Welcome Bonus
Register at Slotastic Casino and get $10, $25 or $50 free chip bonus - no deposit required! Click on the promotional link to find out how much you have won! In addition, get 100% and 200% bonus after your first and second deposit. Then, enjoy daily free spins, weekly reload bonuses and exclusive loyalty rewards every day!
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Slotastic Casino Review

If you hear that an online casino site is called Slotastic, it’s only natural that you would think that the casino was all about slots. And while Slotastic definitely does have more than a few one-armed bandits for you to choose from, that’s not all they have to offer to fans of Internet gaming. There’s also great software, strong bonus offers and a wide variety of casino games, making this far more than a virtual slots parlor.

Slotastic Slots

Slotastic utilizes software from Realtime Gaming, a software provider that powers many of the world’s most popular online casino sites. RTG is known for providing stable, reliable software with an excellent selection of slots, games that place functionality over impressive graphics or high-profile licenses tied to movies, comic books or other popular franchises.
One of the strongest area for Slotastic is the large collection of progressive slots offered in their casino. Some of the most popular jackpot slots at Slotastic include:
  • Aztec’s Millions
  • Jackpot Cleopatra’s Gold
  • Jackpot Piñatas
  • Megasaur
  • Shopping Spree II
  • Spirit of the Inca
RTG is always adding new games to their slots collection that quickly show up at Slotastic and other casinos. These new additions bolster an already impressive group of slot machines. Here are some of the newest and most popular slots you can play at Slotastic:
  • Cash Bandits
  • Hillbillies Cashola
  • Lucha Libre
  • Pirate Isle
  • Treasure Tree
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Slotastic Casino Promotions

All players at Slotastic online casino are awarded with a welcome bonus that could potentially earn you up to $500 in bonus funds. On your first deposit, you can take a 150% match of up to $300, while your second deposit comes with a 100% match of up to $200.
A set of standard terms and conditions apply to these and all bonuses offered at Slotastic. All deposit bonuses are subject to a 30x wagering requirement before you can withdraw any funds from your account. This wagering requirement increases to 60 times the bonus amount when talking about any no-deposit bonuses you might be given on the site. Similar rules also apply to the winnings you might earn from free spins offers, which are frequently offered on the site. It’s also worth noting that players from a number of countries aren’t available for bonus offers, including Greece, Poland, Russia, Sweden and the United Kingdom.

Other Games at Slotastic

Are you a casino veteran who enjoys spending time at the tables just as much as pulling the levers on slot machines? If so, don’t let the Slotastic name fool you: there are also plenty of other casino games available on the site. A few of the most popular table games at Slotastic are:
  • Blackjack
  • Baccarat
  • Caribbean Draw
  • Caribbean Hold’em
  • Caribbean Stud
  • Let ‘Em Ride
  • Pai Gow Poker
  • Roulette
  • Tri Card Poker
  • Casino War
Other casino games include Keno and Sic Bo, along with some fun scratch card options. If you enjoy video poker, you can also try these machines:
  • Aces and Eights
  • Bonus Poker
  • Deuces Wild
  • European Slot Poker
  • Jacks or Better
  • Joker Poker
  • Mystery Bonus Poker
  • Sevens Wild
While you can play all of these games while clearing a bonus, not all of them can be played while clearing bonuses. According to the Slotastic terms and conditions, only play on slots, keno and scratch cards is allowed while playing with bonus funds.
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Slotastic Casino Deposits and Withdrawals

No matter where you live, there are plenty of deposit and withdrawal options available for handling your banking at Slotastic. The deposit methods available at this casino include:
  • Visa
  • MasterCard
  • American Express
  • Neteller
  • Skrill
  • EcoPayz
  • EasyEFT (South Africa)
  • Paysafecard
  • Transfer Money
There are also a number of different methods available for taking care of payouts. When you’re ready to cash out from Slotastic, you can use any of these withdrawal methods:
  • Wire Transfer
  • Check (USA Only)
  • Neteller
  • Skrill
  • EcoPayz
  • Transfer Money

Slotastic Casino Software and Reputation

Slotastic offers players three different ways to play. First, you can download the casino right onto your computer, giving you instant access to all of the slots and other games in the casino on your desktop. Alternately, you can use the instant play version of the casino to play flash slots. This can be accessed right on the Slotastic website through any major web browser. Finally, there is a mobile option that is perfect for playing dozens of the most popular games in the casino right from your phone or tablet.
One thing you won’t have to worry about at Slotastic is the casino’s reputation. We’ve heard nothing about any significant problems at the casino, and when players have encountered minor issues, they have been resolved quickly and satisfactorily.
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Final Verdict

Despite the name, Slotastic is an excellent choice for players whether they want to focus on slots or play a variety of different casino games. The one thing that might slow down fans of table games is the short list of options you’ll have if you take bonuses on the site; if you want to play blackjack, for instance, and you want to take a bonus, this probably isn’t the best option out there for you. But for slots fans and those want access to great RTG games, Slotastic is an excellent choice.
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Grande Vegas Casino $25 free chips no deposit bonus code (USA OK)

Grande Vegas Casino $25 free chips no deposit bonus code (USA OK)

Grande Vegas Casino Free Spins & Welcome Bonus
Register at Grande Vegas Casino via bonus link and get a $25 free chip without deposit. Visit exclusive landing page to collect voucher code for free cash. Additionally, get extra free spins, cashback, and loyalty rewards.
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Grande Vegas Casino Full Review

Grande Vegas is a safe and entertaining online casino which offers its customers a nice range of casino games, fast, reliable payouts, and excellent customer support. Powered solely by RealTime Gaming, it hosts some of the most exciting slots, video poker and table games from one of the most famous software developers.
The online casino offers both instant-play and downloadable versions, but it is also mobile compatible and available to just about any kind of portable device. One of its most remarkable features, however, is that, unlike the vast majority of online casinos, the site welcomes US players.
The web-based casino was launched in 2009, and today is one of the top online gambling destinations for North American players. It is available in English and French, while the only accepted currency is US dollars, which is an indication of the site’s focus on providing its services to the US market.
The country is quite an inhospitable place for gambling operators, yet the operator has apparently found a way to overcome the obstacles and bring US-based players the world-class gambling experience they deserve. The casino is owned by Tigress Management Ltd. and is licensed for conducting online gambling operations under the jurisdiction of the British Virgin Islands.
It is also one of the few web-based casinos which offer not only generous welcome bonuses but also holds various promotions in order to maximize the gaming experience of its most loyal customers. Moreover, the casino promises a special, “grande” bonus for American players, as well as a wonderful VIP Club available to all members.
>> Collect Free Bonus Here <<

Software Providers

Most online casinos today try to diversify their game offerings in order to cater to the needs of a larger group of people. This is certainly a great approach that has proved to be successful, but there are still many other gambling sites that shy away from modern trends and follow their own path. This virtual casino is a great example and is one of the casinos that work with a single software provider. But this is not necessarily a bad thing. On the contrary, by choosing the right partner, the casino has cemented its position in this competitive industry as a site offering a high-quality, reliable and highly preferred product.
The software company providing the games on this particular online casino is Atlanta and Costa Rica-based RealTime Gaming, which is regarded as one of the leading game developers. RTG, as it is better known, was originally established in 1998 and over the years has managed to grow and develop, becoming an industry leader.
Its experience in the creation and supply of casino software is evident. RTG’s games come in high-quality HD graphics, lovely music and sound effects, and smooth gameplay. The games have a distinctive style, easily recognized by all their fans. The gaming portfolio of the company is nicely balanced and includes not only slots but also a diverse range of table games and video poker titles.
The developer offers gambling operators two options; as an instant-play interface that uses Flash and can be opened easily in every web browser; as well as a downloadable casino software. Most RTG-powered casinos provide both of these and this one is no exception. There are over a hundred games that can be accessed in-browser or from the Casino Client and all of them load instantly and run without any problems.
The software emphasizes security and customization and is safe and reliable and considered one of the best in this industry. As the software is recognized all over the world, it is also available to US players.
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Play Grande Vegas Casino Games

The online casino offers its customers a full collection of high-quality casino games, ranging from longtime favorites like video slots to classic table games such as blackjack, roulette, poker, and craps. Fans of video poker are also well-taken care of with a nice range of titles that can be found in most land-based and online casinos. For those who dream of becoming instantly rich, the online venue also offers several progressive jackpot games where winnings can go beyond the $1 million mark.
On the negative side, there is no Live Casino, which can be seen as a flaw, considering that most casinos today try to offer as many live dealer games as possible. We should pay little attention to the lack of a Live Casino, however, because the abundance of great RTG slots is really impressive. Many of the games have bonus rounds, extra features and plenty of other options that make the gameplay truly entertaining and intense. Casino members are able to play for real money and for fun, as well, which is a great opportunity for new players to try different games without the risk of losing money.

Slot Machines

Much like slot machines in land-based facilities, online slots are the most beloved games in web-based casinos, attracting a large number of players with the promise of providing fun and possibly some nice winnings. They appeal to the crowds not with a low house edge like blackjack does, nor with the adrenaline and challenges of poker; they remain extremely popular because they switch certain emotional and psychological buttons inside of us. And for this reason, they will remain players’ favorite games, at least in the foreseeable future, experts say.
With over a hundred slot games on offer, this online casino brings players a variety of exciting 3 and 5-reel slots, as well as several quite unusual 6-reel games. You can spend hours playing the different games without feeling bored as they have distinctive gameplays, styles, and themes, as well as mesmerizing music that makes the experience even more enjoyable.
Among the most popular RTG video slots offered at the casino are the Egyptian-themed, Cleopatra’s Gold, Aztec’s Treasure, Cash Bandits, and Count Spectacular. There are also famous titles that can be found at hundreds of online casinos today including Crystal Waters, Enchanted Garden II, Fruit Frenzy, Aladdin’s Wishes, and others.
The casino also hosts select titles from RTG’s portfolio of progressive jackpot slots. These slots are in a network with the games hosted by other casinos supplied by RTG. Each bet placed on the particular game contributes some percentage to the jackpot, which is why it is called progressive; it constantly rises and can reach millions of dollars. There are several progressives offered here, including Aztec’s Millions, Megasaur and named for the famous ancient empire, Spirit of the Inca.
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Table Games

Larger casino software developers like Microgaming or NetEnt have much bigger collections of table games than the games in RTG’s portfolio. However, fans of classic casino action will be happy to know that at this virtual casino, they can play almost all RTG’s card and table games. This includes several variations of an option that has stood the test of time, blackjack, including Classic Blackjack 21, Perfect Pairs, European Blackjack, Face Up 21, Suit ‘Em Up Blackjack, and Match Play 21.
There is also a game of Pontoon, which is considered an earlier version of the classic blackjack.
The casino lobby hosts a few other card games, including baccarat, rummy, and table poker, all enjoying huge popularity in brick-and-mortar casinos across the world. Players at this online casino can choose from several virtual poker games, depending on their personal preferences, poker skills, and budget.
These include the game created in 1985 in the U.S. by Sam Torosian, Pai Gow Poker and Tri Card Poker, as well as Caribbean Hold’em, Caribbean Stud Poker, and Let ‘Em Ride which have progressive jackpots. The graphics of these games are quick, colorful and more authentic than you can imagine.
In addition, the casino offers several other table games such as the all-time dice classic Craps or the lottery-like game of Keno.
Another extremely popular casino game is roulette, which despite being a game of chance, does allow players to use certain strategies to increase their winning odds. There are plenty of variations and even more virtual releases from different software providers. The two most widespread roulette games, however, European and American Roulette, are available for free or real-money play here.

Video Poker

Along with virtual slots and table games, the online casino has also prepared a wonderful collection of video poker games for players to enjoy. Since its arrival in land-based casinos in the 1970s, video poker is slowly, but steadily gaining popularity, especially among online gamblers. The game derives from the 5-card draw poker, but just like slot games, and all other virtual casino games for that matter, it is also based on Random Number Generator (RNG) algorithms which determine what cards will be dealt.
This is the only random, chance-related aspect of video poker, the outcome of the game is a result of the player’s decisions and, therefore, can be controlled.
Whether you are a good poker player or not, you can easily play video poker; it is automated and simpler than regular poker. This online casino has a wide range of video poker versions, starting with the classic Jacks or Better game, which does not differ much from classic draw poker. Players can also place bets on Aces and Eights, Deuces Wild, Seven Deuces, All American, Joker Poker, Double Double Bonus Poker, and more.
There are versions featuring the so-called Wild Cards, which can substitute for any other card from the deck, while other video poker games offer higher payouts for certain winning combinations.
For more excitement, the casino has added a few multi-hand video poker variations, where you can bet on up to 52 hands simultaneously. While they bring fun and more opportunities for hitting a winning combination, these games will also make you spend more on a single round. This is why multi-hand video poker is recommended for more experienced players who are able to employ successful strategies when playing.
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Supported Devices

As an RTG-powered gambling site, the online venue offers downloadable casino software, which is the standard casino from this developer. It is available for free download from the site. There is a large Download section and you will have the installation file on your PC or MAC just a few seconds after you click the Download button. Once the installation is complete, you can log in or register an account, make a deposit into your balance and start playing for real money.
You can also choose the Play for Fun mode if you wish to first explore the casino games and learn all the basics.
Alternatively, you can open the casino directly in the browser of your computer. All modern Internet browsers are supported, including Firefox, Chrome, Edge, Opera, Safari, etc. The Flash Casino lobby can be found in the section called Instant Play and it features even more games than the Casino Client. This is quite unusual, but the RTG’s instant-play platform is also rather exclusive and offered only at several other online casinos.
The site is optimized for mobile play, too. It is available on various touch devices, including iPhone, iPad, and Android phones and tablets. There is no need to download a separate application; the Mobile Grande Vegas Casino is accessible through the browser of your portable device. Its design and layout are almost the same as the original, desktop casino, so players who open it for the first time will be able to easily browse through its sections.
All of the casino’s functionalities are preserved in the mobile version, as well. Users will be able to register, play their favorite games, make deposits, and request withdrawals.
As expected, the mobile gaming collection is smaller than the offerings in the desktop casino. Still, players will have a great choice of games on their phones or tablets, including numerous slots, over a dozen video poker games, as well as several classic table games like blackjack, poker, and roulette.
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Grande Vegas Casino Bonuses and Promotions

The promotions here are quite attractive to both new and existing players, allowing them to play their favorite games much longer or for free. Let us start with the Welcome Bonus, which, despite being nothing particularly exceptional, is still very generous.
There are qualifiers/wagering requirements that come attached with the bonus, so be sure to determine what they are prior to making a deposit.
In order to qualify for the bonus, players first need to either download the casino software or open the Flash Casino. After registering a real money account, they need to go to the Redeem Coupon section of the Cashier page of the casino and enter the code for the respective bonus they wish to receive. The coupon codes can be seen in the Promotions section of the online casino.
One condition regarding deposit and no-deposit bonuses players need to take into consideration is that not all games contribute towards the playthrough requirement.
The list of promotions at the online casino is quite long with plenty of other bonuses given on a regular basis.
There are many other special offers like cashback bonuses, extra spins giveaways, reload bonuses, as well as slot tournaments. In addition, the casino has a great Loyalty Program and players are automatically enrolled when they open an account.

Grande Vegas Casino Payment Methods

There is one significant inconvenience, which is that international players will need to use US dollars if they want to play for real money at this particular online casino. This is the only accepted currency, which could be explained by the casino’s dedication to its American customers. The offered methods for making deposits and withdrawals are also quite limited compared to the wide range of banking options provided by many other online casinos.
The casino allows deposits to be made using credit and debit cards (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Diners Club International), digital wallets (Neteller, Skrill, and EcoPayz), the prepaid Paysafecard, different money transfer services (Western Union, MoneyGram), and wire transfers. The casino does not have any processing fees for the transfers and the deposit should appear almost instantly in your account balance.
When it comes to withdrawing your winnings from the casino, you have several options, but you should know that there is a pending period of up to 48 hours for every withdrawal. Also, financial transactions are not processed during the weekends. If you use a credit card (with the exception of MasterCard, as the card issuer does not allow withdrawals from casinos), the withdrawal will be completed within 3 to 7 business days.
If you retrieve your winnings to your e-wallet, they will be transferred within 24-72 hours. Wire transfers usually take between 5 and 10 business days to complete, while if you are receiving the payout via a courier check, you can expect it in at least 3 weeks. Sometimes, checks would arrive in over a month, which makes them a less preferred payment method.
There are certain deposit and withdrawal limits (maximum and minimums) players need to consider before registering an account here as well.
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Grande Vegas Casino Customer Support

When choosing a suitable online casino, players always look for the game offerings and the withdrawal times, but another very important factor that needs to be taken into account is the customer support. A good support team will be able to answer all your questions and provide assistance if you encounter any sort of a problem. You will also want timely responses.
Looking at all this, we can say that the support here is really excellent. The casino interface and support are available not only in English but in French, as well. The support agents can be contacted 24/7 via email or even better, via the Live Chat, where they will answer your query you within a few minutes. There is also a toll-free phone number for US-based players, as well as an international line for the rest of the world.
If you feel all these are not convenient enough for you, you can also call the support via Skype; it's quick, easy and free of charge.
When it comes to the support agents, they are experienced, knowledgeable and very efficient, and are ready to assist you with anything you need. The professional, timely support service, here will definitely make your stay at the online casino more comfortable and enjoyable.

Licensing and Restricted Countries

The virtual is owned and operated by Tigress Management Ltd., which is not one of the large gambling operators, but it is well-known in the industry as a safe and reliable partner. It is registered and licensed under the jurisdiction of the British Virgin Islands and is one of the few options for US-based players. Due to the strict regulations in the country, residents are accepted by only a small fraction of the online casinos today.
Here, however, they can play their favorite games for real money without having to worry about their safety over the web. The casino utilizes SSL encryption in order to protect its customers’ personal and banking data. All financial transactions are encrypted and perfectly safe.
There are, however, certain regional and country restrictions when it comes to real-money wagers at the casino. Currently, the virtual casino does not allow registrations to be made from several states and these are New York, Kentucky, Washington State, Maryland, New Jersey, Louisiana, and Missouri. It also does not accept players from countries and regions where offshore online gambling is prohibited by law.
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Jackpot Capital Casino $25 Free Chip and 100 Free Spins Bonus

Jackpot Capital Casino $25 Free Chip and 100 Free Spins Bonus

Jackpot Capital Casino Free Bonuses & Review
Open your account at Jackpot Capital Casino and take advantage of $25 FREE no deposit needed! In addition to this free chip bonus (code: SEXY25), you will get a chance for a $1,000 welcome bonus and 100 free spins on Real Time Gaming slot machines. Players from USA, EU, Canada, New Zealand and Australia - welcome!
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About Jackpot Capital Casino [REVIEW]

Jackpot Capital is a US-friendly online casino that takes pride in having a good reputation in the industry. It is powered by Realtime Gaming and players can rely on a decent variety of casino games, sharp graphics and top-notch designs.
The casino also offers multiple bonuses and promotions, which is yet another reason why more and more players join in and have a great time playing the games. They are vailable in Fun Mode and upon setting up your account, you will be instantly credited fun balance.
Players will find the casino has all characteristics of a high-quality online casino and the number of players who join, speaks volumes to the fantastic features customers are able to take advantage of.
The solid credentials the casino has are further boosted by the courteous customer support, the rapid payouts and last but not least, the incredible return to player (RTP) percentage.
It is the favorite online gambling spot of a large number of US-based players who enjoy the benefits of one of the best online casinos in the US gambling market. The casino is dedicated to providing not only US players, but all customers with an exceptional selection of games, promotions and banking solutions.


The casino runs on the RealTime Gaming (RTG) software platform. The latter is known as a reputable provider of online gaming solutions on a global scale and it is among the few developers available on the US market.
All games, developed by RealTime Gaming ensure a safe gambling environment, fantastic graphics and a significant variety of themes. Players' financial and personal information is absolutely safe as the best encryption techniques are adopted.
Most Realtime Gaming casinos used to be unavailable in instant play mode, which was seen by players as a serious disadvantage. Now, it seems this hurdle has been eliminated as the virtual casino is now available in instant play mode as well. If you download the software, you will be provided with the best game quality and interruptions caused by a slow Internet connection will also be kept to the minimum.
The casino is constantly expanding its portfolio and it currently offers approximately 200 games in all game categories. No matter which RTG-powered game you choose, you will enjoy good speed and user-friendly design.
As usual, games featuring a progressive jackpot are among the most widely preferred ones.
Don't hesitate to indulge in an exciting and profitable game of roulette, craps, blackjack, baccarat. The slots section is worthy of checking out as well.
The cutting edge technology, used by Realtime Gaming will surely deliver realistic gambling experience.
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Play Jackpot Capital Casino Games

Realtime Gaming is popular for having developed a plethora of top-notch casino games. The portfolio here confirms that statement as you will be able to find an incredible variety of table games that can be played in single and multi-hand variations, poker, slots, video poker, scratch cards.
You will find the available games divided into several categories. If you want to take a look at all the games, you can just click on the “All” tab. The latest additions to the online casino's portfolio are found in the “New” section. Currently, no live dealer games are available.


The casino features a number of games that make it possible for you to win millions by making a modest wager. The more players that take part in a certain game, the bigger the jackpot becomes, as a small amount of the bet is set aside for the progressive jackpot pool.
Megasaur, Spirit of the Inca, Let It Ride, Caribbean Stud Poker, Caribbean Hold'em Poker are some the available titles. The Spirit of the Inca has the so-called boiling point jackpot feature, which adds further excitement to your gameplay.


The Slots section offers a decent number of titles and you have the chance to choose between the classic 3-reel slots and the latest 5- or 6-reel slots packed with bonus symbols and appealing awards. If you find a slot that features an exciting theme and matches your bankroll criteria, you can add it to your favorite games and therefore find it in the “Favourites” section later.
Don't miss all-time favorites such as Achilles, Naughty or Nice, Bubble Bubble, Texas Tycoon, Triple Twister, Paydirt, Regal Riches, Aztec Treasure, Golden Lotus, Hen House, Spirit of the Inca, Pirate Isle, Orc vs. Elf, the ancient Rome-themed, Caesars Empire, etc.
Some of the slots have the so-called Win-Win feature that basically eliminates the chance of leaving the game empty-handed.


You will find a select few games in the Specialty section, such as Craps, Treasure Tree, American and European Roulette.


The Table Games section is a bit more abundant than the Specialty one although players are still provided with a limited choice of games as compared to what some other casinos offer. If you are looking for several game variations of each table game, you might want to check out some other online casinos.
However, if safety matters to you and you consider the casino's available games enough to possibly win a bit and enjoy yourself, you are more than welcome to place your real-money wager and indulge in Pontoon, Baccarat, Pai Gow, Match Up, Perfect Pairs, Classic Blackjack, European Blackjack, Super 21, Face Up, Three Card Rummy and a popular option believed to have originated on the island of Aruba, Caribbean Stud Poker.

Video Poker

While some other casinos focus on delivering an extensive range of slots or table games, it appears that this operator has mainly concentrated on video poker, as you will find a large selection of variations in Instant Play mode.
Apart from the traditional Jacks or Better, Aces & Eights, Joker Poker, Deuces Wild, you will also find an extremely popular option, Double Double Bonus Poker, along with Double Double Jackpot Poker, Loose Deuces, All American Poker. All video poker variations can be played in a range of denominations.
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Supported Devices

If you want to have access to your favorite games from any location, you don't have to download and install an app; you only need load the website via your mobile browser. The games are compatible with iOS, Android, Windows and Blackberry devices. Although you will be able to see the game variety in its entirety, you might not be able to load all the games you see.
Players can rely on superb graphics, fast deposits and withdrawals and efficient customer support as well. In addition, mobile users are entitled to receive certain bonuses and collect Comp Points, explained in the next section.

Jackpot Capital Casino Bonuses and Promotions

You'll be hard-pressed to find a more generous online casino than this one. The wagering requirements are not impossible to meet and the bonuses themselves are really appealing. In order to keep players entertained, the casino frequently changes the active promotions. Make sure you log into your account on a regular basis, to find out the casino's current promotions.
The casino regularly offers a Welcome Bonus, and typically more than one.
You can also take advantage of the latest “My Coupons” functionality that gives you the chance to prolong your gambling session. You have to regularly check what kind of coupons you are eligible for and redeem them within the set deadline.
Loyal players are awarded even more generous bonuses. Every time you place a wager, you accumulate comp points, no matter if you win or lose.
If you play your favorite games via a mobile device, you can qualify for a mobile bonus. Again, be sure to check with the casino to determine any specific qualifiers or wagering requirements.
In order to be allowed to cash out a bonus, you will most likely have to meet a rollover requirement. Some games do not count towards fulfilling the wagering requirement, though.
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Jackpot Capital Casino Payment Methods

This virtual casino supports the following payment processors as deposit methods: American Express/ MasterCard, VISA credit/ debit cards, Neteller, Skrill, ecoPayz, Paysafecard. Although their availability varies from country to country, you will definitely have at least one convenient payment method at your disposal.
It is important to know that the casino accepts USD only. Deposits in any other currency will be converted into USD according to the current exchange rate.
If you opt for deposits via credit/ debit cards, you are required to enter your details and submit documentation proving that the debit/ credit card is actually yours.
Neteller, Skrill, ecoPayz are three of the most convenient and the most widely used e-wallets. Deposits are instantly transferred to your casino account. However, before you make a deposit, you should fund your e-wallet via VISA, MasterCard, AmEx or JCB.
Paysafecard is a prepaid card, but it is not available to US residents.
As far as withdrawals are concerned, the casino offers Overnight Express function (available for Canadian customers). There is a minimum and maximum transaction per week requirement, and transactions are subject to a fee.
For your convenience, you can also take advantage of the Debit Card Reloaded function. Minimum and maximums apply here as well, as do fees.
If you choose EcoPayz, Skrill or Neteller, you will not be required to pay a fee for the transaction.
CardPay enables you to receive your winnings directly to a credit/ debit card you have previously registered.
If you wish so, you can receive your winnings directly to your credit/ debit card by initiating an International Bank Transfer. However, it may take up to 15 business days to have your funds deposited to your casino account.

Jackpot Capital Casino Customer Support

Players can count on exceptional customer service round the clock. The live chat option is considered the most convenient method of communication by players, who are helped by a customer care agent in real-time and their issue is promptly solved.
You can also use the toll-free line: 1 800 571 7009 or the regular number 1 678 349 0095.
If you have a lengthy question, you can send an email to [email protected] or get in touch with the support team via Skype.
No matter which of the aforementioned options you choose, rest assured you will get an answer within 48 hours.
The customer care team is available in English, but if you speak any other language, they will do their best to accommodate your request in the language you prefer.
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Jackpot Capital Casino Licensing

The online casino is operated by Greavestrend Ltd and the company itself holds a license issued by the Government of Cyprus.
It seems the casino has found a successful formula for attracting more and more players. First of all, it is licensed by a reputable jurisdiction, plus, it is powered by a respected software provider. Last but not least, the gambling environment it ensures is absolutely safe. On the downside, the majority of players say the casino should accept more currencies.
Minors, as well as players who reside in jurisdictions where online gambling is prohibited by law, are not allowed to create an account.
Jackpot Capital reserves the right to close accounts created from the Washington state, Kentucky, New Jersey, New York, Missouri, Louisiana, Maryland.
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Jackpot Capital Casino 100 free spins no deposit bonus code

Jackpot Capital Casino 100 free spins no deposit bonus code

Jackpot Capital Casino Free Spins and No Deposit Bonus
Open your account at Jackpot Capital Casino and enjoy 100 No Deposit Free Spins on T-Rex II slot! In addition, grab a 100% match bonus up to $1,000 when you make a deposit. Click on the link below to reveal exclusive bonus codes for these offers. All new players welcome, including USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand!
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Jackpot Capital Casino Review

If you’re someone who enjoys playing slots, chances are that you like them in part because they give you the opportunity to win big jackpots at any given time. That makes it easy to understand why a casino site would name it Jackpot Capital. After all, who wouldn’t want to play at the center of the jackpot universe?
At Jackpot Capital, the name means more than the opportunity to win big prizes. There’s also a huge game selection and an endless cascade of bonuses on offer, making this a site that offers a little jackpot opportunity for every player.

Jackpot Capital Slots

Jackpot Capital has a wide selection of slot machines, all of which are provided by Realtime Gaming (RTG). RTG is one of the biggest names in the world of online gambling, and they are well known for their Real Series slots, a classic collection of games that have stood the test of time and remain popular today, even as competitors have launched newer, flashier games.
Some of the most popular games in the Jackpot Capital slots collection are:
  • Aladdin’s Wishes
  • Caesar’s Empire
  • Count Spectacular
  • Loch Ness Loot
  • Regal Riches
  • T-Rex
  • Texan Tycoon
  • The Three Stooges
If you enjoy chasing after big progressive jackpots, there are several massive prizes that can be won at Jackpot Capital. Some of the RTG slots have linked jackpots that can rise into the millions at times, including:
  • Atzec’s Millions
  • Jackpot Pinatas
  • Megasaur
  • Shopping Spree II
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Jackpot Capital Promotions

At Jackpot Capital, you can take advantage of a wide range of promotional offers, including weekly bonuses and an excellent loyalty rewards program that is particularly valuable for regular players. When you first get started on the site, the first promotion you’ll find is a welcome bonus that offers up to $600 in sticky bonuses over the course of your first three deposits.
The three bonus offers become larger as you go along. On your first deposit, you can receive a 100% matching bonus with a maximum reward of $100. The second deposit bonus is a 75% match worth up to $200, while a third bonus, which is unlocked 30 days after you join the site, offers a 100% match of up to $300.
The terms and conditions on these bonus offers are pretty straight forward. Each bonus has a minimum deposit of $20, with a 30x wagering requirement. If you are granted any free no deposit chips, that wagering requirement increases to 60x. There is also a maximum cash out for no deposit bonuses equal to five times the amount of each bonus. In other words, if you are given $10 for free, you can only win a maximum of $50 through that promotion.

Other Games at Jackpot Capital

One of the best things about playing at an RTG-powered casino is that there are plenty of other games besides slots for you to choose from if you want more variety in your play. Jackpot Capital has a full selection of table games and other casino classics that you can play any time the mood strikes you. Here are just some of the table games you can play here:
  • Blackjack (Including many variants)
  • Baccarat
  • Craps
  • Tri Card Poker (also known as Three Card Poker)
  • Pai Gow Poker
  • Three Card Rummy
  • American Roulette
  • European Roulette
Video poker is also well-represented at Jackpot Capital. Not only are there all of the games you’d expect to find in a live casino, but also a few special games unique to Internet casinos. You can play any of these machines:
  • Jacks or Better
  • Deuces Wild
  • Bonus Poker
  • Double Bonus Poker
  • Joker Poker
  • Aces and Eights
  • All American Poker
If you are planning on clearing bonuses while playing games besides slots, you should be aware that not all games count towards your wagering requirements. Only slots, keno, scratch cards, bingo-based games and European Slot Poker will help you fulfill your requirements while working on a bonus.
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Jackpot Capital Casino Deposits and Withdrawals

Jackpot Capital allows you to deposit money into your account using a variety of methods, from credit and debit cards to a number of specialty products like e-wallets and prepaid cards. Here’s a complete rundown of how you can deposit:
  • Visa
  • MasterCard
  • American Express
  • Neteller
  • Skrill
  • EcoPayz
  • Paysafecard
  • Transfer Money
  • Direct Money
Just as important as getting money into your Jackpot Capital is having a way to withdraw your winnings later on. Luckily, there are plenty of options that will get your money to you quickly and reliably. Withdrawal methods available at Jackpot Capital include:
  • Wire Transfer
  • Overnight Express (Check by Courier)
  • Debit Card
  • Neteller
  • Skrill
  • CardPay

Jackpot Capital Casino Software and Reputation

As with most casino sites on the market today, there are two main ways to access Jackpot Capital. First, there’s the downloadable software client that you can install on your computer. You also have the option of connecting through an instant play version of the casino software, which is available right on the Jackpot Capital website. In addition, there is a mobile-friendly version of the casino that features dozens of the most popular games from the site, including some of the site’s top slots.
Jackpot Capital is the flagship casino for the Jackpot Capital Group. The sites operated by Jackpot Capital are well-regarded in the online gaming industry, with no major issues reported by players during their many years in the business.
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Final Verdict

There’s a lot to like about Jackpot Capital Casino. The software package is among the best available at online casinos that accept US players, and we really like the all-around game selection. The bonus offers aren’t the largest ones around, but the terms and conditions are fairly player-friendly, and the sheer volume of bonuses available to existing players is also a plus. If you’re looking for a casino that is solid all-around, we are happy to recommend Jackpot Capital Casino.
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Grande Vegas Casino $100 free chip and 100 free spins bonus

Grande Vegas Casino $100 free chip and 100 free spins bonus

Grande Vegas Casino Bonus Codes and Free Chips
Get a $100 Free Chip Bonus to Grande Vegas Casino! This exclusive promotion is available via the promotional link below. In addition, get 100 free spins and a 100% welcome bonus on deposit. USA, New Zealand, Australia, Canada, Europe - all welcome!
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Grande Vegas Casino Review

If you have ever been to Vegas, you know that it is one city where the party never has to stop. That seems to be the case at Grande Vegas as well, an online casino site where there is always another promotion happening just around the corner, from your first deposit to weekly reload bonuses. It’s also a site that features some of the Internet’s best slot machines, making it worth a look if you love playing slots.

Grande Vegas Casino Slots

Grande Vegas Casino hosts games created by Realtime Gaming, meaning that there are hundreds of slots for you to choose from in their casino. These include some progressive jackpots worth more than $1 million, which can be won on games like these:
  • Aztec’s Millions
  • Jackpot Pinatas
  • Megasaur
  • Shopping Spree
Along with those great jackpot slots is a wide selection of machines that offer a variety of themes and play styles to suit your personal preferences. Many of these games belong to the famous Real Series of slots, all of which feature a similar format but are customized to have different levels of risk, different graphics, and various special features. Among the great slots you can play at Grande Vegas Casino are:
  • Basketbull
  • Caesar’s Empire
  • Food Fight
  • Goblin’s Treasure
  • Hillbillies
  • Lion’s Lair
  • Orc vs. Elf
  • Pirate Isle
  • The Three Stooges
  • T-Rex
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Grande Vegas Casino Promotions

Grande Vegas offers players a ton of promotions, ranging from weekly bonuses and cash back rewards to free giveaways. But it all starts with a welcome offer that gives players a 100% bonus of up to $100. There are a litany of other bonuses too, all in the $100 to $200 range, and there is always something available soon, meaning you will rarely have to wait at all to get another bonus if you want one – and the next offer is never more than a couple days away.
In order to clear any of these bonuses, you’ll need to complete a wagering requirement of 30 times the total of your deposit and bonus (this increases to 60x for any no deposit bonuses you might receive). The maximum bet while clearing a bonus is $10, and the only games that can be played while using bonus funds are slots, scratch cards, Bonus Bingo and European Slot Poker. Playing any other games could void your bonus, so stay away from them until after your bonus is cleared.

Other Games at Grande Vegas

If your interests extend beyond slots, then you’ll be happy to know that Grande Vegas features an extensive selection of casino table games and other casino standards. In fact, if there’s a game you enjoy, it is almost certain that you’ll find it here.
Let’s start with table games, where Grande Vegas has just about everything you’d find in a live casino, including games like:
  • Roulette (American and European)
  • Craps
  • Baccarat
  • Blackjack
  • Three Card Poker
  • Let It Ride
  • Caribbean Stud Poker
  • Pai Gow Poker
  • Casino War
There’s also no shortage of video poker machines. Whether you want to play in single hand or multihand mode, you can try your luck at the following varieties:
  • Jacks or Better
  • Deuces Wild
  • Aces and Eights
  • Double Bonus Poker
  • Joker Poker
  • Loose Deuces
  • Mystery Bonus Poker
One particularly exciting offering you’ll find here is the selection of live dealer games. Each of these games is played over a live video stream, and features a real dealer using real casino equipment to determine the results. If this sounds interesting, you might want to give these live dealer games a look:
  • Blackjack
  • Baccarat
  • American Roulette
  • European Roulette
  • Casino Hold’em
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Grande Vegas Casino Deposits and Withdrawals

If you plan to play at Grande Vegas, you shouldn’t have any trouble getting money into your casino account. There are no shortage of deposit options available here, including the following:
  • Visa
  • MasterCard
  • American Express
  • Neteller
  • Skrill
  • Eco
  • Wire Transfer
  • PaySafeCard
  • Money Transfers
All of these methods are also offered when it comes time to withdraw your winnings. Payouts are processed between Monday and Friday, and can be requested by any of these methods:
  • Neteller
  • Skrill
  • Visa
  • MasterCard
  • American Express
  • Eco
  • Wire Transfer
  • Direct Money
  • PaySafeCard
  • Money Transfer

Grande Vegas Casino Software and Reputation

If you’re playing on your computer, you can access Grande Vegas Casino through a downloadable casino client that you can install in Windows. You also have the option of using a web-based no download casino that can be accessed right in your Internet browser. If you like to play on a phone or tablet, there is also a fully mobile-optimized version of the casino, which is fully functional: you can not only play but also deposit and withdraw funds through the mobile site.
Grande Vegas Casino has been operating since 2009 without any major incidents, allowing the site to build a strong reputation for reliability. When there have been issues, players largely report that they were resolved quickly and fairly within the bounds of the site’s terms and conditions.
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The Final Verdict

If you’re looking for a wide variety of games, either slots or in terms of general casino offerings, then you should be happy with Grande Vegas Casino. It’s hard to match the sheer number of slots available here, and when you combine that with the big jackpots and the quality of the games, this site is a winner for any slots fan.
The one caveat to our recommendation would be that this is not a site for those who want huge bonus offers, as each individual bonus here is fairly small. But the huge number of bonuses available will make up for that for most players, and the overall package is strong enough to make Grande Vegas a highly recommended online casino.
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Slotastic RTG Casino (USA OK) - $25 free no deposit bonus code

Slotastic RTG Casino (USA OK) - $25 free no deposit bonus code

Slotastic Casino Free Bonus & Review
Receive $25 FREE when you sign up with Slotastic Casino! This exclusive free chip bonus requires a promo code that you can find under the link below. Additionally, new players to Slotastic Casino get a 100% bonus on deposit, extra free spins, and cashback. Players from the USA welcome!
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Slotastic Casino Full Review

As the brand name itself indicates, Slotastic is an online casino with a central focus on slots. Despite this, the website offers some gaming variety as its library also features a number of table games, video poker, and casino specialties.
This is a RealTime Gaming-powered casino that welcomes customers from all over the world, including the United States. The casino’s About Us page tells us Slotastic appeals to a motley customer base, consisting of more than 1 million registered players since its launch in December 2009.
The casino is home to more than 300 games available for play on desktop computers via its download platform. There is also a native Android app while iPhone users can access Slotastic in their browsers. Slotastic grabs the attention with a flashy yet organized lobby and an intuitive cashier that supports some of the most common banking methods in the world, such as Visa, Skrill, and Neteller. Similarly to other US-friendly gambling sites, this one, too, allows for payments via cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Litecoin.
The casino maintains the interest of its players by providing them with a great variety of promotions and bonuses, including several welcome offers. Let’s dive deeper into the bonuses awaiting new Slotastic players.
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Slotastic Bonuses and Promotions

Slotastic poses as a great online gambling destination for bonus seekers who insist on having a wide choice of limited-time and ongoing promotions. These include free spins on exclusive slots, instant cashbacks, bonus matches on deposits, and a great loyalty scheme.
New customers can make a pick from three different welcome bonuses. The first offer is geared toward the preferences of slot buffs. It consists of 117 free spins on RealTime Gaming’s classic Bubble Bubble.
This bonus is awarded for deposits of at least $25 with the promo code BUBBLETASTIC. It appealed to us because there are no restrictions on the maximum winnings you can cash out. However, you need to wager the winnings amount at least 10x before you ask for a withdrawal. You can use this bonus code a single time only.
The second option newcomers at Slotastic have is a 150% welcome bonus of up to $300, granted on their first deposits of $25 or more with the promo code WINTASTIC. The bonus is valid on first deposits only and is intended for free play on the available slots and keno games.
It has wagering requirements of 30x the bonus and deposit amounts. There is no maximum cashout limit on the winnings you can withdraw. Only the slots, the scratchcards, and the keno games contribute toward the playthrough, but you cannot use the bonus credits to participate in the slot tournaments for free. The value of each free spin is limited to $0.01 per active line. Bubble Bubble is a 50-line slot, which is to say your bets should not exceed $0.50 per spin.
All bingo and table games like craps, baccarat, casino poker varieties, roulette, and blackjack are excluded. If you play them, the casino will terminate your bonus. The same goes for the video poker varieties which are also blocked from bonus participation. Maximum wagers with an active bonus in your account should not exceed $9.99 or else the winnings will be voided.
The third welcome option is geared toward the needs of new players who are looking to make their first deposits with the Bitcoin cryptocurrency. They can receive a 250% up to $1,000 in free credits in exchange for a minimum deposit of $25 via Bitcoin. The code for this one is BTC250.
The terms coincide with those for the other deposit-match offer, i.e. the bonus is subject to wagering of 30x its amount plus the deposited sum. Only slots, scratchcards, and keno have a contribution (of 100%) toward the playthrough. There is a maximum bet restriction of $9.99. Players from the following locations are not entitled to welcome bonuses – Sweden, Bulgaria, Belarus, Indonesia, Greece, Portugal, Romania, Poland, Russia, and Mauritius.
If these perks fail to satiate your appetites for free reel spinning, you can redeem more free spins for the slot Hen House on a daily basis, i.e. once you have finished wagering your welcome bonuses. Players get 10 free spins for a deposit of $10, 20 free spins for deposits of $20, or the maximum of 50 bonus spins for deposits of $50 or more.
You must use the SPINTASTIC promo code in the cashier. Wagering of 30x the winnings is applicable, with max bet restrictions of $0.02 per active payline. The casino’s terms state no maximum cashout applies to this offer.
In addition to these gifts, Slotastic treats reel spinners to a great range of limited-time deposit bonuses, cashbacks, and free spins. As a matter of fact, there are so many offers, it would be next to impossible to cover them all here. It is best for interested players to regularly visit the casino’s cashier where you can see all the bonus coupons that are currently available.
There is also a three-tiered loyalty program you automatically become a part of upon registration. The casino rewards customers with 1 comp point for every $10 they bet on the website. The points can be converted into free credits at a rate of 100 points for $1. Respectively, you need to generate at least 100 points before conversion is possible.
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Slotastic Software Providers

If there is one thing most US-friendly online casinos have in common, it must be the software they run on. Slotastic utilizes the software platform of a single supplier, the well-known RealTime Gaming. This is a company with over 20 years of experience in the field of casino solutions development.
The casino boasts a well-designed website that enables you to browse the different gaming categories and locate all the important information with ease. The lobby pretty much has the standard RealTime Gaming interface. After you log in, you get to see the categories of Slots, Table Games, Video Poker, Specialties, Progressives, and Favorites.
The current value of the progressive prizes is displayed in the jackpot meter under the main menu. You can access the cashier with a single click of a button and get to see your available balance at all times. Several useful buttons take you to the live chat facility, the promotions page, and your notifications.
Slotastic gives its players a choice from several options. Customers who intend to play on Microsoft Windows-based desktop computers can download and install the casino’s software, which, unfortunately, is not compatible with any other operating systems. Mac users can load the lobby and the games straight in their desktop browsers.
The casino works just fine in the browsers of smartphones and tablets running on Android and iOS. You can access it in any browser, be it Firefox, Opera, Chrome, Internet Explorer or Safari as long as it is up to date and your wireless connection is reliable enough. Slotastic has also released a dedicated application for Android. You can download it from the casino’s website for free.

Slotastic Banking

Banking is one of the aspects where Slotastic Casino definitely bears improvement. We would like to see more deposit and withdrawal options added in the future as befits an operator that supports play from most countries worldwide.
For the time being, Slotastic customers can make deposits with commonly available payment solutions such as credit cards by Mastercard, American Express and Visa, e-wallets by Skrill, ecoPayz, and Neteller, the prepaid Paysafecard, Neosurf, and the cryptocurrencies Bitcoin and Litecoin.
EasyEFT is also available but can be used by players from South Africa only. Another option is to call customer support on the number we have provided in the table above. The support agents will help you deposit over the phone. No additional costs are associated with the deposits.
The minimum and maximum limits depend on the deposit method you use. You can top up your account with $25 to $500 with the credit cards or deposit anywhere between $5 and $2,000 with e-wallets like ecoPayz.
Deposits with Paysafecard can range between $5 and $300 while those made with the Neosurf vouchers have limits of $10 and $250. Cryptocurrency depositors must comply with limits of $25 and $2,500.
There are but a few options where withdrawals are concerned. Players can cash out the wins from their Slotastic accounts with Bitcoin, MoneyGram, ecoPayz, Skrill, Neteller, checks or wire transfers. The minimum limits on withdrawals are $25 for ecoPayz, $180 for courier checks, and $100 for the other supported solutions. The maximum is $2,500 per method ($3,000 for checks) and $10,000 per week.
You have the option to reverse your withdrawals while the requests are still pending. We personally think this works to the disadvantage of some players. People sometimes get tempted to continue gambling until they give whatever they have won back, so manual flushing is always the more preferable option in our opinion.
So what are the processing times for withdrawals from Slotastic? It all depends on what method you use. The quickest way to cash out would be to use the supported e-wallets or Bitcoin where withdrawals take place instantly after approval. Withdrawals with courier checks and wire transfers may take up to 10 business days.
Unfortunately, there is no good news to report where transaction costs are concerned. If you are looking to avoid extra charges, you should withdraw with the cryptocurrency or the e-wallets. The fees associated with the other available withdrawal methods are eye-watering. You have to pay $30 extra per courier check and $60 extra per wire transfer. You might also end up paying additionally for currency conversion since Slotastic works with USD only.
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Slotastic Mobile Casino

Slotastic provides mobile players with two options. There is a highly functional in-browser application that requires no additional software installation. This enables you to play without wasting any storage space on your smartphone. You simply have to type in the casino’s address in your browser or scan the QR code posted on the website. Android users can download a native app to install on their devices.
We regret to say there is not much versatility for mobile players at Slotastic, though. The in-browser app is home to 100 or so mobile games, most of which are slots. There are around 15 video poker variations including Deuces Wild, RealTime Gaming’s trademark Loose Deuces, and Jacks or Better.
The mobile casino is short of table games, but you still get to play European Roulette, Suit ‘Em Up Blackjack, Classic Blackjack, and Tri Card Poker. Some of the most popular RealTime Gaming jackpot games have also been optimized for play on the go. The biggest pots drop in the progressive Aztec’s Millions.
You can add games to your list of favorites by tapping the star icons next to the thumbnails. Tapping the info button shows you all you need to know about the games you are interested in, from their volatility level to their themes and special features.
Slotastic’s in-browser app compensates with a simplified, yet elegant and user-friendly design. The circular mobile lobby features oversized round buttons that take you to the different categories of games, the cashier, your favorites, the games you have last played, and the main menu, where you can view your bonus coupons, comp points, promotional messages, and the contact page.
The support chat is accessible at all times via a large-size button that remains glued to the lower right corner of your touchscreen regardless of which page you open. Similarly to the desktop version, the mobile casino can be loaded in English only.

Slotastic Casino Games

Slotastic is a relatively small online casino with a gaming library that comprises around 300 distinct games. Note that the full suite is available via the Windows-compatible download software only. Those who access the casino and play in their browsers are facing half the number of options, with a little over 150 titles. This limited choice makes sense considering the casino uses software by a single supplier only.
There is the standard set of RealTime Gaming titles you can play. Slots make for the largest portion of the portfolio although video poker, keno, scratchcards, and tables games are also available. But enough beating around the bush – let’s examine the gaming library in more detail.


This casino is called Slotastic for a good reason. It features a solid collection of RealTime Gaming slots with versatile themes, ranging from ancient civilizations and mythology to magical creatures and Vegas lifestyle. Branded slots like Ritchie Valens La Bamba, The Big Bopper, and The Three Stooges are also included.
Slotastic organizes its slot collection on the basis of reel number, features, and jackpot. The 6-reel titles are a must-try including games like Super 6 and Lucky 6. Some of the slots from RealTime Gaming’s Real Series have randomly triggered local jackpots that can drop on any spin regardless of the amount staked. Some of the most appealing slots from this category include Aladdin’s Wishes, Achilles, Ancient Gods, Cleopatra’s Gold, Fire Dragon, Naughty or Nice, and Ghost Ship.
Hairway to Heaven, Naughty or Nice Spring Break, and Polar Explorer have the so-called “Feature Guarantee”. This ensures players will trigger a bonus feature within a designated number of spins. One example is the slot Aztec’s Treasure where the feature meter is set at 150 spins. Players who choose this slot can have the confidence they will trigger a bonus feature at least once every 150 rounds.
The Win-Win feature some slots are equipped with is equally rewarding but in a different way. It gets activated at the end of a round of free spins if you have generated profits smaller than 8x your triggering bet. You need to play all paylines to benefit from the Win-Win feature, though. Some of the Win-Win slots include Loch Ness Loot, The Three Stooges, and Triple Twister.
Slotastic caters to fans of classic slots with several 3-reel titles like Double Ya Luck, Sevens and Stripes, Scuba Fishing, Santastic, and Jumping Beans. Other slot titles that appealed to us include Cai Hong, Bubble Bubble and its sequel, Enchanted Garden II, Eternal Love, Gods of Nature, and I, Zombie.

Table Games

Slotastic is home to a standard suite of table games that features around 18 variants of roulette, blackjack, and casino poker. Baccarat and craps are also available. Fans of the Devil’s wheel have a choice from American and European Roulette where the bets range between $1 and $50.
Blackjack buffs enjoy a greater versatility, having a choice from the standard version of the game, Perfect Pairs, European Blackjack (this is a no-hole-card game), Face Up 21 (RealTime Gaming’s take on Double Exposure), Pontoon, Super 21, Suit ‘Em Up Blackjack, and Match Play 21.
Several variations of casino poker are also available. You can play against the virtual dealers in a game of Vegas Three Card Rummy, Tri Card Poker, Pai Gow Poker, Caribbean Hold’em (which is pretty much the casino version of Texas Hold’em but with an exotic name), and Caribbean Stud. The baccarat and craps games can be found in the Specialties section.

Progressive Jackpot Games

We counted roughly 75 games with local progressive jackpots. This means the prizes are pooled from bets made on the Slotastic platform only. Respectively, you cannot expect gargantuan pots from these games – their prizes typically escalate to four-figure amounts only. Some of the most popular slots with local pots include Small Fortune, Jumping Beans, Rudolph’s Revenge, Samba Sunset, Secret Symbol, Penguin Power, Paydirt, Mermaid Queen, and Mister Money.
You have a more limited choice if massive pots are what you are after. The casino features several slots linked to a wide-area progressive network, with prizes accumulating across all RealTime Gaming-powered websites.
The pots in Aztec’s Millions and Megasaur are symbol-driven whereas the prize in Spirit of the Inca drops whenever it reaches its boiling point. The jackpot of Aztec’s Millions is way overdue since it has not dropped since 2009. The table games Caribbean Stud and Caribbean Hold’em are also linked to progressive networks.

Video Poker

Fans of video poker are catered to with 14 distinct variations of their favorite game including Loose Deuces, Aces & Eights, All American Poker, Bonus Deuces Wild, Bonus Poker, Bonus Poker Deluxe, Deuces Wild, Double Bonus Poker, Double Jackpot Poker, Jacks or Better, Joker Poker, and Sevens Wild.
Each of the above-listed games is available in the multiple-hand format, with players having a choice from 1, 3, 10, or 52 hands at a time. Just keep in mind each hand you play requires an individual bet. For example, if you are playing five credits of $0.50 per hand in the 52-hand variant of Jacks or Better, you are practically wagering $130 per round.
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Slotastic Licensing and Regulations

Slotastic has not published any information in regard to licensing, ownership, and regulations on its official website, which only works to its detriment. In our opinion, it is common courtesy to inform one’s customers who they are gambling with and under what license. There are no details on who audits the games for fairness and what their theoretical return is. We hope to see higher levels of transparency from Slotastic in the future.
After a little digging on the web, it was established Slotastic allegedly operates under the licensing and regulations of the British Virgin Islands. Customers’ funds and personal information are protected with SSL encryptions.
Slotastic also embraces responsible gambling. Players can self-exclude, take a temporary break from gambling, or set limits on their deposits. The casino does not allow for real-money play from the UK and New Jersey.

Slotastic Customer Support

Slotastic players who need help are facing several avenues of communication with the casino’s support staff. The easiest and quickest way to contact them is via the live chat. The chat facility is staffed at all times of day and night, which is certainly beneficial for the casino’s vast multi-national player base.
The downside is that when all human agents are busy servicing other customers, you may end up chatting with the “friendly” Chat Bot. The latter is pretty much useless since it provides you with a link to the FAQ section most of the times.
You are automatically connected with a real human being as soon as an agent is available, though. The support staff makes an overall good impression with their professionalism and friendliness. You can also drop Slotastic’s support a few lines via email at [email protected]. Support is provided over the telephone as well. The number you need to dial is +1 866 890 6738.


Slotastic has both its downsides and advantages. The biggest positive here is that the casino welcomes play from a huge number of jurisdictions including the United States. Another benefit is that the website is jam-packed with bonuses and promotional incentives. If you are looking for generous offers, this is the place to drop by. We also liked the website’s design. All categories are easy to spot and the games load quickly both on desktop and mobile.
The biggest con here is the absence of regulatory information. As we said earlier, we hope to see this fixed in the future in the interest of transparency. It would have been great if the casino supported more payment options as well.
The gaming library itself is definitely not the most diverse one, with only 150 games in the casino’s flash version. Despite its downsides, Slotastic will appeal to RealTime Gaming fans from the US who insist on fast withdrawals and lots of bonuses.
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Thrills Casino (PNP) Free Spins and No Deposit Bonus

Thrills Casino (PNP) Free Spins and No Deposit Bonus

Thrills Casino Gratis Spins and Free Bonus
Welcome to Thrills Casino - Pay N Play Casino - the best free spins bonuses! Play now and collect no deposit bonus after log in. Exclusive promotions, free play games, progressive jackpots, big winners and fast payments!
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Thrills Casino has been online ever since 2013. The past years have been more than enough for the operator to establish itself as a fan-favourite gambling destination. Over time, the operator has shown that customers are its top priority by providing them with high-quality customer care, excellent bonus offers and user-friendly policies in general. Moreover, Thrills com casino boasts with creativity and uniqueness thanks to its very cool and modern design. All these impressive things pair well with more than 1,400 top-notch gambling games.
Thrills online casino launched as a new and exciting gambling site where players feel appreciated. The first strength of this operator, as well as the most obvious one, is the creative design that features nice colours and several casino mascots. The casino theme is strongly present throughout the entire site. This gives players a sense of belonging as they quickly attach to the mascots and feel more comfortable. A couple of years ago, the operator went through a serious transformation and, as a result, Thrills became a Pay N Play casino. The venue is now a devout promoter of responsible gaming.


Many web-based operators fail to welcome users appropriately. Sadly, not every operator understands the importance of online casino promotions. But Thrills online casino sure does. Thrills com casino is not your run-of-the-mill casino in a way that it does not offer a Welcome Bonus.
Rumours about the non-existent Welcome Bonus swirled around the web, so we personally reached out to the Customer Support to verify the info. And the truth is that there is no Welcome Bonus for newcomers. This is partly due to the fact that the casino is a Pay N Play casino (i.e. all cash transactions to and from the casino go through Trustly) and partly because it is dedicated to safe gaming.
Moreover, the lack of Welcome Offers does not hinder your experience at the venue. If anything, it strengthens it. The operator cares about your safety, and the fact that they eliminated the Welcoming Bonus means they are a safe place to play at.
That still doesn’t mean that there are no other offers at the casino.
When you become a registered player at Thrills com casino, you will instantly become eligible for a myriad offers that fall into the category of Thrills casino bonuses. team made sure to make a sweep of all new Thrills casino bonus codes. You might not need the latest Thrills casino bonus code 2020, but you still get to enjoy Cashback. The best current promo offer at Thrills com casino is the 10% Cashback which you can get every Monday. The formula for calculating Cashback is (bets minus wins (Monday 00:01 – Sunday 23:59 UTC)) * 10%. The minimum amount you can receive as Cashback is €1, while the maximum sum is €1,000. You are always equipped for the best possible experience over at Thrills online casino. As a Pay N Play casino, Thrills online casino always delivers a fast and secure experience.
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The library is the most important part of an offer at a gambling site. Like all our rated and reviewed venues, Thrills casino features hundreds of gambling games. There are over 1,400 games by several well-established game developers like Microgaming, Betsoft and Play’n GO, plus industry-leader NetEnt powers the site. In other words, players can find a game to suit their taste, regardless whether they prefer exciting video slots, traditional classic slots or creative variants of popular table games. Moreover, the venue features a wide range of live dealer games as well, where players can enjoy an authentic casino atmosphere from the comfort of their home.
A list of the games they offer: Live games, Slots, Roulette, Video Poker, Blackjack, Keno, Scratch cards, Bingo, Pai Gow and dozens of others. Regardless of your preference, this operator will deliver the best quality content that you can find in the industry right now. Popular releases like Reactoonz and Book of Dead are right at the top of the featured list. Piggy Riches, Bonanza – you name it. If you decide to check out the latest releases, just switch over to the New Games tab and enjoy the hottest arrivals to the online gambling scene.


In September 2018, Thrills switched to a Pay N Play casino. This means all banking is handled via Trustly through your online bank. When you visit the site, you will instantly get an option to deposit your chosen sum via this banking method. The lack of other payment methods might be off-putting, but we assure you that it is not a problem. Pay N Play casinos (Trustly-powered operators) are safe, easy to navigate and boast speedy transactions.
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Trustly is the only deposit option offered to players of Thrills casino. This deposit method provides instantly processed money transfers that come with zero processing fees.
List of supported online banks for deposits for each country:


  • Danske Bank
  • Forex
  • Handelsbanken
  • ICA Banken
  • Länsförsäkringar
  • Nordea
  • SEB
  • Skandiabanken
  • Sparbanken Syd
  • Swedbank


  • Aktia
  • Ålandsbanken
  • Danske Bank (Sampo)
  • Handelsbanken
  • Nordea
  • Oma Säästöpankki (OmaSp)
  • OP-Pohjola
  • POP Pankii
  • S-Pankki
  • Säästöpankki


  • Comdirect
  • Commerzbank
  • Deutsche Bank
  • Deutsche Kreditbank (DKB)
  • HypoVereinsbank
  • ING-DiBa
  • N26
  • Noris Bank
  • Postbank
  • Sparda Bank
  • Sparkasse
  • Targobank
  • Volksbank/Raiffeisen
Players should keep in mind that the minimum amount of cash they can upload is €10, even though for most of the bonus offers they will have to deposit at least €20. Deposits via Trustly are processed instantly.


Trustly is currently the only withdrawal method featured at Thrills casino. As far as we could see, withdrawals are free of charge. In terms of processing times, the site needs at least 24 hours and up to 5 business days.
List of supported online banks for withdrawals for each country:


  • Danske Bank
  • Forex
  • Handelsbanken
  • ICA Banken
  • Länsförsäkringar
  • Nordea
  • SEB
  • Skandiabanken
  • Sparbanken Syd
  • Swedbank


  • Aktia
  • Ålandsbanken
  • Danske Bank (Sampo)
  • Handelsbanken
  • Nordea
  • Oma Säästöpankki (OmaSp)
  • OP-Pohjola
  • POP Pankii
  • S-Pankki
  • Säästöpankki


  • Comdirect
  • Commerzbank
  • Deutsche Bank
  • Deutsche Kreditbank (DKB)
  • HypoVereinsbank
  • ING-DiBa
  • N26
  • Noris Bank
  • Postbank
  • Sparda Bank
  • Sparkasse
  • Targobank
  • Volksbank/Raiffeisen
There’s no minimum withdrawal amount listed at Thrills casino, but it is highlighted that players cannot cash out more than €50,000 within a 24-hour period of time. Moreover, progressive jackpot winnings over €200,000 must be validated for 30 days before they are paid to the lucky player.
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Guts Casino 100 free spins bonus no deposit code

Guts Casino 100 free spins bonus no deposit code

Guts Casino Free Spins and Welcome Bonus
Get 100 free spins on Book of Dead and a €100 gratis bonus to Guts Casino! This exclusive welcome offer is available via the special bonus link below. Play the best slot machines and table games with free money. Win progressive jackpots every day. No download needed!
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Guts Casino Review

There are some awful casinos out there. Casinos with horrible software, lackluster bonuses, no games or atrocious support. It takes guts to play at one of these “fine” establishments. You’re asking for a headache the minute you fill out the application and click submit. So why not join a better casino instead; like the one and only Guts Casino?
Now, you won’t hear me say they’re the best UK casino or anything like that. They’re not backed by a publicly traded company and there are some things they could do better. But if you’re looking for a solid casino with hundreds of games, mobile compatibility, generous offers and speedy banking, then fits the bill. Don’t take our word for it, though. Read our review below and decide for yourself.

Get FREE Money & FREE Spins

Guts Casino has a couple of promotions running right now. What I like about them is they combine free money with free spins. Their main offer is a €100 bonus with 100 free spins on their Vikings slot machine. This offer has a 30x rollover and will expire after 30 days. It cannot be used for table games, either.
That’s the main offer anyway. There are more promos running in the background up for grabs.
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NO SHORTAGE of Games Here

Honestly – any casino could make it by just fine working with only Microgaming. They have hundreds of games. But didn’t stop there. They also work with Betsoft, NetEnt, Play’n GO, and a few others. The result? More than 700 games for you to play. And not just more of the same old stuff – there’s a TON of variety of here.
Take a look for yourself at some of the games that you can play at this online casino:
  • Video Slots – Choose from nearly 300+ titles. A few that caught my attention include Game of Thrones, South Park, Superman, Dark Knight and the Osbournes.
  • Classic Slots – Nearly 30 options that include your standard fruit and diamond themes.
  • 3D Slots – Nearly 40 options, mostly thanks to BetSoft. I recommend checking out Madder Scientist, Rockstar, Tycoons, The Slotfather and Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde.
  • Live Casino – A tad more than 20 live options that include different variations of blackjack, baccarat, casino Holdem and roulette. Keep in mind these are only for real money play.
  • Blackjack – There are 28 different options including live dealer, single deck, Pontoon and Pirate 21.
  • Roulette – More than 10 options including American, European, live and auto.
  • Table Games – Nearly 15 options including Punto Banco, Baccarat, Casino Holdem, Pai Gow, Caribbean Stud and Red Dog Progressive.
  • Video Poker – Only 6 options which include Aces and Eights, Bonus Deuces Wild and Jacks or Better.
  • Jackpots – 29 options which include Mr Vegas and the Dark Knight – my favorites.
  • Other Games – A tad more than 30 options including bingo, lottery games and scratch cards.
No download necessary – everything runs from your browser. They have a mobile casino, too, with more than 100 games. Their mobile casino is compatible with your iOS, Android, BlackBerry or Windows phone or tablet.
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Funding Your Account

You can use any of the following options to fund your account:
  • Visa – 2.5 percent fee
  • MasterCard – 2.5 percent fee
  • Trustly
  • Neteller
  • Skrill
  • Webmoney
  • PaySafeCard
  • UKash
  • Bank Transfer
The min. deposit is €10 and the max is €5,000.
To cash out you can use:
  • Visa
  • Neteller
  • Skrill
  • Webmoney
  • Bank Transfer
The min. cash out is €20 and the max is €10,000. Each one will cost you €2.50. The fees suck, but what makes up for it (kind of) is that Guts tries to process all withdrawals within 2 hours of your request. That’s pretty much unheard of in this industry.

Should You Check Them Out?

We give Guts Casino an A-. If they fixed the issues I pointed out above (the fees and non-existent table game bonus), I’d have no problem giving them an A …maybe an A+. You just can’t go wrong with their massive game selection – for both the web and mobile users. Sorry, US players, looks like you’re missing out again. Everyone else – check out Guts Casino.
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Jackpot City Casino 25 free spins bonus on Immortal Romance (Exclusive)

Jackpot City Casino 25 free spins bonus on Immortal Romance (Exclusive)

Jackpot City Casino Gratis Spins and Free Bonuses
If you are a new player to Jackpot City Casino, then take advantage of 25 free spins on Immortal Romance! This is an exclusive welcome bonus on of $1600 free cash bonus.
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Jackpot City Casino Full Review

Jackpot City Casino is an international gaming site which includes nearly 500 online casinos, mobile casino, live dealer games, and lottery-style games. Jackpot City is compatible with desktop or mobile software, so customers can play using an Android phone, iPhone, iPad and Windows PC. Players also can bet in the web browser without a download. Jackpot Casino City is licensed by the Malta Gaming Authority and the Kahnawake Gaming Commission.
Jackpot City Casino provides a $1,600 welcome bonus for new players. This cash is spread over your first 4 deposits, which makes it easy to collect the full bonus. Jackpot City accepts all major credit cards, as well as e-Wallets like Skrill and Neteller. Payouts are fast by industry standards, while every transaction use 128-bit SSL encryption technology.

Jackpot City Casino Review Summary

Jackpot City Casino is a long-established and trusted online casino. The site was launched in 1998, so it has a 20-year history of satisfying customers with cutting-edge games and reliable payouts. Though it’s old by industry standards, in our Jackpot City Casino review we noticed that it provides the trendiest games on the market today: live baccarat, roulette, and blackjack dealers.
Jackpot City Casino uses Microgaming and Evolution Gaming software to present the games, so the casino has nearly 1,000 popular games. Players can play progressive slots with over $6 million in jackpots or choose from over 40 variations of blackjack and over a dozen forms of roulette.
Jackpot City Live Casino has 8 different live dealer games, including two live baccarat games and two live table poker games. Mobile players can play over 150 casino games, including Microgaming’s best online blackjack and roulette. Jackpot City Casino’s mobile slots list includes some of the most popular video slots in the world, including progressive jackpot slots and licensed slots.
Bonus Amount: $1,600
Platforms Supported: Microsoft and Windows.
Type of Casino: Online, Download, Instant Play, Mobile.
Number of games: 1,000+
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Payment and Processing Information

Jackpot City Casino has a tremendous number of deposit and withdrawal methods. If you have a single preferred method of payment, the chances are great that Jackpot City Casino supports it. When it’s time to withdraw your winnings, JackpotCity has a pending time of a day or two. Keep in mind that individual payment methods have their own delays.
Read through the expected delivery times to determine which is the best payment method for you.
  • Methods: MasterCard, Visa, Visa Delta, Visa Electron, NETELLER, PayPal, Skrill, Moneta.RU, Transferencia Bancaria Local, WebMoney, ecoPayz, eKonto, Postepay, Qiwi Wallet, EntroPay, iDebit, InstaDebit, Yandex, Check/Cheque, eCheck, Courier Check, Bank Wire Transfer, Direct/Local/Fast Bank Transfers, and EFT (Wire Transfer).
  • Limits: $4,000 Euros per week withdrawal limit. VIP players should negotiate withdrawal terms with the cashier.
  • Expected Withdrawal Times:24 to 48-hour pending process.
    • EWallet cashouts: 24 to 48 hours.
    • Credit Card and Debit Cards: 2 to 6 days.
    • Bank Transfers 3 to 7 business days.
    • Cheques arrive in 14 to 21 days.
  • Methods: MasterCard, Maestro, Visa, Visa Delta, Visa Electron, NETELLER, PayPal, Skrill, Skrill 1-Tap, iDeal, Paysafecard, Trustly, Citadel Instant Banking, Postepay, Abaqus, Euteller, mpass, Neosurf, Pago en Efectivo, todito Cash, GiroPay, MB Multibanco, MoneySafe Prepaid Card, Qiwi Wallet, Transferencia Bancaria Local, AstroPay Card, Boleto Bancario, Przelewy24, Reverse Withdrawal Request, SEB Bank: Direct Bank Transfer, DineroMail, eps, ecoPayz, Moneta.RU, eKonto, EntroPay, iDebit, InstaDebit, WebMoney, Payforit, Teleingreso, Yandex, Bank Wire Transfer, eCheck, and Direct/Local/Fast Bank Transfers.
  • Limits:No deposit limits are imposed.
  • Expected Deposit Time: Instant. Deposits should appear in your account instantly.
Jackpot City Casino offers different withdrawal limits, depending on the VIP level the player attains. Jackpot City Casino’s Loyalty Programme is a 6-tier program based on the collection of loyalty points. From blue level to diamond level, each time you reach a new plateau, you’ll receive benefits, including 5% to 20% tier bonuses, personal account managers, and higher withdrawal rates.
Jackpot City Casino’s Loyalty Programme accumulates points for all the Cityviews Group websites, including Spin Palace, Ruby Fortune, and Mummy’s Gold Casino.
  • Limits Increased: Yes. The default withdrawal limit is €4,000 per week.
  • Customer Support: 1-800-890-3304
  • Email Address: [email protected]
  • Phone number: +44-800-917-8547
  • Response Time: Inquiries responded to instantly via Live Chat. Withdrawals within 48 hours.
  • Live Chat: Yes.
  • Languages: English, Spanish, French, German, Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish, Polish, English (EU), Latvian, Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese (Brazilian), and Turkish.
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Jackpot City Live Casino Games

Jackpot City Live Casino is powered by Evolution Gaming Live, the leading live dealer provider in the online casino industry. Jackpot City Casino Live features 8 different table games. The list includes multiple tables of Live Blackjack, Live Baccarat, and Live Roulette, so players can bet at limits appropriate to their bankroll. Players also can play live dealer versions 3-Card Poker, Caribbean Stud, Ultimate Texas Hold’em, Dream Catcher, and Baccarat Squeeze.

Live Dealer Blackjack

In the live dealer blackjack tables, players will be able to find two types of blackjack variants: Classic Blackjack and Party Blackjack.
  • Available Blackjack Tables: Only 2 tables, each with 7 seats, but has the “Bet Behind” feature, meaning you can bet on other players’ hands until you’re seated.
  • Betting Limits: £/€/$25 to £/€/$300

Live Dealer Roulette

Classic European Roulette, French Roulette, Double Ball Roulette, Speed Roulette, Dual Play Roulette, and Mini Roulette. Live dealer tables have multiple camera angles, so you get the action you want in real-time.
  • Available Roulette Tables: 24 in total, but the number of open tables depends on the time of day.
  • Betting Limits in General: £/€/$10 to £/€/$500

Live Dealer Baccarat

Playing live dealer games eliminates the need for random number generators and video simulations. This is the way baccarat is meant to be played, with real card decks. Players will be able to find live dealer Punto Banco and Baccarat Squeeze at Jackpot City Casino.
  • Available Baccarat Tables: 35
  • Betting Limits: £/€/$1 to £/€/$500

Live Dealer Poker

At Jackpot City, players will be able to find three types of live dealer poker, including Three Card Poker, Caribbean Stud Poker, Live Ultimate Texas Hold’em Poker. In live dealer, poker gamblers have the easy controls and hand histories, combined with the camaraderie and excitement of real-life poker casino gaming.
  • Available Poker Tables?: 1
  • Betting Limits: £/€/$1 to £/€/$1000

Live Dream Catcher

Dream Catcher is a spinning wheel game. Live hostesses spin a wheel of fortune with various prizes on the wheel. If you play slot machines a lot, then Dream Catcher is similar to the U-Spin bonus games on a Bally Technologies slots or IGT’s Wheel of Fortune bonus game.
  • Available Dream Catcher Tables: 1
  • Betting Limits: $0.10 to $1,000
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Jackpot City Bonuses and Promotions

JackpotCity Casino has a $1,600 deposit bonus, a bitcoin bonus, daily and weekly bonuses, and a loyalty program fit for penny players and high rollers alike. JackpotCity Casino’s bonuses and promotions are competitive with other international online casinos. The first bonus you’ll receive is realistic, while the rollover requirements are better than most online casinos. Players even are allowed to play blackjack and video poker to satisfy the wagering requirements.

$1,600 Deposit Bonus

The main deposit bonus at JackpotCity Casino is $1,600. This welcome bonus offers 100% up to $400 on your first four deposits, making it an attainable offer which many customers should have a realistic chance of maxing out. The playthrough requirement is 50x the bonus.
Games that have wagering requirements:
  • Video Poker
  • Blackjack
  • Roulette
Games excluded from the wagering requirement are Craps, Baccarat, Table Poker, Casino War, Red Dog, and Sic Bo.

Deal-a-Day Bonuses

The Deal-a-Day Bonus renews every 24 hours. On your first deposit of the day, no matter what day of the week it is, you’ll receive a special deposit bonus.
These deals change all the time, but there are several important things to remember:
  1. You receive a bonus anytime you make a single deposit in the day.
  2. If you plan to make one deposit in a week, check the current Deal-a-Day bonus list to see which daily bonus you prefer.
  3. If you plan to make multiple bonuses in a day, make sure your first deposit of the day is the biggest, because that’s when you’ll get the biggest advantages.

Special Bonuses

JackpotCity Casino also has country-specific bonuses, birthday bonuses, and special holiday bonuses. Again, these are tailored to fit your country of residence, so it’s impossible in a short space to list all the promotions. Most of these are unannounced giveaways. When you sign up, ask the Jackpot City cashier about special bonuses.

Jackpot City VIP Club

The Jackpot City VIP Club has a number of advantages, including tier bonuses at 5 different levels and the ability to trade loyalty points for cash. You can use loyalty points to buy freerolls into lucrative tournaments. To advance to the next VIP level, you’ll need to accumulate loyalty points. Every 10 credits you receive become 2 to 3 Loyalty Points, depending on the types of games you’re playing. Slots, keno, and scratchcards are worth 3 loyalty points, while most table games and video poker games are worth 2 loyalty points. Players receive auction points alongside loyalty points, which can be used to bid on Jackpot City Casino merchandise.
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Games Offered at Jackpot City Casino

Jackpot City Casino has a comprehensive set of online casinos games. Microgaming designed all the online slots, video poker, and table games, so the list of online blackjack and roulette is huge. Microgaming has one of the largest collections of slots titles, with over 400 video slots. That includes licensed slots with real clips and soundbites from famous pop culture franchises, along with a long list of progressive jackpot slots. The current biggest jackpot on a JackpotCity Casino progressive slot is over $6 million.

Table Games

Players receive can play several dozen table games at Jackpot City Casino, including multiple versions of baccarat, blackjack, and roulette. Fourteen variations of roulette are available, including European Roulette, American Roulette, and French Roulette. Most versions of roulette include gold series titles with enhanced graphics, while several have VIP and high limit versions for those who prefer high stakes roulette.
  • Baccarat
  • Multiplayer Baccarat
  • Craps
  • Mahjong
  • Sic Bo
  • Pai Gow Poker
  • 3-Card Poker
  • Cyberstud Poker
  • Casino War
  • American Roulette
  • European Roulette
  • European Roulette Gold
  • European Roulette Gold High Limit
  • European Roulette Gold VIP
  • French Roulette
  • French Roulette Gold
  • French Roulette Gold VIP
  • Multi-player Roulette
  • Multi Wheel European Roulette Gold
  • Progressive Roulette Royale
  • Bank Buster Roulette
  • Premier Roulette
  • Premier Roulette Diamond Edition

Blackjack Games

I’ve separated JackpotCity Casino’s list of blackjack games, because it’s notable how many variations are available. If you’re a blackjack player, you can play almost any version of blackjack you prefer.
The list includes Atlantic City Blackjack, which has a return-to-player of 99.74%. You can play European Blackjack Gold or High Streak Euro Blackjack, which have RTPs in the 99.60% to 99.65% range.
If you study the basic strategy charts for those blackjack variants in order to receive the optimal house edge, you can stretch your bankroll at Jackpot City Casino blackjack like few other online casinos. Sign up today to try JackpotCity Casino’s blackjack games.
  • Atlantic City Blackjack Gold
  • Bonus Blackjack Gold
  • Double Exposure Blackjack Gold
  • High Streak European Blackjack Gold
  • Big 5 Blackjack Gold
  • Big 5 Blackjack Multi Hand Gold
  • Blackjack Multihand
  • European Blackjack Gold
  • Hi/Lo 13 European Blackjack Gold
  • Premier Hi/Lo 13 Euro Blackjack Gold
  • Spanish 21 Blackjack
  • Multi-Hand Spanish 21 Blackjack Gold
  • Multi-and Vegas Downtown Blackjack Gold
  • High Stakes Blackjack
  • High Stakes Blackjack Gold
  • Multi Hand Atlantic City Blackjack Gold
  • Multi Hand Atlantic City Blackjack Gold VIP
  • Multi Hand European Black Jack Gold Series
  • Multiplayer Blackjack
  • Multiplayer Blackjack Gold
  • Premier Multi Hand European Blackjack Gold
  • Premier High Streak Euro Blackjack Gold

Video Poker

Blackjack City Casino’s video poker selection includes the essential video poker games, including Jacks or Better, Deuces Wild, and All Aces. All Aces is the version of video poker not included in the wagering requirements, meaning All Aces is considered quite advantageous for the player. Once again, you’ll need to study All Aces video poker strategy charts to optimize your play.
  • All Aces Poker
  • Jacks or Better Video Poker
  • Aces and Faces Poker
  • Deuces Wild Poker
  • Tens or Better Poker
  • Poker Pursuit
  • Double Double Bonus Poker
  • All American

Video Slots

Microgaming online casinos tend to have a huge number of 3-reel, 5-reel, and even 7-reel video slots. Jackpot City Casino is no different. JackpotCity contains the best progressive video slots from Microgaming and licensed slot machines.
JackpotCity Casino also has popular real money online slots like Break da Bank, Lotsaloot, and Rhyming Reels — which all have produced whole series of games, due to their popularity with fans.
Online slots fans can spend a lifetime trying out JackpotCity Casino slots, so get started today.
  • Mega Moolah (Progressive)
  • Major Millions (Progressive)
  • Treasure Nile (Progressive)
  • The Dark Knight (Progressive)
  • The Lord of the Rings (Progressive)
  • Terminator 2
  • Bridesmaids
  • Tomb Raider
  • Jurassic Park
  • Girls with Guns: Jungle Heat
  • Break da Bank
  • Couch Potato
  • Halloweenies
  • Karaoke Party
  • Bridezilla
  • Dino Mite
  • Forbidden Throne
  • Kathmandu
  • Hexaline
  • Lotsaloot
  • Rhyming Reels
  • Wheel of Wealth

Specialty Games

Specialty games is a catch-all category for the games you might not find in a brick-and-mortar casino. The list includes lottery and raffle-style games like real money keno. It also includes arcade games, including what casinos sometimes call “amusement with prizes”.
JackpotCity Casino has examples of lotto games and arcade games. The site also has games based on Ludo, a cross-and-circle game which is similar to Parcheesi (India: Pachisi) or Sorry.
Several are excellent mini-games for bettors who enjoy poker or sports betting.
  • Keno
  • Crown and Anchor
  • Spingo
  • Three-Wheeler
  • Ballistic Bingo
  • 75-Ball Bingo
  • 75-Ball Bingo (Swedish Variant)
  • 90-Ball Bingo
  • Boxing Bet (Ludo)
  • Cash Matrix (Ludo)
  • Cops and Robbers (Amusement with Prizes)
  • Flip Card (Scratch Game)
  • Fruitopia (Bingo Mini Game)
  • Lady Luxor (Amusement with Prizes)
  • Pharaoh’s Gold (Bingo Mini Game)
  • Roulette Stax (Amusement with Prizes)
  • Scratch Card (Scratch Game)
  • Slots-n-Robbers (Bingo Mini Game)
  • Spot Kick (Ludo)
  • Touchdown Glory (Ludo)
  • Vegas Vega (Bingo Mini Game)
>> Get Free Credits Now >>


Jackpot City Casino has a huge selection of games, so any online casino bettor should be satisfied. Online slots players have hundreds of options, including some of the biggest progressive jackpot slots on the Internet. Those who like licensed slots can play world famous games, while old school players who like 3-reel classics should be satisfied. Table game players should be thrilled with the selection, especially if they play Roulette or Blackjack. The video poker category leaves a little something to be desired, but all the essential video poker games are available. The specialty games list is full of surprises. The VIP player rewards program provides big cashback bonuses and rewards points with several advantages.
Jackpot City Casino is one of our recommended online casinos, so sign up, deposit, and play at Jackpot City casino to enjoy hundreds of slots and all the top table games. Whether you enjoy online or live dealer casino games, Jackpot City Casino is your choice. And if you’ve never tried Evolution Gaming live dealer games, sign up and test your skill at one of Jackpot City Casino’s great live dealer tables.
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All Slots Casino 50 gratis spins bonus no deposit required

All Slots Casino 50 gratis spins bonus no deposit required

All Slots Casino Free Bonus Games
We have a special offer for new players to All Slots Casino. Collect 50 No Deposit Free Spins on Dragon Dance now! Also, get $1500 free credits after deposit!
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The Basics About All Slots Casino

All Slots Casino has been around for nearly two decades now, having first launched their site in the year 2000. They are owned and operated by the Jackpot Factory Group. Other casinos owned by that organization that you may have heard of include Wild Jack Casino and All Jackpots Casino. All Slots Casino is licensed by the Malta Gaming Authority, so it’s safe to say they can be trusted.

The Casino

This casino has teamed up with five well-respected software providers to develop a diverse gaming library for their players. They have games by Evolution Gaming, Genesis Gaming, Microgaming, NextGen, and Rabcat. I was particularly excited to see Microgaming on their list of providers because as the world’s first online casino software provider, they are known for offering high-quality games with high entertainment value.


Whoa, there is a lot of variety here! As someone who could spend hours playing slot games, it’s important that I have a lot of slot games to choose from. Lucky for me, this casino has over 500 slot games available. Themes vary drastically, as they have traditional themes and modern themes alike.
If you are looking for a suggestion on which game to play, let me recommend Karate Pig. This slot game is packed full of colorful graphics and advanced animation effects. It has wild symbols, scatter symbols, free spin opportunities, multipliers, bonus games, and more. If that doesn’t sound interesting enough, then try any of the other awesome slot games I have listed below!
  • Avalon II
  • Bar Bar Black Sheep
  • Battlestar Galactica
  • Big Break
  • Break Away
  • Bridesmaids
  • Bust the Bank
  • Cabin Fever
  • Chain Mail
  • Classic 243
  • Cool Buck
  • Dolphin Quest
  • Dragonz
  • Fish Party
  • Game of Thrones
  • Germinator
  • Gold Factory
  • Hellboy
  • Hitman
  • Hot Ink
  • Jungle Jim
  • Jurassic Jackpot
  • Jurassic Park
  • Jurassic World
  • Lady in Red
  • Lost Vegas
  • Lucky Leprechaun
  • Lucky Witch
  • Mad Hatters
  • Max Damage
  • Mermaids Millions
  • Monster Mania
  • Peek-a-boo
  • Piggy Fortunes
  • Playboy
  • Pollen Nation
  • Pollen Party
  • Reel Gems
  • Reel Strike
  • Retro Reels
  • Scrooge
  • Shoot!
  • Silver Fang
  • So Many Monsters
  • Stardust
  • Starlight Kiss
  • Steam Punk Heroes
  • Sure Win
  • Tarzan
  • Terminator 2
  • The Osbournes
  • Thunderstruck & Thunderstruck II
  • Tomb Raider
  • Trick Or Treat
  • Twister
  • Victorian Villain
  • Watts Up
  • What On Earth

Table Games

All Slots Casino’s table game section was impressive. They offer several variations of the classic games like blackjack and roulette, while also offering some of the more obscure games like Spanish 21 and Triple Pocket Holdem Poker.
If you have never played Triple Pocket Holdem Poker before, then I certainly recommend doing so. Triple Pocket Holdem Poker is a unique variation of Texas Hold’em that allows you to hand over your two pockets cards to the dealer if you are not happy with them. You can then have those cards redealt, giving you an additional chance to improve your hand. The graphics and sound effects in this game were very realistic, creating an authentic gaming experience.
  • 3-Card Poker
  • American Roulette
  • Atlantic City Blackjack
  • Baccarat Gold
  • Big Five Blackjack
  • Bonus Pai Gow
  • Classic Blackjack
  • Craps
  • Double Exposure Blackjack
  • European Blackjack Redeal
  • French Roulette
  • High-Speed Poker
  • Hold’em High
  • Multi Wheel Roulette
  • Spanish 21
  • Super Fun 21
  • Triple Pocket Holdem Poker
  • Vegas Downtown Blackjack
  • Vegas Strip Blackjack

Video Poker

Out of all the games available at online casinos, I have always enjoyed video poker more than all of the rest. It’s one of the only casino games that tests your skills and gives you the opportunity to gain an advantage over the casino. I was impressed by the sheer amount of choices this casino had to select from. My top choice was Cyberstud Poker. This video poker game by Microgaming is very similar to Caribbean Stud Poker, but it offers even more ways to win. If you land a royal flush, you will walk away with the game’s progressive jackpot! Rumor has it that it reaches six figures on a regular basis! Woot!
  • Aces & Eights
  • Aces & Faces
  • All Aces
  • All American
  • Bonus Deuces Wild
  • Bonus Poker
  • Cyberstud Poker
  • Deuces & Joker
  • Deuces Wild
  • Double Bonus Poker
  • Double Double Bonus Poker
  • Double Joker
  • Jacks or Better
  • Joker Poker
  • Louisiana Double
  • Poker Pursuit
  • Tens or Better

Live Dealer Games

For those of us who live hours away from a decent casino, online casinos are our only option when it comes to getting our gaming fix. Live dealer games offer the most surreal experience, which is why I was disappointed to find such limited options here. They don’t offer craps or European roulette: two options that I typically find at other online casinos. Hopefully, they step up their game and make additions to this list in the near future. As far as what they do have available, I found all of those games to be of average quality.
  • Baccarat
  • Blackjack
  • Caribbean Stud Poker
  • Casino Holdem
  • Private Blackjack
  • Roulette
  • Three Card Poker

Specialty Games

While this casino doesn’t offer any keno or bingo games, they do offer a decent selection of scratch tickets. There are a variety of different themes to choose from, and they all come with a relatively low RTP, considering they are scratch cards. If you love basketball, then I recommend playing Slam Funk. This fun-loving game has both a basketball theme and a ’70s theme, giving you the chance to win up to 250x your initial stake.
  • Dawn of the Bread
  • Dragons Fortune
  • Flip Card
  • Game Set and Scratch
  • Granny Prix
  • Hairy Fairies
  • Halloweenies
  • Lucky Numbers
  • Mumbai Magic
  • Slam Funk
  • Wild Champions

Banking Options

There are numerous baking options to choose from at All Slots Casino. They allow credit cards, debit cards, eChecks, e-wallets, wire transfers, and more. All deposit/withdrawals are free from added fees, which maximizes how much of your bankroll you can actually spend on playing your favorite games. The only major downside I saw when researching their banking options was their strict $5,000 a week withdraw limit that is in effect when your withdrawals total 5x or more your deposits.

Bonus Promotions

All Slots Casino offers a generous welcome bonus, but they fail to offer any limited-time-only bonuses or ongoing bonuses. Their welcome bonus comes with a fairly standard 30x playthrough requirement, so it shouldn’t be difficult to qualify for. They make up for their lack of bonuses by offering a lucrative rewards program; every player is automatically enrolled in it the moment they open an account on the site. More information on the welcome bonus and the rewards programs can be found below.

Welcome Bonus

1st Deposit

  • 100% match bonus up to $250
  • 30 free spins on Jungle Jim

2nd Deposit

  • 50% match up to $250
  • 20 free spins on Dragonz

3rd Deposit

  • 50% match up to $500
  • 20 free spins on Pollen Party

4th Deposit

  • 50% match up to $600
  • 30 free spins on Lost Vegas

Mobile Compatibility

All Slots Casino offers an app that consists of their full suite of high-quality games. Unfortunately, this app is only available for Android users. Those who own Apple, Blackberry, and Windows devices will have to visit this casino via their phone’s web browser. There are fewer games to choose from, especially in terms of table games. I also experienced some lagging while playing their live dealer blackjack game; it caused me to forfeit the game I was playing and lose my initial bet. To say I was irritated would be an understatement.
>> Get Your Free Bonus Now <<

Customer Service

There are five different avenues you can use to connect with one of All Slots Casino’s customer service representatives.


Live Chat

  • Representatives available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year
  • Instant replies

Phone Number

  • 0-800-917-4615
  • Representatives available Monday through Friday: 8am-6pm
  • Replies within 72 hours


  • Representatives available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year
  • Instant replies


  • Representatives available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year
  • Instant replies


All Slots Casino provides players with a wide range of slot games and table games from five trusted software providers. They also have over a dozen banking options that are free from added fees. You’ll find their customer service team and bonuses to be very beneficial. Could they improve their user interface and the mobile version of their site? Sure, but these things won’t stop me from playing at this site altogether.


All Slots Casino’s pros outweigh their cons. If slot games and table games are what you live for, then I recommend checking this casino out for yourself! Their secure banking options and their knowledgeable customer service team will ensure you have a great gaming experience.
>> Get Your Free Bonus Now <<
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pai gow poker online casino games video

Pai Gow is but one of the popular online casino games. We’ve googled the most popular casino games and decided to list them and link to resources you can read more about each game itself. Use this page to find quality information about all the major casino games you can play live and online. An exciting Chinese game redesigned by Betsoft developers. Pai Gow was its name, but Pai Gow Poker by Betsoft revised edition still carries the day. This card game is getting its place in online gambling, and Betsoft version makes it simpler. Appealing visuals and beautiful tables set the player mood before a bet. Play Pai Gow Poker Online in 2021 - We've found you the Top 10 Pai Gow Poker sites, with the largest real money games & exclusive bonuses up to $£€1,500. we’ve included below of standard online Pai Gow Poker games. Live Dealer Pai Gow Poker. Another online Pai Gow Poker format is the live dealer option. Here, instead of playing a computerized version of the game, you’ll enjoy the benefit of getting to see live action from a casino. With this format of the game, you’ll still place all of your bets virtually. As you play along, you’ll see Other than those two things, online pai gow poker’s straightforward. Most, if not all, online casinos offer it, though it will be harder to find a mobile-friendly version unless the casino runs on HTML. This is especially true for US-facing casinos. They often have a smaller selection of (mobile) table games and prefer to offer more mainstream games, like blackjack. The best way to know for Pai Gow Video Poker is a great double-hand poker version of a classic Chinese dominoes game. Join us at India to try your hand at this fun game. Unlike traditional 5-card poker games, this one is played with seven cards in a hand. Cards come from a single 52-card deck which also includes one joker. Pai Gow Poker Try Pai Gow Poker online for free in demo mode with no download or no registration required. Return to player. Unknown Game Type. Video poker Popularity. Very low . Game provider. Arrow's Edge Available on. Mobile, Desktop Winlines/Ways to win. Unknown About game Pai Gow Poker is a video poker game by Arrow's Edge. You can learn more about the game, its rules, and how to play it Pai gow poker is the American version of pai gow – a Chinese dominoes game. Pai gow was introduced to the US market by Sam Torosian, who invented it based on the Asian model. Sadly for him, he didn’t patent it and ended up losing a potential fortune. The game quickly gained popularity and nowadays is considered a classic. Pai Gow Poker Try Pai Gow Poker online for free in demo mode with no download or no registration required. Return to player. Unknown Game Type. Video poker Popularity. Very low . Game provider. Realtime Gaming Available on. Desktop Winlines/Ways to win. Unknown About game Pai Gow Poker is a video poker game by Realtime Gaming. You can learn more about the game, its rules, and how to play it in Pai Gow Poker is a fun card game played in online casinos. Most developers have a casino online version of the game you can play for real money. The game is played between one player and the dealer. After an initial bet, both players are dealt seven cards (a joker is also included in the deck).

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